Colon hydrotherapy

Colon hydrotherapy is a gentle procedure for washing the large intestine to remove feces, correct the minimum balance of the body, detoxify and restore optimal intestinal microflora.
A bit of history
The procedure of colon hydrotherapy was performed by the inhabitants of ancient Egypt with the aim of treating various diseases and their prevention. For example, the great healers Hippocrates and Galen advised regular bowel flushing as a therapeutic method. In those days, hollow reeds were used for the procedure. The procedure was especially popular in the treatment of fever.
Since the 20s of the last century, American doctors began to intensively use the method of colon hydrotherapy in the treatment of various diseases. In those days, the devices for carrying out such a procedure were quite far from perfect, but even carried out in the most primitive conditions, hydrocolonotherapy, according to reviews, was able to give a remarkable therapeutic effect.
Today, there are modern devices that allow you to do hydrocolonotherapy absolutely without negative consequences for humans.
The benefits of colon hydrotherapy
There are a lot of diametrically opposite reviews about hydrocolonotherapy. Some consider this procedure to be very beneficial to health. Others, on the contrary, are sure that it is of no use. What are the arguments given by the opponents of colon hydrotherapy? First, slags do not exist at all. Not a single pathologist saw any slags in the intestines when opening a dead body. And among graduated medical specialists, the word "slags" generally brings a smile. Secondly, it is believed that this procedure is contrary to nature itself. And thirdly, carrying out colon hydrotherapy can disrupt the natural intestinal microflora.
Of course, everything is good in moderation, so you should not get carried away with colon hydrotherapy too often. However, in the presence of certain indications, colon hydrotherapy, according to reviews, is not only good for health, but also for the figure.
After colon hydrotherapy, accumulations weighing up to two kilograms are removed from the intestines. Therefore, the body weight decreases, the abdomen becomes taut. According to reviews, colon hydrotherapy activates metabolic processes, improves the appearance of the skin, and helps to eliminate acne and rashes on the body. In addition, the intestinal microflora is normalized, since part of the pathogens are excreted from the body along with toxins. The work of internal organs is normalized, immunity improves, the aging process of the body slows down.
In any case, before doing colon hydrotherapy, you need to consult with a therapist and carefully prepare for the procedure.
Preparation for the procedure of hydrocolonotherapy
Before doing colon hydrotherapy, it is imperative to prepare the body. To do this, three days before the procedure, it is recommended to limit the consumption of fats and proteins of plant origin. It is forbidden to eat fresh vegetables and fruits, rye bread, bran flour pastries, beans, lentils, beans and peas. You can not drink alcoholic and carbonated drinks.
Two days before the procedure of colon hydrotherapy, it is recommended to drink two tablets of activated carbon three times a day, as well as Espumisan. Nothing should be eaten four hours before the start of the procedure.
Colon hydrotherapy procedure

Only experienced specialists should carry out the procedure of hydrocolonotherapy. If you do colon hydrotherapy with the help of an amateur, then this can provoke a violation of the intestinal microflora and a deterioration in its work.
Before starting the procedure, the patient needs to relax and lie on his back. The doctor preliminarily performs a relaxing abdominal massage to remove the accumulated waste and activate the intestinal tract.
Colon hydrotherapy is carried out using a special apparatus using ordinary purified water, or with the addition of various infusions and herbs. After the end of the procedure, the patient must be injected with a solution of eubiotics to prevent the development of dysbiosis. As a rule, to get rid of all toxins in the body, it is necessary to undergo 5-6 sessions of hydrocolonotherapy. However, after the very first session of colon hydrotherapy, patients feel lightness, migraines, colitis, skin rashes, and dysbiosis pass.
Indications for hydrocolonotherapy
Doctors recommend doing colon hydrotherapy if the following problems arise:
- frequent constipation or diarrhea of various etiologies;
- excess body fat;
- tendency to obesity, overeating;
- dyskinesia of the intestine, in particular, its large section;
- poisoning of the body due to intestinal problems;
- hemorrhoids during remission;
- vaginitis;
- cervical erosion;
- deterioration of the immune system;
- recurrent migraine-like pain;
- flatulence;
- pain in the lower back;
- poisoning with poisons, including drugs or alcohol;
- inflammation of the prostate.
Contraindications to colon hydrotherapy
The procedure involves a fairly strong effect on the body and in particular on the intestines. Therefore, there are many contraindications to colon hydrotherapy. These include:
- severe vascular and heart disease, including aortic aneurysms;
- internal bleeding, including intestinal;
- severe anemia;
- second half of pregnancy;
- cirrhosis of the liver;
- severe hypertension;
- violation of the integrity of the intestinal wall;
- hemorrhoids in the acute phase;
- malignant intestinal tumors;
- acute colitis;
- nonspecific ulcerative colitis;
- Crohn's disease;
- adhesions on internal organs;
- intestinal obstruction;
- the recovery period after operations on internal organs;
- any diseases of the rectum.
In connection with such an extensive list of contraindications to colon hydrotherapy, it is recommended to undergo an examination of the body before the procedure. Otherwise, the procedure can damage health and provoke an exacerbation of existing chronic diseases.
Colon hydrotherapy at home
Carrying out colon hydrotherapy at home is impossible, since this procedure requires stationary equipment.
An enema can be a substitute for colon hydrotherapy at home. You should prepare in advance 2-3 liters of cooled boiled water, a mug of Esmarch and allocate enough time both for the procedure itself and for rest after it. It is best to put an enema on an empty stomach, in the morning, at 5-7, in accordance with the biological rhythms of a person - this is the most appropriate time for cleansing.
It is good to cleanse the intestines using decoctions of medicinal herbs - chamomile, sage, calendula, oregano, yarrow, etc. The solution should be prepared strictly in accordance with the recipe and it is better to consult a specialist before enema.
An effect similar to the procedure for colon hydrotherapy at home can also be achieved by taking a laxative. But it is desirable to choose such drugs on the recommendation of a doctor.
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