Mead - Recipe, Properties, Preparation

Mead - Recipe, Properties, Preparation
Mead - Recipe, Properties, Preparation


Mead is a drink made on the basis of bee honey
Mead is a drink made on the basis of bee honey

Mead is an alcoholic drink prepared on the basis of bee honey. The strength of the drink can vary widely. So, there is a mead with a strength of 70 degrees, but a drink with an alcohol content of about 5% by volume becomes a more frequent guest on the tables. The sugar content most often reaches 8-10%, however, a lower value is allowed. Recently, non-alcoholic mead has also been popular, the taste of which - pronounced honey - is no different from the alcoholic counterpart.

The composition of the drink must necessarily contain bee honey, in addition, based on the mead recipe, among other ingredients there may be hops, berries and spices.

The first evidence of the existence of this wonderful product on the territory of our country dates back to the 7-6th century. BC e.. That is why mead is rightfully considered the most ancient alcoholic drink in Russia. According to beliefs, a honey-based product is a gift that can become a source of immortality, strength, eloquence and magical abilities.

However, not only Slavic peoples ate a drink based on honey. It is believed that Greeks and Finns also discovered the mead recipe long ago.

The oldest method of preparing the drink involved placing honey in oak barrels, which were subsequently buried in the ground. There honey fermented naturally for a long period (from 5 to 20 years). Then the method changed somewhat, and the honey began to be boiled, due to which the time for preparing mead was significantly reduced. They drank mead only in honor of large and important events - at the birth of a child, during a wedding, a funeral.

The method of preparation of this alcoholic beverage serves as the basis for its classification. Mead belongs to one type or another, depending on:

  • Her strength and endurance (young, well-trained, strong);
  • Whether additional alcohol has been added;
  • Whether an extra portion of honey has been added. If yes, then when;
  • Whether the honey was boiled before fermentation;
  • Whether additional ingredients have been added.

Useful properties of mead

Of course, it is possible to speak about the beneficial properties of mead only when it is reliably known that the drink was made according to the original recipe by real masters. The standard of such a drink is mead prepared in the city of Suzdal.

Experts are confident that the original mead is able to reduce fever and help with colds. It strengthens the body and relieves heat. Another useful property of mead when fighting colds is its ability to stop the growth of pathogens.

In ancient times, a drink made from honey was often used as a hangover remedy. And non-alcoholic mead is recommended for women during pregnancy, because perfectly helps to strengthen the body and increase its defenses.

The use of the drink in small doses is an excellent prophylaxis against a number of diseases. So, for diseases of the cardiovascular sphere, it is recommended to consume 70 g of mead and 30 g of dry red wine before meals.

Mead combined with mint has a calming effect and helps to improve sleep.

Mead prepared in the city of Suzdal is the standard of such a drink
Mead prepared in the city of Suzdal is the standard of such a drink

It is possible to improve the state of the body with liver failure by diluting 70 g of mead with 150 g of still mineral water and taking this cocktail with meals.

A mixture of Cahors and mead (50 g of each drink) will help to replenish the vitamin deficiency in the body.

The combination of 100 g of red wine and the same amount of mead is an effective remedy for intestinal infections and constipation.

Making mead at home

Anyone can make a drink from honey at home, fortunately, the mead recipe is no longer kept secret.

No boiling method. It will require a liter of boiled water, 50 g of honey and the same amount of raisins. Honey must be completely dissolved in water, adding washed raisins there, which promotes the growth of bacteria necessary for fermentation of the drink. The container in which the mixture is located should be loosely covered with a saucer or lid and left to infuse for 2 days at room temperature. After the allotted time, filter the drink with gauze, pour into a bottle with a tight-fitting lid, then place the future mead in a cellar or refrigerator for 2 months, where it will be infused. As soon as the period expires, the drink is ready to drink.

The second method involves boiling the mixture and requires a lot of starting products. Accordingly, the volume of the finished drink will also be larger. For this mead recipe you will need: 19 liters of water, 5.5 kg of honey, one lemon and 100 g of yeast. First, dissolve honey in a third of the volume of water, add lemon juice to the mixture, then bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. It is important to monitor the drink, stirring constantly and periodically removing the foam. After the mixture should be cooled to room temperature, add the remaining water and half of the yeast. Next, you need to pour the mead into a hermetically sealed container equipped with an air vent tube. The tube must be immersed in water, add the remaining yeast, and infuse for a month. Once the drink is readythe sediment should be filtered and the mead should be poured into sealed bottles, where it will be infused for about six months in a cool place.

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