How to choose an orthopedic mattress

A mattress is called orthopedic when it supports the spine of a person lying on it in the most physiological position for him. How to choose an orthopedic mattress so as to achieve exactly this position, and why is it needed at all? During the day, we load the spine, and it is no secret that we do not always know how to properly distribute the load, and most people usually distribute it incorrectly. Sleep is the time when the spine can get rest and "come to its senses", but only on condition that the person sleeps in the correct physiological position. This is why it is important to know how to choose a good mattress.
First, you need to understand that there is no single mattress design that would be orthopedic for everyone. People are very different, and what is perfect for one person is completely unsuitable for another. For example, when asking different people how to choose an orthopedic mattress, you can often come across the following statement: an orthopedic mattress is the one that is most cruel, and in general, for back health, it is better to sleep on a hard surface.
This statement is not always true. For a person of thin build, this will not support the spine in a physiological position, for people with lumbar pain, such a mattress will cause a lot of suffering, in bedridden patients it will contribute to the formation of bedsores, and the elderly risk not falling asleep at all on it, or wake up with aching bones and joints. Does this mean that hard mattresses are not orthopedic? Does not mean. They are orthopedic - for obese people and adolescents who still have a skeleton.
Therefore, the answer to the question "How to choose an orthopedic mattress" sounds like this: based on individual characteristics. It is necessary to take into account the complexion of the person for whom the mattress is chosen, his age, the presence of chronic diseases. Therefore, before choosing an orthopedic mattress, it would be nice to consult an orthopedist, especially if a person has problems with the osteoarticular apparatus.
Mattress size is also important, but not key. It should
fit the size of the bed and be comfortable for the person. Again, for short people, almost any mattress is suitable, for example, a 190 by 110 mattress, for tall and large mattresses, larger mattresses are needed.
General advice on how to choose an orthopedic mattress are as follows: people who are overweight want hard mattresses, thin - soft, normal build - medium hard. People with lower spine conditions do better on soft mattresses, while people with upper spine conditions do better on hard mattresses.
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