The consequences of a miscarriage
Miscarriage is known to be the reason why 20% of all pregnancies are terminated.

Usually, such a spontaneous abortion occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy, so it is during this period that you need to be especially careful. Often, a miscarriage occurs when a woman does not even suspect that she is pregnant, and perceives the discharge after a miscarriage as another menstruation.
The reasons for a miscarriage are different - stress, heavy lifting, an unhealthy lifestyle, or a violent fall. Many young girls who find themselves in a position want to provoke a spontaneous abortion without thinking about the consequences of a miscarriage. Fear of parental anger or lack of funds prompts young and inexperienced women to act rashly, the consequence of which can be infertility. The consequences after a miscarriage can be different, depending on the period of time a woman consults a doctor. Early detection of a miscarriage can sometimes help doctors save the life of the child, while delay in seeking medical care can lead to the death of the mother.
In view of all of the above data, every woman needs to know what are the causes, symptoms and consequences of a miscarriage in order to protect herself from such an unfavorable process.
Symptoms, causes and consequences of miscarriage
The most common symptom of an impending miscarriage is bleeding, which should alert a pregnant woman. They also talk about possible miscarriage and back pain, dizziness, pain in the uterus and ovaries. The consequences of a miscarriage, in addition to physical malaise, infertility and disease, can also be psychological. Some women recover within a few months; for some, depression can last for more than a year. The best way to get rid of this miscarriage effect is to get another pregnancy.
The causes of a miscarriage are not always identifiable; the most common among those that have been identified during studies of this process in the female body are hormonal disorders, genetic predisposition, genital infections, uterine disorders, chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus incompatible with life, various infections, tissue rupture and autoimmune factors.
The most common cause and consequences of miscarriage is a lack of progesterone in a woman's body - the most important hormone for maintaining pregnancy. It is this hormone that is responsible for the success of the implantation of the ovum, and, accordingly, its lack in the mother's body leads to the rejection of the fertilized egg. An equally common cause of miscarriage is an excess of male sex hormones - androgens, which suppress the production of progesterone and tarragon. Genetic compatibility of future parents is equally important for a successful pregnancy. If the mother's blood Rh factor is negative, and the father's is positive, the woman's body will perceive the fetus as a foreign body and will begin to reject it.
Serious consequences after miscarriage are observed when a woman turns to traditional medicine to provoke a spontaneous abortion. The longer the gestation period, the higher the risk of death of the mother, since, having decided to provoke a miscarriage with the help of traditional medicine, she does not take into account that the tissues of the formed fetus will begin to come out together with the discharge after the miscarriage, and some of the dead tissues and membranes will remain in a woman's uterus. Therefore, the longer the gestation period, the more tissues will be in the uterine cavity, and, accordingly, the higher the risk of death, since these tissues begin to rot inside the woman, poisoning the body.
The consequences of a miscarriage in early pregnancy are not serious and do not threaten the life and health of a woman. Doctors-gynecologists advise, for preventive purposes, to perform curettage of the uterus after a miscarriage, and then, after 2 weeks, to carry out a control ultrasound.
It is widely believed that the consequence of a miscarriage is repeated termination of pregnancy. Alas, according to statistics, it is true, however, it takes place only in cases where the cause of the miscarriage has not been established, or, having established it, the woman has not received adequate treatment.
Thus, the consequences of a miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy, if a woman consults a doctor on time and does not use traditional medicine, are not negative for her life. In cases where medical care is not provided on time, uterine bleeding may occur, accompanied by a large loss of blood, which cannot be stopped independently at home.
Consequences of miscarriage: prevention
Prevention of this condition is a necessary measure for every woman who has had a miscarriage in her life. At first glance, a number of necessary measures to neutralize the possibility of miscarriage seem to be a difficult task, but if you think about it, the consequences of a miscarriage can be so dire that any difficulties become not so impossible.
First of all, a woman who wants to get pregnant must prepare for this event in advance. Both she and the future father of the child must undergo thorough examinations, check their genetic compatibility, because a miscarriage can occur due to the incompatibility of the Rh factors. If the test results are negative, then the woman should be prepared for the preservation of the desired pregnancy begin at an early stage.
In the presence of any infectious diseases, high-quality treatment of the body is necessary, and only after that can we talk about conceiving a child. During pregnancy, keeping in mind the consequences of a miscarriage, it is better for a woman to be in public places less often, avoid stressful situations and generally try to get only positive emotions.

If the expectant mother has such bad habits as smoking and alcohol abuse, pregnancy planning can take place only one year after getting rid of them.
Women, whose first pregnancy occurs at the age of 35-40 years, should be especially careful with respect to their own health, regularly examined in the antenatal clinic and at the gynecologist.
Of course, no one can be notified of force majeure situations in advance, so the risk of injury and stress is always present in the life of every pregnant woman. The only thing a woman can do is to avoid physical exertion, discuss with her doctor the possibility of using sedatives such as valerian or motherwort tincture when stressful situations arise, and, of course, avoid bumps and falls on the stomach.
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