Tartar Sauce - Description, Composition, Useful Properties

Tartar Sauce - Description, Composition, Useful Properties
Tartar Sauce - Description, Composition, Useful Properties

Tartar sauce

Tartar sauce consistency
Tartar sauce consistency

The tartar sauce got its name in honor of the Tatar people, thanks to the somewhat burning and piquant taste, which the French have always associated with a hot-tempered character and sharp sabers.

Description of tartar sauce

Tartare is a classic cold sauce that belongs to French cuisine. The tartar sauce contains hard-boiled egg yolk, vegetable oil and green onions. This sauce is one of the most common all over the world due to its pungent spicy taste.

Nowadays, tartar sauce can be easily purchased at any supermarket. But it will be much tastier, of course, if you cook it at home. It's pretty easy to cook. To do this, finely grind the boiled egg yolk, mix it with black pepper, lemon juice (or wine vinegar), add salt. After that add vegetable oil drop by drop (olive oil is best) until you get a homogeneous mass, into which, at the very end, pour finely chopped green onions. In addition to this basic basic recipe, you can add garlic, parsley, pickled cucumbers, olives, dry mustard, tarragon, capers, etc. to tartar sauce.

The easiest tartare can be made by mixing mayonnaise with green onions and boiled yolk.

The recipe for tartar sauce has one significant feature: the remaining ingredients are added to the finished base of vegetable oil and yolks, not chopped to a homogeneous mass, but simply cut into small pieces. The presence of exactly pieces of vegetables and other ingredients is the main distinguishing feature and the main highlight of the tartare. It is not recommended to store the sauce in the refrigerator for more than two days, and if it is poured into a glass jar, tightly closed with a lid and placed in a cold place, then its shelf life can increase to one week.

What foods is tartar sauce used with?

The tartar sauce goes best with fried fish. It is as if it was created specifically to decorate and set off the taste of fish dishes. Seafood - shrimp, squid, octopus, lobster goes well with the spicy taste of the sauce.

Will not harm the tartare of grilled meats, steaks, roast beef and cold fries. You can also add sauce to various vegetable dishes - it will only give them new shades.


Tartare was first heard in Europe in the 19th century. According to one of the legends, the sauce was invented not by the French, but by the Tatars. This legend comes from the name of the spicy seasoning, which in translation from French means "Tatar sauce".

But according to reliable historical sources, it was the French who invented this piquant seasoning. Local culinary specialists in those days liked to give sauces names associated with geographical places. Thus, the spicy and pungent sauce got its name in honor of the Tatar people, who, as you know, have a hot and quick-tempered temperament.

The composition of tartar sauce and its beneficial properties

In addition to its ability to complement the flavor of the dish with which it is served, tartar sauce has many beneficial properties due to the ingredients that make up the tartar sauce.

Tartar sauce in the package
Tartar sauce in the package

As you know, egg yolk has a high nutritional value and is perfectly digestible in any form. It contains many useful components - about 15 trace elements and 13 vitamins. Egg yolk contains a lot of magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, iron, potassium, sodium, chlorine and calcium. It contains a large amount of vitamin B12, which takes part in the processes of hematopoiesis, vitamin B1, which plays an important role in the full functioning of the nervous system and metabolism, vitamin E - this natural antioxidant that protects cells from damage, increases immunity and emotional stability, strengthens muscles. In addition, the yolk contains lutein, which is beneficial for vision, choline, which takes part in protein and fat metabolism, has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, melatonin,taking part in the formation of new cells and the processes of rejuvenation.

Many scientists have confirmed the fact that the constituents of the yolk strengthen the immune system, bones and joints, improve brain function and prevent the development of cataracts.

Other ingredients in tartar sauce also have a number of valuable properties. For example, olive oil removes cholesterol from the body, helps to strengthen bone tissue. It is good for the digestive system and has anti-atherosclerotic and immunostimulating properties.

Green onions, in turn, saturate the body with zinc and other substances that strengthen the heart muscle and vascular walls.


Unfortunately, egg yolk contains a high amount of cholesterol, so it is not recommended to overuse the sauce for people with atherosclerosis or hypertension.

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