The effect of the smell of men on women

We have all heard more than once that women love with their ears. It would be more correct to say that women love with their ears and noses, and it remains to be seen how much more. Biologists say that noses and that a man's smell plays an important role in his attractiveness. More than a dozen years have passed since the discovery of pheromones - volatile substances produced by the surface glands of animals and insects, one of the tasks of which is to attract individuals of their own species of the opposite sex. It turned out that not only silkworms produce these substances, but humans too.
Surprisingly, pheromones, possessing a colossal force of influence, do not smell recognizable by the nose. They are produced by glands located in the armpits, folds of skin, and therefore can mix with the smell of sweat and other secretions, which is why it is said that a man's sexual smell is provided by his sweat. This is not entirely true, otherwise it would not have been necessary to invent neither scented soaps, nor colognes, nor deodorants. Sweat itself, especially stale, does not carry anything particularly attractive in itself, but mixed with pheromones, it becomes a bait for women.
It is the scent of a man that is responsible for love at first sight, according to many researchers. Unlike biologists, sociologists are sure that it is not only about pheromones, although their role is not denied. In fact, a smell can say a lot about a person, it is non-verbal information perceived and processed by both the subconscious and conscious. The biological notification system "friend or foe" plays no less important role in society than in the animal world.
The smell of a man consists of many separate smells: the smell of his body, which also depends on the degree of cleanliness, the smell of hygiene products and care products, his clothes, which have absorbed the smells of the street, gasoline and the smells of his surroundings, the smell of tobacco, if a man smokes, the smell of food and drinks he

uses (coffee, citrus fruits, onions, garlic, etc.), the smell of his place of work … Hundreds, if not thousands, of such smells are combined into one smell of a man.
All this information is "read" by the woman's nose. “Fit,” her nose tells her, and the woman falls in love. The nose will say: “Not good,” and even if you break it, you won't be able to fall in love. Although who knows, maybe the old wisdom of those times, when women were married off without asking their opinion, “will endure, fall in love” is explainable just from the point of view of smells? Living together, a woman envelops a man with her “own” scent: a common house, clothes bought together, surroundings … And there, when the man's scent has become suitable, perhaps love will come.
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