Melaniform nevus
The content of the article:
- The reasons
- Kinds
- How melanoform nevi of the trunk and other parts of the body manifest
Signs of malignancy
- Diagnostics
- Treatment
- Prevention
- Video
Melanoma nevus is a type of age spots (moles), a skin neoplasm that is formed from melanocytes (skin cells that produce melanin) and under certain conditions can become malignant.

Melanoma nevus can be located anywhere on the body
The reasons
Birthmarks, or nevi, are benign formations on the skin and mucous membranes, which can appear even in the prenatal period and have different sizes.
The melanocytes from which the melaniform nevus is formed are tree-like cells that perform a protective function by secreting melanin in response to exposure to UV radiation on the skin. Melanin protects the skin and can color the skin, hair and eyes. Melanocytes are localized in the skin, the retinal epithelium (pigmented part), the vascular layer of the ocular analyzer, and the inner ear.
All melanin-containing skin lesions can be congenital and acquired. Melaniform nevi can be both, but congenital often only appear in adolescence.
The appearance of this type of moles depends on the person's age, skin type, as well as hormonal changes. They are often of unspecified origin.
Risk factors include:
- diseases of the liver, pancreas;
- weakening of immunity;
- papillomavirus infection;
- pregnancy;
- diabetes;
- heredity.
In children, the first years of life are practically not formed. About 90% of the population under the age of 15 have birthmarks. After 30 years, the number of moles that appear usually decreases. With aging, the number of birthmarks on the skin decreases.
Melanocytic nevi are classified into:
- epidermal - have a rounded or oval shape and a smooth surface, hairs can grow from the neoplasm;
- dermal - may have a flesh color, be covered with a few hairs and look like plaques;
- mixed.
How melanoform nevi of the trunk and other parts of the body manifest
Melaniform nevi are formed on the trunk, face, neck, limbs, scalp. They have the following characteristics:
Characteristic | Description |
Variability | Throughout a person's life, moles of this type can appear and disappear, their size and color can also change, neoplasms can more and more protrude above the surface of the skin. If the mole changes quickly, for example, it grows quickly, or if the changes are traumatic or inflammatory, you should see a doctor. |
Colour | Since melanocytes are the source of melanin in the body, melanoform nevi are brown in color with varying degrees of saturation. In some cases, such moles may have a bluish tint. |
Hairs | Moles can develop hairs that are usually stiffer and darker than elsewhere. When trying to remove hairs from them, moles can become inflamed and sore. |
Soreness | They are painless, pain can appear only when injured. |
Moles, due to a certain anatomical location, can be injured - for example, by seams or fastenings of clothing. But the main danger is that moles can become malignant, that is, they can degenerate from a benign neoplasm into a malignant tumor - melanoma.
Risk factors for malignancy of moles:
- genetic predisposition;
- history of melanoma;
- decreased immunity;
- the presence of a large neoplasm in a person (the larger the area the formation occupies, the higher the risk of malignancy);
- the presence of more than 50 nevi on the body;
- regular exposure of the skin to direct sunlight and / or ultraviolet radiation from artificial sources;
- a history of sunburn;
- exposure to the skin of ionizing radiation;
- the location of the mole in places of friction of the skin (for example, if the neoplasm often comes into contact with clothes and linen), its frequent injury;
- age over 50.
Signs of malignancy
The early symptoms of malignant transformation of the neoplasm include:
- the appearance of tingling and / or itching in the area of the mole;
- discoloration (may darken, lighten, color may become uneven);
- the appearance on the surface of roughness, bumps, cracks, areas of peeling;
- bleeding;
- development of a reddish rim of inflammatory origin.
Signs of melanoma can include:
- asymmetry;
- uneven color;
- uneven edges;
- large size and / or rapid growth of the neoplasm.

Melanoma is a malignant tumor that can develop from a melaniform nevus
Diagnostics is carried out on the basis of the collection of complaints and anamnesis, examination of the mole with a dermatoscope, computer diagnostics, in doubtful cases - biopsy.
To clarify the diagnosis, blood and urine tests, magnetic resonance imaging, X-ray examination of bones, etc. can be performed.
Treatment of a nevus usually consists in its removal, which can be carried out using various methods.
Method | Description |
Cryodestruction | The neoplasm is exposed to low temperatures (liquid nitrogen, carbonic acid), pain and discomfort are absent, after healing at the site of the mole, no traces usually remain. Several sessions may be required to completely remove the formation. |
Electrocoagulation | The mole is exposed to a high frequency electric current. Since the procedure is quite painful, it is performed under local anesthesia. The method is not suitable for removing large moles. |
Laser therapy | When a laser is applied to the affected area, the patient usually does not experience pain, there is no scar on the skin, however, the skin at the site of exposure may acquire a lighter shade. |
Radiosurgical method | Non-contact tissue excision is performed using a radio knife, the method can be used for benign and malignant neoplasms, not suitable for removing large moles |
Surgery | It is used to remove large neoplasms that are in hard-to-reach places, malignant (in the latter case, the adjacent part of the skin is excised together with the formation). After the operation, a scar may remain, so they resort to it only in cases where other methods are contraindicated. |
Self-medication is strongly discouraged. When trying to self-remove such neoplasms at home, the risk of malignant transformation increases significantly.
In order to prevent malignancy of the neoplasm, it is recommended:
- Eat a complete and balanced diet.
- Avoid exposure to carcinogens.
- Avoid excessive sun exposure, especially for fair-skinned patients with a large number of moles on the body, use sunscreen.
- To refuse from bad habits.
- Avoid drying out the skin.
- Avoid injury, especially chronic, moles.
It is recommended to regularly examine the skin lesions for changes: the occurrence of pain, itching, cracks, bleeding. If any are found, you should contact an oncodermatologist. Melaniform nevi, which appeared in a person 30-40 years of age and older, should be observed especially closely.
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Anna Aksenova Medical journalist About the author
Education: 2004-2007 "First Kiev Medical College" specialty "Laboratory Diagnostics".
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