Rib contusion: symptoms, treatment, complications
The content of the article:
- Symptoms
- Diagnostics
- How to relieve pain
- Drug therapy for hematoma and edema
- Traditional medicine methods
Possible consequences
- Concussion of the lung
- Hemorrhage into the lung tissue or under the pleura
- Hemothorax
- Pneumothorax
- Video
Rib contusion is an injury to the soft tissue of the chest. Unlike other injuries, it is a fairly common minor injury, although it is accompanied by rather strong pain sensations, and does not pose a danger to human life.

Rib contusion is one of the common injuries associated with pain.
A bruised rib hurts for a long time, and in some cases a person remains disabled for a month. Over time, the pain not only does not go away, but can also worsen due to the development of intercostal neuralgia.
Usually only soft tissues are affected, and bones and internal organs remain intact. But in rare cases, a concussion, bruise, or rupture of the lung is possible. Such an injury, despite the integrity of the ribs, becomes life-threatening and requires specialized treatment in a hospital setting.
There are certain symptoms of a bruised rib:
Symptoms | Description |
Pain sensations | Localized in the ribs, pain increases with inhalation or exhalation. On palpation, the soft tissues are quite painful, so it is almost impossible to assess how much the ribs hurt |
Swelling | Occurs at the site of damage, sometimes spreads to nearby areas |
Hematomas | They are most often formed during glancing impacts. |
In order to exclude serious damage and choose the right treatment tactics, diagnostics are performed. It is possible to exclude a fractured rib by pressing on it at some distance from the site of injury. If the bone is intact, there will be no pain in this area.
Another method that distinguishes a bruise from a fracture is pressure on the chest. Palms are placed on the lateral surfaces of the chest and gently squeezed. With a fracture of the ribs, the pain intensifies sharply, while with a bruise, it remains aching. If something “clicks” inside, with a high degree of probability this suggests that the integrity of the bones is broken.
In order to exclude damage to the lungs, listening to all departments is carried out. In the area of injury, breathing can be weak and shallow.

If a rib fracture is suspected, an x-ray is prescribed
Additional diagnostic methods:
- chest x-ray: prescribed in order to finally exclude rib fracture. If the victim has a bruised lung, the image reveals foci of darkening that do not coincide with the boundaries of the lobes and segments. In the course of the bronchi, ribbon-like darkening stripes can be identified;
- magnetic resonance therapy: carried out in doubtful cases in order to exclude damage to internal organs. It allows you to see small areas of decline and punctate hemorrhages. If they are absent, and the bones are not damaged, a contusion is diagnosed.
Immediately after the injury, the victim must first apply a cold compress to the area of injury. This will help prevent bruising and reduce swelling. In order to stop pain, you can use pain relievers: Ibuprofen, Ketanov, Ketalgin, Diclofenac.

To avoid the appearance of a hematoma, cold must be applied to the site of injury
Even if the patient's condition is satisfactory and he does not have pronounced symptoms that indicate damage to internal organs or fractured ribs, he must be taken to a hospital. At the initial stage, signs of lung damage may be insignificant or completely absent, and in the future they will begin to increase.
The doctor should look at the X-ray photo and finally exclude rib fracture. A bandage is then applied to restrict movement and help relieve pain. After a certain period, it must be removed, since too tight bandaging impairs ventilation of the lungs, which can subsequently lead to the development of post-traumatic bronchitis or pneumonia.
How to relieve pain
In case of intense pain, the patient is prescribed drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Nurofen, Dikloberl, Ortofen, Ketalgin, Movalis. Tablets are taken according to the instructions from one to three times a day. These medications can also help reduce inflammation.

To relieve pain, the use of compresses with Dimexide is effective
A compress with Dimexidum helps to reduce pain and eliminate swelling with bruised ribs. For its preparation, 1 tablespoon of the drug is diluted with 4 tablespoons of boiled chilled water. A small piece of cotton cloth is impregnated with a solution, fixed on its side and covered with a film.
The compress is left to dry. It can be done daily until the condition improves. Severe pain in trauma can be alleviated if, when preparing a solution for a compress, one part of the water is replaced with novocaine.
Drug therapy for hematoma and edema
If a hematoma and severe swelling of soft tissues occurs at the site of the injury, drugs are prescribed in the complex treatment, which include serratiopeptidase (Serrata, Flamidez). This substance can not only reduce inflammation and relieve pain, but also quickly eliminate swelling. Before use, you should consult your doctor.

For hematomas, troxerutin-based ointments are prescribed, in particular Troxevasin
In the presence of a hematoma, external agents are used. The most popular and effective drugs include ointments and gels based on heparin or troxerutin: Troxevasin, Lioton, Liogel. The area of damage is smeared 2-3 times a day. The treatment is continued until the bruise disappears.
Traditional medicine methods
In order to relieve pain, eliminate swelling and bumps, you can use traditional medicine methods:
- cabbage. Fresh cabbage leaves are beaten off and smeared with a thin layer of honey. Apply to the affected area, cover with plastic wrap, cover with a bandage and leave overnight. The procedure is carried out daily until the symptoms disappear;
- beans. It is boiled until soft and mashed. The agent is applied to the affected area and covered with a cloth. This compress is left overnight. Apply within a week;
- potatoes. Raw potatoes are peeled and grated on a fine grater. The resulting gruel is wrapped in cheesecloth, applied on its side and left for two hours. The procedure is carried out in the morning and in the evening for two weeks;
- comfrey tincture. To prepare the product, 50 g of larkspur root is crushed and poured in 100 ml of alcohol. After the agent has stood for a day, it is applied to the damaged area three times a day. The treatment is continued until the pain subsides. It can also be used for compresses. For oral administration, the tincture is made less concentrated. For its preparation, 20 dry comfrey root is poured with 100 ml of 70% alcohol and insisted for a week. Take 20 drops three times a day before meals;
- medicinal ointment. A medium-sized onion is baked in the oven and chopped into a gruel. In a water bath, heat up 30 g of resin, add onions and 50 ml of olive oil. The product must be kept on fire for 20 minutes, stirring constantly and not boiling. Store in a glass jar in a cool dark place. Lubricate the site of injury every morning and evening.
Possible consequences
Concussion of the lung
Concussion of the lung can occur as a result of severe bruising of the ribs. With a mild degree, a person begins to complain of a feeling of lack of air. During the examination, the fact that the rhythm and frequency of breathing are changing is revealed.

If atypical symptoms appear, an urgent need to consult a doctor
With severe concussion, the patient experiences respiratory failure. Breathing becomes uneven, shallow, and frequent. The palms and feet become damp and cold, the skin becomes bluish.
A person has arrhythmia, the pulse becomes rapid. This condition is life-threatening, therefore, the patient needs qualified medical care, since in its absence, a lethal outcome is possible.
Hemorrhage into the lung tissue or under the pleura
In mild form, shortness of breath is noted, which is often accompanied by hemoptysis. On examination, a dullness of percussion sound and a local weakening of breathing are found.
In rare cases, if the patient has a bleeding disorder or neoplasms in the lungs, a bruised rib can provoke hemothorax.
Bleeding into the pleural cavity leads to the fact that a person has severe pain in the chest area, dizziness, pallor, and low blood pressure. In the future, the patient loses consciousness. He needs urgent help from qualified specialists.
Against the background of pleural adhesions, tumors, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, a patient with a contusion of the lungs may develop pneumothorax. It is an accumulation of gas in the pleural area, which leads to the fact that the lung tissue collapses, and the mediastinum shifts to the healthy side, constricting the blood vessels.
At the same time, the position of the heart changes, the patient's condition deteriorates sharply: the pulse quickens, suffocation occurs, and blood pressure decreases. On palpation under the skin of the upper body, you can find areas of accumulation of air, pressing them you can hear a quiet crunch.
How long are bruised ribs treated? With proper therapy and following all the doctor's recommendations, damaged tissues heal within one or two months. If, as a result of the injury, not only soft tissues, but also internal organs have suffered, it is necessary to seek advice not only from a traumatologist, but also from a pulmonologist and a cardiologist.
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Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author
Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".
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