Treatment In Israeli Clinics

Treatment In Israeli Clinics
Treatment In Israeli Clinics

Treatment in Israeli clinics

Good health is one of the main values of human life. Feeling healthy, full of strength and energy, not getting sick with any diseases is the ultimate dream of any sane person. But health is a complex and fragile matter. Numerous medical studies conducted around the world show that health is made up of a number of factors.

The greatest influence, in percentage terms, is exerted by the lifestyle that a person leads - 40%. Whether he is engaged in physical activity, whether he eats healthy food, whether he observes the daily routine, whether he has bad habits, all these factors are very important.

20% is a genetic, hereditary predisposition to certain deviations and diseases. This is perhaps the most unshakable factor, because not a single person is able to change their own genes.

Another 20% is accounted for by ecology, which is also a rather difficult topic, since not everyone has the opportunity to move to another place, more climatically suitable, with cleaner water and air.

The last 20% is medical care. To our great regret, the healthcare system in Russia is in a frankly deplorable state: insufficient funding, lack of new equipment and medicines, a shortage of qualified personnel, poor service, and inflated prices for paid services.

Treatment in Israeli clinics: indications and benefits
Treatment in Israeli clinics: indications and benefits

Why do you need medical tourism?

Life expectancy in the Russian Federation is one of the lowest. But medical tourism is developing every year. Russians are being treated abroad for all forms of cancer, infertility, heart and nervous system diseases.

The most popular in this regard are European countries, as well as the United States of America and Israel. At the same time, treatment in Israel has a special advantage - Russians do not need a visa when entering the country for up to 90 days. Such treatment abroad is much more comfortable, reliable and profitable than attempts to receive similar assistance in domestic medical institutions.

What are the benefits of treatment in Israel?

Israel is one of the most developed countries in the world in the field of healthcare:

  • Israel ranks 1st in the world in life expectancy among men (80 years) and 3rd in life expectancy among women (84 years);
  • Israel has a compulsory health insurance system for all citizens;
  • funding for healthcare and medicine is one of the highest in the world;
  • unlike Russia, Israel buys only the best medical equipment and pharmaceuticals;
  • the state is also famous for its high level of personnel training in the field of medicine, Israeli doctors are among the best in the world;
  • there is excellent service and first-class service personnel;
  • Israel is at the forefront of the use of experimental treatments;
  • it is Israel that accounts for the highest percentage of medical discoveries and inventions, as well as health research.

What is being treated in Israel?

Probably, there is no such disease that has not been diagnosed and treated in Israeli multidisciplinary clinics. Israel has achieved particular success in the following areas:

  • oncology. The cancer diagnosis is one of the worst in the world. Nevertheless, all types and forms of cancer are treated in Israel, using the latest technologies and methods, including bone marrow transplant;
  • diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system. Heart attack and stroke, ischemic heart disease, arrhythmia, tachycardia, atherosclerosis - these and many other diagnoses are driven into a stupor, but Israeli doctors have been fighting them for a long time and quite successfully, returning even patients with the most severe or advanced cases to a normal and full life;
  • dermatological diseases. Chronic eczema, psoriasis, various types of dermatitis are very popular diseases in modern society, where bad ecology, coupled with bad heredity, give a sad result;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system, bones and joints. These include various forms of arthrosis and arthritis, scoliosis, rickets and many other diseases and abnormalities. Even advanced cases are treated in Israel;
  • ophthalmology. This area of medicine in Israel is at the highest level: with the help of seamless operations, on laser equipment, glaucoma and cataracts are treated here, lost vision is restored, strabismus and other visual impairments are relieved;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The consumer society is accustomed to having a snack on the go - hence indigestion, intestinal microflora disorders, gastritis and ulcers. Israeli doctors also do an excellent job with these diseases;
  • infertility. The most terrible diagnosis for any woman who dreams of becoming a mother. Hormone therapy, surgery, insemination, IVF - these are the main methods of infertility treatment in Israel;
  • neurodegenerative diseases: Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Pick's diseases, silver grain disease and many others. All these diseases have one thing in common - the gradual fading of vital and mental functions. Doctors of Israel help their patients to maintain a sober mind and the ability to independently move and take care of themselves for as long as possible.

Which clinics are the best known?

Most of the popular Israeli clinics are located in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv, here are some of them:

  1. Assuta. It is considered the best clinic in Israel. Treatment in Assuta can be done on such profiles as cardiology, gynecology, dermatovenerology, oncology, ophthalmology, gastroenterology. In addition, the treatment in Assuta has a special advantage: foreign patients have full support for the entire stay in the clinic;
  2. Hadassah. Here, special attention is paid to surgery, neonatology and pediatrics, so that you can come here to improve health not only for adult patients, but also for children;
  3. Shiba. Here the predominant, profile areas are gynecology, urology, surgery and orthopedics.

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