Diet Lesenka - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips

Diet Lesenka - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips
Diet Lesenka - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips

Diet "Ladder"

In the "Ladder" diet, each of the five days involves a separate mono-diet aimed at solving a specific problem. A person seems to be moving up the steps, going from excess weight to slimness. Sometimes, to increase motivation, a ladder is drawn, where each step has its own name and where progress is noted.

The main thing in the Lesenka diet is strict adherence to the recommended menu. It is forbidden to change the menu and order of days. The dietary regime is fractional - five to seven times a day, while you must often drink water.

Stages ("steps") of the "Ladder" diet:

  • day one "Purification". The body is cleansed of toxins and toxins and prepares for the next stages. Apples, which make up the menu of the first day, help cleanse the intestines, and the intake of activated charcoal helps to bind toxins and remove them from the body. The plumb line for the first day is 1–1.5 kg;
  • day two "Recovery". After cleansing the digestive tract, it is necessary to maintain a healthy intestinal microflora. This task is performed by low-calorie kefir. Those who do not like kefir can replace it with fermented baked milk or yogurt. Also at this stage, the body is saturated with protein, compensating for its absence on the previous day. Manages to get rid of 0.8–1.5 kg;
  • third day "Energy". The diet of this "step" consists of raisins and honey, and it is important to use these products correctly. Raisins should be eaten one or two berries at a time, stretching the pleasure for the whole day. Honey should also be savored, slowly dissolving each portion in the mouth. Glucose, the main ingredient in the third phase of the Ladder Diet, provides energy and improves mood. In addition, raisins and honey contain trace elements useful for the nervous and cardiovascular systems, liver and blood-forming organs. The plumb line for the third day is 0.5–1.5 kg;
  • fourth day - "Construction". At this stage, the body's supply of protein is replenished, which is a building material for tissues. The menu consists of meals high in animal protein, which is essential for maintaining muscle mass. The plumb line at this stage is 0.5–1.3 kg;
  • fifth day - "Burning fat". The fat burning effect is achieved through the use of foods containing fiber. This food is low in calories, but requires a lot of energy to process. In addition, there is an active cleansing of the intestines and saturation of the body with useful substances contained in cereals, fruits and vegetables. The plumb line at this stage is 0.5–1 kg.

The "Ladder" diet is recommended to be combined with physical activity, but it should not be exhausting.

It is important to exit the diet correctly. So that the lost kilograms do not return, after a diet, you should avoid eating high-calorie meals and large portions, and also observe a drinking regimen.

If there is a need to significantly reduce weight and the diet was well tolerated, it can be repeated immediately.

The Lesenka Diet is a five-day diet consisting of 5 separate mono diets
The Lesenka Diet is a five-day diet consisting of 5 separate mono diets


Advantages of the "Ladder" diet

The advantage of the diet is its effectiveness, in five days it will be possible to lose from 3 to 5 kg. "Ladder" has absorbed the advantages of mono-diets, while avoiding monotony due to the alternation of days.

The diet is extremely easy to follow, the diet consists of affordable, familiar and inexpensive foods.

Disadvantages and contraindications of the "Ladder" diet

The main drawback is the meager menu, which means a great risk of failure.

Diet "Ladder" is contraindicated for people with any chronic diseases, as well as adolescents and pregnant women, lactating women.

What foods are allowed?

The set of products in the diet of the "Ladder" diet depends on its day (steps):

  • day 1 ("Cleansing") - apples;
  • day 2 ("Recovery") - low-calorie kefir and low-fat cottage cheese;
  • day 3 ("Energy") - honey, raisins, dried fruit compote;
  • day 4 ("Construction") - white chicken meat, turkey meat;
  • day 5 ("Burning fat") - oatmeal, fruits (except bananas) and non-starchy vegetables.

What foods are prohibited?

All foods not included in the diet of a particular day are prohibited.

Diet menu "Lesenka"

The products listed on the menu should be evenly distributed over five to seven meals.

First day Apples of any kind (1 kg), activated carbon tablets (12 pcs.). Second day Low-fat kefir (1 l), low-fat cottage cheese (600 g). The third day Honey (2 tbsp. L.), Raisins (300 g), dried fruit compote (2 l). Fourth day White chicken or turkey meat (500 g), you can add a little salt and herbs. The fifth day Oatmeal in water (200 g dry flakes), raw fruits and vegetables (total weight 1 kg).

Useful Tips

Advice 1. Those who do not like kefir can replace it with fermented baked milk or yogurt.

Tip 2. For some people, fresh apples increase the appetite, in this case, on the first day of the diet, they can be replaced with baked ones.

Diet characteristic final grade Duration: 5 days

3.5 out of 5

Every day of the five-day diet involves the use of products of the same group, the days are alternated in such a way that weight loss is intense, and the possible harm to health is minimal.

Recommended frequency: once a year Weight loss rate: Safety: Variety of products:

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