Why A Carbohydrate-free Diet Is Dangerous

Why A Carbohydrate-free Diet Is Dangerous
Why A Carbohydrate-free Diet Is Dangerous

Why a carbohydrate-free diet is dangerous

Why a carbohydrate-free diet is dangerous
Why a carbohydrate-free diet is dangerous

Diets are as fashionable as clothing, cars and restaurants. One of the most fashionable at present is the carbohydrate-free diet. This is the general name for diets with a sharply limited amount of carbohydrates, which include such "celebrities" of the dietary world as the Atkinson diet and the Kremlin diet. Since they have been in vogue for several years, doctors have accumulated quite serious "compromising evidence" on this type of diet, and they classify a carbohydrate-free diet as the most harmful of radical diets.

Why is a carb-free diet so attractive? First, everyone has heard that carbohydrates make you fat. Secondly, the rest of the components, proteins and fats, can be consumed without serious restrictions. Well, who doesn't like a diet that allows you to eat a good piece of sausage, a couple of slices of tasty meat, a leg of a fragrant chicken without remorse? It is a pity that there is no bread, but the diet is the same. In fact, the consequences of such illiteracy in relation to the work of the body are dear to supporters of a carbohydrate-free diet.

With an increased protein load, they suffer in order of priority:

  • the stomach, in which the increased secretion of hydrochloric acid begins, and as a result, the acidity increases, and this is a direct path to gastritis and ulcers;
  • the intestines, in which, due to a lack of fiber in the food lump, stagnation occurs, putrefactive microflora develops, constipation begins, which leads to poisoning of the whole organism;
  • the liver, which bears an enormous load due to the formation of a huge amount of toxic substances, protein breakdown products;
  • kidneys on a carbohydrate-free diet with a high protein content cannot cope with the elimination of excess amino acids.

As a result, a serious metabolic disorder occurs, in practice it is a global malfunction of the whole organism, since the activity of most vital organs is disrupted. A person on a carbohydrate-free diet loses weight, yes. But he is definitely not healthy.

What should be a carbohydrate-free diet
What should be a carbohydrate-free diet

Carbohydrates are essential for the normal functioning of the body. Not all of them are useless, but only easily digestible ones: sugar, all types of sweets, baked goods, sweets, chocolate and other confectionery products, sweet carbonated drinks and similar joys. You can refuse such carbohydrates without hesitation, the body will only be grateful to you. And cereals, coarse bread, durum wheat pasta, honey, fruits, freshly squeezed juices - these are carbohydrates that are needed for a balanced diet, suppliers of necessary components, consumed in reasonable quantities, do not form fat. Are you still ready for a carb-free diet?

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