Games For The Development Of Creativity

Games For The Development Of Creativity
Games For The Development Of Creativity

Games for the development of creativity

Games for the development of creative abilities are interesting for children of any age. They develop the child's fantasy, imagination, teach him the ability to create beauty with his own hands, which will definitely come in handy in the future. This is an important component of the aesthetic development of children, which must not be overlooked.

Games for the development of creative abilities - types, materials and methods
Games for the development of creative abilities - types, materials and methods

What is used to develop creativity

Most often, when they talk about the creative development of a child, then, first of all, this is understood as his artistic ability to express his own thoughts. Creative games for children often use tools and materials such as paints, pencils, plasticine, colored paper and cardboard, glue and scissors.

But creative education is a broader concept, it includes the development of acting talent, and the degree of mastery of verbal art, and imaginative out-of-the-box thinking, and invention. It is important to develop all this in the child in the aggregate, as it makes his personality richer and brighter.

Some games to develop creativity in children

"Ask without words." The purpose of this game is to get the child to ask his question without using words. The main condition is not to speak out loud or even with your lips, and the question should be as specific as possible. It is best for this to come up with a special environment in which the pronunciation of words and sounds is generally impossible, for example, in the conditions of another planet due to the scattering of sound waves in its atmosphere. It is allowed to ask using:

  • Gestures;
  • Body postures;
  • Mimicry.

As soon as the question is understood, the answer to it must also be given in a silent form. This game for the development of creativity is very fun, suitable for a company of several children. She develops artistic skills, fluency in her body language and helps to overcome feelings of embarrassment.

"Inventor". In this game, the child learns to use the most common objects in a creative and unconventional way. This game for the development of creativity teaches the reception of reformulation, that is, to highlight some properties that are insignificant for the usual purpose of this object. The material for the game is the most ordinary objects, and you need to come up with as many options for their unconventional use, including useful ones. For example, a regular wooden ruler might serve as:

  • Bookmark in the book;
  • Divider in the filing cabinet;
  • Support for a grown indoor plant;
  • Small toy bench;
  • Building element of a computer;
  • The basis of a frame for photos.

"Skillful fingers". This game for the development of creativity in children develops a non-standard vision of objects. It is also based on reformulation, but it specifies the specific material for which it is necessary to find an application, not the subject. You should name as many items as possible that can be made using this material. For example, clay - you can make from it:

  • Flower vase;
  • Earthenware;
  • Stove;
  • Stucco molding;
  • Bricks;
  • Figurines.

If there are 2 teams playing, the winner is the one that names the most areas of application. The material can be called:

  • Air;
  • Water;
  • Glass;
  • The cloth;
  • Plastics, etc.

"Pantomime". This creativity development game develops the ability to think and be creative in solving various problems. At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary that the idea can be realized in reality - you can come up with the most ridiculous and fantastic solutions, it is only important that there are many of them.

The most fun creative games for kids
The most fun creative games for kids

Pantomime develops acting skills, body language and sign language. In addition, the child learns to create original images, that is, to include an imaginary object in new connections, and also to choose the most original of all the proposed images.

No special material is required for the game. It is necessary to depict some scenes from life or fairy tales, and the child must guess them. For example, a monkey rejoices at a banana found, a rabbit steals a carrot in a vegetable garden, a little bear is eating honey, the oven bakes pies, etc.

You can put forward as many ideas as possible about what the player is portraying, the main thing is not to be afraid that they will turn out to be wrong. After the child guesses the pantomime of an adult, you should offer him to play the main role and also try to guess what he is portraying. At the end of the game, you need to share your thoughts on what was portrayed well and what was not.

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