How to relieve hemorrhoid pain: medication and home methods
The content of the article:
- What causes pain with hemorrhoids
- How to relieve hemorrhoid pain with medicines
- How to relieve hemorrhoids at home
How to reduce pain with hemorrhoids using folk methods
- Ice suppositories
- Potato suppositories
- Medicinal baths
- Compresses
- Anti-inflammatory ointments
How to anesthetize hemorrhoids and whether it is possible to relieve pain with hemorrhoids using folk remedies at home are far from idle questions, since the presence of hemorrhoids is almost always accompanied by pain.
It should be borne in mind that relief and even complete elimination of pain does not indicate a cure for hemorrhoids, this is only a temporary measure. To treat the disease, you should consult a doctor. The earlier adequate treatment is started, the more successful and simpler it is, and running hemorrhoids not only causes serious discomfort, but can only be eliminated by surgery. It is strongly not recommended to self-medicate hemorrhoids, especially for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
Pain relievers for hemorrhoids of the initial stages can be prepared at home Pain relievers for hemorrhoids of the initial stages can be prepared at home
What causes pain with hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids can be acute or chronic, internal or external. The severity of pain depends on the stage of the disease. In the initial stages, the patient usually experiences only itching and / or discomfort, in the later stages, pronounced acute pain. The nature of the pain depends on the localization of hemorrhoids, that is, on the form of the disease (internal hemorrhoids, when the nodes are located in the anal canal and can fall out of it, or external hemorrhoids, when the nodes are localized around the anus). Acute severe pain with hemorrhoids usually occurs when the internal hemorrhoidal node falls out of the anal canal and is squeezed by the sphincter, i.e. pinched. In the chronic form of hemorrhoids, patients complain not only of pain in the anal canal, but also of abdominal pain.
How to relieve hemorrhoid pain with medicines
Severe pain significantly reduces the quality of life of the patient suffering from hemorrhoids, complicates the process of defecation, the patient experiences discomfort while sitting and standing, as well as in movement.
The action of anti-hemorrhoid drugs is aimed not only at relieving pain, but at eliminating inflammation and restoring damaged tissues.
To relieve pain in hemorrhoids, drugs are used in the form of an ointment, gel, suppositories, tablets can also be used, the effect of which usually occurs after a longer time in comparison with local drugs. Local products are quickly absorbed and take effect immediately after application.
In the event of the development or exacerbation of hemorrhoids during pregnancy, only topical agents are used to exclude the adverse effect of the drug on the fetus.
Pain relievers for hemorrhoids in the form of suppositories are usually used for inflammation of internal hemorrhoids, as well as in case of their loss from the anal canal.
Anesthetic ointments are usually used for external hemorrhoids, as well as in the presence of anal fissures in combination with other drugs.
Some drugs for pain relief of hemorrhoids in the form of pills can not only relieve pain, but also have a venotonic effect. However, they are not used for acute hemorrhoids and are not suitable for rapid pain relief.
How to relieve hemorrhoids at home
Sometimes, in order to quickly reduce pain, simple manipulations are enough.
To relieve the pain of prolapse of the hemorrhoidal node, it is necessary to manually set the node back into the rectum. To do this, apply ice wrapped in a tissue napkin to the anus, wash your hands thoroughly, lubricate the index finger with petroleum jelly, move the buttock to the side, set the hemorrhoidal node into the anal canal by 3-5 cm with your finger and squeeze the sphincter. After the performed manipulations, you should thoroughly wash your hands, it is also recommended to take a horizontal position for a while.
For chronic hemorrhoids, accompanied by constipation and abdominal pain, massage can help. A gentle massage of the abdomen helps to normalize digestion, empty bowels, and improve blood circulation in the small pelvis, all this leads to a decrease in pain.
With internal hemorrhoids, you can massage the lower abdomen with the palm of your hand, with light circular movements. This massage is performed in the evening before going to bed.
With external hemorrhoids, lightly massage the area around the hemorrhoid, which improves blood circulation, reduces inflammation and pain.
It is advisable to consult with your doctor about massage, since in some cases, for example, with acute hemorrhoids or exacerbation of chronic, it is contraindicated.
How to reduce pain with hemorrhoids using folk methods
Pain relieving suppositories are easy to make at home. These home remedies can help with pain in the early stages of the pathological process, but are unlikely to be effective in the later stages of the disease.
Ice suppositories
For their preparation, infusions of medicinal plants (oak bark, medicinal chamomile, burdock root) are used. Vegetable raw materials are poured with boiling water, insisted, the infusion is filtered and poured into prepared forms. As forms, you can use packaging from medical suppositories, medical gloves (fingers). The filled forms are placed in a freezer.
Potato suppositories
The potato tuber is peeled, washed thoroughly, after which small smooth suppositories are cut out of it, which can be greased with natural honey or sea buckthorn oil - for greater effect and for more convenient administration. It is recommended to use potato suppositories in the evening, leaving them in the anal canal overnight.
Medicinal baths
Regardless of the form and stage of the disease, sitting baths help well against hemorrhoidal pain. When bleeding from hemorrhoids, it is recommended to use cool water, if not, warm water.
Add honey, calendula tincture (at the rate of 30 ml of tincture per 1 liter of water), a decoction of oak bark, alder, juniper cones, nettle leaves, sage, chamomile flowers or potassium permanganate (the water should turn into a slightly pink color). Sitting baths are desirable after bowel movement and before bedtime. In addition, such baths can be used to prevent exacerbation of hemorrhoids.
Depending on the presence or absence of bleeding for hemorrhoids, cool or warm compresses are applied, respectively. For compresses, use a tincture of valerian root, a decoction of the grass (highlander), sage, chamomile, calendula. You can use a saturated solution of black tea, grated raw potatoes, cabbage juice for pain relief. A cotton swab or gauze folded in several layers is impregnated with the drug and applied to the anal area for 20-30 minutes, during which it is desirable to lie.
Sitting baths with decoctions of medicinal herbs are used to relieve hemorrhoids Sitting baths with decoctions of medicinal herbs are used to relieve hemorrhoids.
Anti-inflammatory ointments
At home, you can prepare anti-inflammatory and pain relieving ointments. For this purpose, propolis, mummy, infusion of burnet, kidney grass, wormwood, hop cones and sweet clover are used. Melted butter, peach seed oil, goose fat or petroleum jelly are taken as the basis for the ointment.
About how to relieve pain in hemorrhoids at later stages, you need to ask a specialist (proctologist) who will select drug therapy taking into account the existing symptoms, objective examination data and other individual factors. If asked, the doctor will recommend inexpensive and effective remedies that are right for this patient, as the well-publicized drug names are actually not always effective enough.
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Anna Aksenova Anna Aksenova Medical journalist About the author
Education: 2004-2007 "First Kiev Medical College" specialty "Laboratory Diagnostics".
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