Cleaning After Miscarriage - Indications, Technique, Consequences

Cleaning After Miscarriage - Indications, Technique, Consequences
Cleaning After Miscarriage - Indications, Technique, Consequences

Cleansing after a miscarriage

Cleaning after a miscarriage is a surgical procedure in which the cervix is dilated with special instruments, and then the upper layer of the uterine cavity is scraped out.

Indications for cleaning after miscarriage
Indications for cleaning after miscarriage

This procedure is necessary when, during spontaneous abortion, the uterine cavity is not cleared of fetal membranes or parts of the ovum. With bleeding after a miscarriage and symptoms of infection, the curettage procedure is carried out immediately. Whether cleaning is needed after a miscarriage can only be determined by a doctor based on an examination.

Curettage procedure after miscarriage

Before cleaning after a miscarriage, the doctor directs the patient for a coagulogram (laboratory study of blood clotting), for general blood tests. Additionally, a woman's body is examined for the presence of various infections. Before scraping, shave the hair in the pubic area and give an enema. Next, a gynecological examination is carried out, during which the doctor determines the shape, location and size of the uterus.

Cleaning is carried out on a gynecological chair. To prevent infection, the cervix and vagina are treated with antiseptics before the operation. When scraping, the upper layer of the uterine lining is removed using a special instrument (curette) or a vacuum system. This procedure is quite painful, so it is performed under general or local anesthesia.

The entire cleansing procedure after a miscarriage takes fifteen to twenty minutes. To exclude repeated curettage and complete cleaning of the uterine cavity, sometimes cleaning after a miscarriage is combined with hysteroscopy.

After the operation, a woman may feel pain in the lower abdomen for several hours or even several days. This pain is similar to that of the menstrual cycle. This does not require any special treatment.

Immediately after scraping after a miscarriage, bloody, profuse discharge often appears. Normally, this bleeding can last up to ten days after surgery. If bleeding stops immediately after a miscarriage, this may indicate an accumulation of blood clots in the uterine cavity.

After scraping, fragments of the uterine lining can be sent for a special genetic study in order to find out the specific cause of the miscarriage.

If a woman has taken any medications and nutritional supplements before the operation, then it is necessary to inform the doctor about this. For pain relief, you should not eat or drink anything after a miscarriage eight hours before brushing.

The consequences of cleaning after a miscarriage

After cleaning after a miscarriage, blood clots can accumulate in the uterine cavity, and inflammatory processes can begin in the mucous membranes of the uterus. Such complications after curettage in very rare cases can even lead to the development of infertility.

Therefore, after the operation, the patient must observe hygiene, monitor the nature of the discharge, and regularly measure body temperature. With a sharp increase in body temperature, rapid cessation of bloody discharge, you should immediately consult a doctor to prevent the possible development of complications.

Pregnancy after scraping procedure

Cleaning after a miscarriage is a psychological and physical trauma for the body.

Curettage after miscarriage is normally accompanied by profuse bleeding
Curettage after miscarriage is normally accompanied by profuse bleeding

Therefore, after scraping and before planning the next pregnancy, time must pass for the body to recover. Usually, specialists are allowed to plan the next pregnancy three to six months after the operation. This takes into account the patient's age, her general condition, health and the rate of recovery of the body.

The cleaning itself after a miscarriage significantly thinns the endometrium. When pregnancy occurs, immediately after curettage, the placenta may not form properly, and this will lead to serious complications.

During curettage, the cervix can also be injured, and its holding force is disturbed, which can further provoke a miscarriage in the future.

If pregnancy nevertheless occurs immediately after the operation, then you need to take special care and carefully follow all the doctor's prescriptions.

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