Diseases During Pregnancy

Diseases During Pregnancy
Diseases During Pregnancy

Table of contents:


Diseases during pregnancy

Diseases accompanying pregnancy
Diseases accompanying pregnancy

Getting sick, of course, is bad in any case. But there are states when it is especially undesirable to get sick, and one of these conditions is pregnancy. Despite the fact that pregnancy is natural for a woman, and in itself is not a cause of deterioration in health, at this time the body works for two, and therefore is in a vulnerable position. This means the need for a careful and responsible attitude towards your health. Speaking of diseases during pregnancy, they mean two categories of diseases: the first is a woman's diseases acquired by her before pregnancy, and the second is a woman's diseases that appeared during pregnancy.

Both the one and the other group of diseases during pregnancy require close attention from doctors, since even a long-standing slight ill health, which a woman knew about, and which she did not particularly annoy her earlier, during gestation can behave unpredictably. During pregnancy, treatment is difficult, since many drugs have undesirable effects on both the woman's body and the fetus, and some are not well understood and can be potentially toxic, and there is no risk in such a case. Therefore, of course, it is advisable to plan a pregnancy, and to prepare for a planned one in advance, having cured the existing pathology. Then diseases during pregnancy will not poison you either the happy months of waiting for the baby, or his subsequent life.

If the disease appeared during pregnancy, then no matter how trifling it may seem to the woman herself, it is still better to consult the obstetrician with whom it is observed, and not to self-medicate. For example, in women with a predisposition to varicose veins, hemorrhoids often appear during pregnancy. This is not too dangerous, and it can be completely treated at home, but the doctor should still prescribe this treatment, since even with local exposure we are talking about vascular disease, and the vascular system cannot be isolated, it covers the entire body, during pregnancy, the fetus also …

Seek medical attention immediately if you are pregnant with symptoms
Seek medical attention immediately if you are pregnant with symptoms

Viral diseases during pregnancy should also be treated with a special approach. Even such a fearless illness as the flu, transferred in early pregnancy, can have the most unpleasant consequences for the fetus. Of course, this is not at all necessary, because the body is not defenseless. And yet there is such a possibility, and there is too much at stake to take risks. Therefore, the conclusion is as follows. Having any diseases during pregnancy, you must immediately seek medical help, and the sooner, the better, and having received a doctor's prescription, you must carefully follow them. A responsible approach to your health will certainly be rewarded with the birth of a healthy and strong baby.

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