Why Is The Wrong Bite In Children Dangerous?

Why Is The Wrong Bite In Children Dangerous?
Why Is The Wrong Bite In Children Dangerous?

Why is the wrong bite in children dangerous?

Why is the wrong bite in children dangerous?
Why is the wrong bite in children dangerous?

The very name "wrong bite" already suggests that with such a violation there will be health problems. Why it is so important to have a correct bite, why thousands of children wear orthodontic plates and braces, this is our talk today.

One of the most common problems in children with malocclusion is early tooth decay. This is due to the fact that in the wrong position, the load on the teeth is uneven, not physiological. So, one of the most common pathologies is a deep bite. This increases the already high load on the chewing teeth, especially on the first molars. They play a decisive role in the correct position of the temporomandibular joint. Their destruction or loss always affects the function of the joint, of course, not for the better.

Joint diseases generally refer to those that are difficult to treat, and the temporomandibular joint is also one of the most complex in structure, and the most important in the body. Using the example of a deep bite, we examined how joint pathology is formed, but this is just one of the options. In fact, the joint suffers from any kind of malocclusion.

The oral cavity is the initial section of the digestive system. In case of malocclusion, the main function of this department always suffers - chopping food. Because of this, the food lump enters the gastrointestinal tract not well formed, which causes problems with its further digestion and absorption. Poor chewing accompanies all occlusion disorders without exception.

Correcting a malocclusion in childhood is easy
Correcting a malocclusion in childhood is easy

Another problem that children with malocclusion face is the formation of specific facial features. Sometimes such features can be a highlight of the appearance, but more often such a “highlight” is undesirable, especially for girls.

Some malocclusion can be detrimental to the functioning of the respiratory system. Such violations include an open bite. Children with this disorder practically do not breathe through the nose, and mouth breathing is known to have disadvantages. The main ones are that the air does not undergo additional filtration, and enters the respiratory tract uncleaned, and besides, it does not get warm. This leads to constant colds, and inevitably weakens the immune system.

Considering all of the above, it is better to correct a malocclusion, especially since it is usually not so difficult to do this in childhood.

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