Diet 3 Kg Per Week, Month - Menu, Features

Diet 3 Kg Per Week, Month - Menu, Features
Diet 3 Kg Per Week, Month - Menu, Features

Diet 3 kg

Features of the diet menu minus 3 kg
Features of the diet menu minus 3 kg

The diet should be selected depending on how long the goal is to lose weight by 3 kg. Typically, with a low-calorie diet, this result can be achieved in 3-4 days. During fast diets, or so-called fasting days, the diet is poor in proteins, dietary fiber and minerals. As a result, you can really lose extra pounds, but most often they come back, because during such diets, the goal is not to change the lifestyle and diet, which led to excess weight. In this case, usually a diet minus 3 kg for several days is accompanied by poor health and irritability caused by a constant feeling of hunger.

The most optimal time to lose weight on a 3 kg diet is a month. During this time, you can not only get rid of excess fat, but also, by changing the diet and getting rid of bad habits, improve health and well-being.

Diet 3 kg in 3 days

There are different types of diets minus 3 kg in three days. Although they have different names, diets share many similarities, and none of them are based on reliable medical research. It is believed that the 3 kg diet in a short period of time began to be taken back at the end of the 20th century, when slender female figures began to come into fashion.

Most often, the diet of 3 kg fast diets includes fish, mainly tuna, and various vegetables and fruits. Also, as a rule, a prerequisite is to drink at least 1-2 liters of water per day.

The first day of the most common 3-day diet of 3 kg consists of:

  • Breakfast - a glass of black tea or coffee without sugar, 1/2 grapefruit, 1 toast with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter. In some cases, grapefruit can be substituted for grapefruit juice;
  • For lunch, you can eat 100-150 g of tuna, 1 slice of black or bran bread and drink black coffee or tea;
  • Dinner should consist of 100 g of boiled lean meat, 100-150 g of beans, 1 apple, a glass of carrot or beetroot juice and a portion of vanilla ice cream.

The second day includes:

  • For breakfast - 1 boiled egg, 1 slice of bread, 1/2 banana, black coffee or tea;
  • Lunch includes 100-150 g of cottage cheese or boiled tuna and six salted crackers;
  • For dinner, you need to eat 100-150 g of vegetable salad with cabbage, 1/2 banana, 1/2 cup of vanilla ice cream and drink 1/2 cup of carrot juice.

The diet of the third day of the 3 kg diet consists of:

  • Breakfast - 1 apple, 30 g of Cheddar cheese, 5 salted crackers and a glass of black tea or coffee;
  • For lunch, you should eat one boiled egg, 1 slice of bread and drink a glass of tea;
  • Dinner includes 100-150 grams of boiled or steamed tuna, 100 grams of boiled cauliflower, 100 grams of melon, a glass of carrot juice, and 1/2 cup of vanilla ice cream.

Also, in order to lose weight on a 3 kg diet in three days, you can adhere to other diets. The jockey diet menu includes:

  • 1 day - chicken baked without salt, which must be divided into three meals during the day;
  • Day 2 - 300 g of veal baked without salt, which should be eaten during the day;
  • 3rd day - only 4-5 servings of coffee without sugar.

The 3 kg vegetarian diet consists of:

  • 1 day (vegetable) - vegetable juice, 4 baked tomatoes and tea with lemon or coffee for breakfast, cucumber salad with onions and lemon tea for lunch, stewed or boiled vegetables and lemon tea for dinner;
  • Day 2 (fruit) - apple and citrus salad (orange or grapefruit) and coffee or tea with lemon for breakfast, 1/2 melon and fruit salad for lunch and dinner;
  • Day 3 (fruit and vegetable) - during the day you can eat grapefruits and boiled potatoes.

Diet 3 kg per week

Typically, weekly 3kg diets are also low in calories and are not recommended by nutritionists.

One of the diets 3 kg per week is based on buckwheat porridge. The author of the diet suggests eating 1 glass of buckwheat, poured in 500 ml of boiling water in the evening, during the week. Permitted beverages include tea (herbal or green) and low fat kefir.

Diet with a diet of 3 kg
Diet with a diet of 3 kg

A kefir diet of 3 kg per week is also widespread. At the same time, there is a tough option, in which it is proposed to drink only kefir for seven days, and a milder one that allows other products in the diet. So, in addition to kefir, during the first two days, the use of boiled rice is allowed, the third and fourth - boiled chicken (without skin), 5-7 days - apples.

Diet 3 kg per month

Nutritionists have developed many different diets 3 kg per month. This is enough time to lose weight, without experiencing the stress of hard fast diets, which are accompanied by a constant feeling of hunger.

In addition to the scheduled diet, which can vary depending on the author of the 3 kg diet per month, there are some general rules and tips, adhering to which losing weight will not cause discomfort, and the chances of returning the lost kilograms after the diet are minimized:

  • You need to eat five to seven times a day (3 main meals, the rest are intermediate), while during snacks it is best to eat fruits, fruit juice or dried fruits. You need to have dinner until 6 pm, after which there is nothing to eat until the morning;
  • Eat every day at the same time;
  • Drink at least 2 liters of clean water during the day. You should also know that hot water helps to eliminate toxins from the body and normalize metabolism, which significantly accelerates weight loss. In addition, if you drink 1-2 glasses of water before meals, the feeling of hunger will decrease, and the bowel function will improve;
  • Spend at least 7 hours of sleep, while making sure that the bedroom is ventilated. It is also recommended to sleep in any weather with an open window.

In addition, many practitioners in order to lose weight on a 3 kg diet advise:

  • Eat half a grapefruit before each meal as it is considered the most effective citrus fruit for weight loss
  • Add 0.5 teaspoon of cinnamon to a glass of hot water. After the water has cooled, add a teaspoon of honey. Half a glass should be drunk before bedtime, and the second - in the morning on an empty stomach. Cinnamon is a spice that improves digestion and accelerates metabolic processes, so it is often recommended to use it as part of a 3 kg diet. In addition to cinnamon, you can use other spices (red and black pepper, ginger) that contribute to weight loss;
  • Well-chewed food is best absorbed, so you do not need to rush while eating, but you should chew each piece of food at least 40-50 times.

Before starting a 3 kg diet, you need to think about how to further maintain the result. You may need to make changes to your usual diet, as well as devote more time to exercise.

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