Rabbit - Calorie Content, Benefits, Contraindications

Rabbit - Calorie Content, Benefits, Contraindications
Rabbit - Calorie Content, Benefits, Contraindications


Rabbits belong to the genus of mammals, the hare family. The main difference between a rabbit and a hare is that rabbit offspring are born blind and naked. On average, a rabbit lives for about 10 years.

Rabbit meat
Rabbit meat

The domestic rabbit is a domesticated species of its wild relative, with a wide variety of coat sizes and colors. Sometimes rabbits are bred for decorative purposes, but in Russia they are often engaged in rabbit breeding in order to obtain dietary valuable meat, as well as fluff and skins.

Rabbit benefits

Rabbit meat has long been known as a particularly high-quality dietary product, surpassing meat of other animals in terms of the complex of nutritional qualities.

Basically, the benefits of rabbit meat are determined by the rich amino acid composition, which improves with the age of the animal. It is believed that optimal meat characteristics are achieved when the rabbit reaches 4-5 months of age and the protein-quality index reaches its maximum. Protein-quality indicator - a value that characterizes the quality of meat in general. It is the ratio of the amino acid tryptophan, which is found only in muscle tissue, to the amount of the amino acid oxyproline, which is characteristic only of connective tissue. After the age of five months, the protein-quality indicator of the rabbit decreases slightly.

Other characteristics also support the benefits of rabbit meat. It contains the largest amount of vitamins and minerals in comparison with the meat of other animals. Rabbit meat is rich in niacin, vitamin C, B vitamins. Fluorine, phosphorus, cobalt, potassium, manganese and iron contained in the rabbit make it possible to replenish the body's need for these microelements.

Rabbit meat has excellent digestibility in the human gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to this, rabbit meat can be recommended for people with diseases of the digestive system - gastroduodenitis, colitis, pancreatitis, etc. For comparison: the digestibility of beef is about 62%, and rabbit meat is digestible by more than 90%.

The rabbit has a relatively low amount of nitrogenous substances, due to which it can be consumed in small quantities by people suffering from gout, which is associated with metabolic disorders. Also, rabbit meat is excellent for feeding people suffering from allergic diseases, especially for young children.

We should also emphasize the benefits of rabbit meat in case of cancer. Rabbit meat helps to eliminate radionuclides, which inevitably accumulate in the body during radiation therapy. It is also known that rabbit meat is able to bring blood glucose levels to normal levels.

Stewed rabbit
Stewed rabbit

Rabbit calories

Speaking about the benefits of rabbit meat, one cannot fail to mention the low calorie content of the rabbit. It is equal to 136 kcal per 100 grams of product. This is less than other types of meat. For example, beef, being far from the most high-calorie meat, has a calorie content of 187 kcal per 100 grams.

Due to the low calorie content of the rabbit, its meat can be recommended for people with overweight and obesity, as well as advised as one of the components of a complete, complex diet.

Contraindications to rabbit meat

You need to know that in rare cases, a rabbit can be harmful to health. There are cases of individual intolerance to rabbit meat. The nitrogenous substances contained in the rabbit, although they have a low concentration relative to other types of meat, can also become a rare cause of the onset and exacerbation of gout. To prevent the likelihood of this in persons with a predisposition to impaired uric acid metabolism, it is recommended to boil meat in several waters, thereby reducing the concentration of substances harmful to a sick person.

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