Rice diet
The rice diet is a nutritional system that promotes weight loss and detoxification. There are several options for the rice diet, but the seven-day diet is most commonly used.
Rice is a traditional food product for Asian people who are rarely overweight. At the heart of the diet is the property of rice to remove excess fluid, toxins and toxins from the body. This product is useful because it contains proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, sodium, iron and other substances necessary for normal life.
An important condition for the effectiveness of this nutritional system is the use of only whole brown rice, the grains of which have preserved the bran shell and the germ layer, which contain most of the nutrients. Do not use white or parboiled rice for this diet.
To avoid the return of the dropped kilograms after the end of the rice diet, it is necessary to get out of it correctly: gradually introduce meat and dairy dishes into the diet during the week, and eat unrefined cereals for lunch and dinner (rice, gray pasta, bran bread).

Benefits of a Rice Diet
The rice diet is effective - you can lose 3-5 kg of excess weight in a week. Rice satisfies hunger quite well, so diet breakdowns are rare.
Another benefit of the rice diet is its cleansing properties. Losing weight on it get rid of harmful waste products, as a result of which the general state of health and appearance improves, and the tone increases.
Disadvantages and contraindications of the rice diet
The rice diet belongs to low-calorie food systems, so after its completion, extra pounds can quickly return.
The rice diet lacks meat dishes, which is not very good for health. This restriction is not easy for people who are accustomed to eating meat.
Those who lose weight on a rice diet often suffer from constipation, as rice has fixing and astringent properties. In addition, rice can bind and remove from the body not only toxic substances, but also a number of useful substances (in particular, potassium), therefore, with prolonged adherence to the rice diet, brittle hair and nails, unhealthy skin color, weakness and bleeding of the gums may appear. You should not adhere to this diet for more than seven days.
The rice diet is contraindicated in any acute or chronic disease, it is not recommended for children and adolescents, the elderly and weakened people, pregnant and lactating women.
What foods are allowed?
During the rice diet, the following foods are allowed:
- brown (unpeeled) rice;
- vegetables, fruits, herbs;
- milk and dairy products of low fat content, fat-free sour cream;
- nuts, seeds;
- dried fruits (raisins, dates, figs);
- olive oil, fruit vinegar (for dressing);
- green tea, freshly squeezed juices, still mineral water.
What foods are prohibited?
The list of foods prohibited from a rice diet includes all those that are not listed as allowed, including sugar and salt.
Rice Diet Menu
Example of a rice diet menu for seven days:
First day |
Breakfast: boiled rice (60 g dry grains) with lemon zest, seasoned with lemon juice, a medium-sized apple, green tea. Lunch: vegetable broth, rice with herbs, seasoned with 1 tsp. olive oil and 1 tsp. fruit vinegar, fresh vegetable salad (150 g). Dinner: steamed vegetable broth, rice with zucchini and carrots. |
Second day |
Breakfast: rice with orange zest, seasoned with 1 tsp. sour cream, orange. Lunch: vegetable broth with boiled vegetables and rice. Dinner: vegetable broth with boiled vegetables and rice. |
The third day |
Breakfast: boiled rice with cinnamon. Lunch: vegetable broth, rice with mushrooms fried in olive oil (150 g), cucumber salad dressed with olive oil and vinegar. Dinner: vegetable broth, steamed rice with broccoli. |
Fourth day |
Breakfast: rice with milk, fruit salad with rice flakes (1-2 tablespoons). Lunch: vegetable broth, steamed rice with carrots, radish with a few leaves of green salad. Dinner: vegetable broth, rice with a pinch of sunflower seeds and finely chopped parsley. |
The fifth day |
Breakfast: rice with raisins or grapes and grated almonds (1 tsp). Lunch: vegetable broth, steamed rice with vegetables, a large portion of herbs seasoned with olive oil (1 tsp). Dinner: vegetable broth, boiled rice with chopped walnuts (1 tablespoon), green onions (2 tablespoons), grated celery root (2 tablespoons), steamed spinach. |
Sixth day |
Breakfast: boiled rice, figs (1-2 pcs.), Dates (2 pcs.), Walnuts (4 pcs.), Medium-sized pear. Lunch: vegetable broth, rice with cucumber salad, sweet pepper, fresh mint, seasoned with olive oil (1 tsp). Dinner: vegetable broth, rice with sour cream (1 tbsp. L.), Honey (1/2 tsp.) And apples (1-2 pcs.). |
Seventh day |
Breakfast: rice with apple and pear, seasoned with honey (1 tsp) and a few drops of lemon juice, yogurt. Lunch: vegetable broth, steamed rice with green beans, tomato, green salad. Dinner: vegetable broth, steamed rice with zucchini, with the addition of olives (5 pcs.), Olive oil (1 teaspoon) and basil. |
Useful Tips
Tip 1. It is recommended to drink apple juice, but always between meals.
Tip 2. Instead of green tea, you can drink red tea and herbal infusions.
Diet characteristic | final grade |
Duration: 7 days |
3.5 out of 5 The rice diet, subject to all the rules, helps not only to lose weight, but also to cleanse the body of toxins. However, one should not get carried away with this food system - with prolonged use, it can be harmful to health. |
Recommended frequency: every 3 months | |
Weight loss rate: | |
Safety: | |
Variety of products: |
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