Body ballet
Classical dances have been popular at all times. Many girls from early childhood dream of becoming ballerinas and performing on the big stage.

Today, body ballet is popular in many fitness clubs - a relatively new direction in dance fitness, based on the technique of classical ballet. From a technical point of view, body ballet is a fairly progressive direction that can be supplemented with elements of yoga and Pilates.
Preference during exercise is given to even load on all muscles of the body, but at the same time damage to the joints is minimized. Simplified ballet stretching exercises help you gain flexibility in your joints and spine. But the main thing is that body ballet lessons allow you to learn how to control your own body.
Who is body ballet exercises suitable for?
Body ballet is suitable for people who have previously had bone injuries, as well as for those who are not recommended for enhanced cardio workouts - jumping, running, etc. Classes will benefit people with postural disorders, as well as those who seek to develop flexibility and grace.
Body ballet classes are perfect for beginners, and for those who just want to bring their body back to normal by doing some interesting kind of fitness. Body ballet perfectly pumps up the abdominal muscles and leg muscles, removes excess fat in the waist and hips. Particular attention in body ballet lessons is paid to stretching.
How are body ballet lessons going?
One lesson lasts on average 50-90 minutes. Body ballet exercises are done in medium intensity mode. Most often, the training program includes:
- the main elements of classical ballet dance;
- ballet gymnastics;
- ballet jumping, power movements;
- ballroom steps and full-fledged dance sketches;
- stretching - increasing muscle flexibility and developing body plastics.
As in any other sport, body ballet exercises begin with a warm-up, which smoothly goes into the main part and ends with relaxation. In the first introductory lesson, you will be introduced to the basic poses and technical nuances of working near the ballet barre.
In some clubs, the body ballet program also includes parterre choreography - exercises in a lying and sitting position, which can reduce the load on the feet, and at the same time increase it on other muscle groups. Elements of yoga, Pilates, callanetics are often added to the exercises.
The classes themselves, as a rule, are held to the sounds of classical music (which has a beneficial effect on the psyche and relieves stress), and proper exercise requires endurance.
Body ballet exercises are more effective when combined with proper breathing.
Positive aspects of body ballet
The first positive quality of this type of fitness is that people of all ages are accepted into the group, while the level of training does not matter at all. Therefore, body ballet is suitable for beginners. In addition, the complexion of the student does not matter at all.
First of all, classes have a positive effect on posture, as they help to strengthen the muscles of the back. Therefore, this type of fitness is suitable for people with poor posture, or often suffering from back pain.
Classes at the bar help restore the shape of the legs, especially the calves, and good stretching will appear. And, of course, getting rid of extra pounds is guaranteed to you.
During the exercise, the muscles of the abdomen, buttocks and arms are in constant tension, which contributes to a significant improvement in figure. But the main thing that all students note is a change in attitude to their own body and the acquisition of self-confidence. This is especially true for people who have never been involved in any kind of sport before. Workouts make the gait smooth and beautiful, improve body plastic.

Disadvantages of body ballet
First of all, it should be noted that body ballet classes for beginners involve a fairly high level of stress. But this is more likely not a drawback, but a reality. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that the first time after training all your muscles will hurt.
The downside can be considered when training is conducted by an ordinary fitness trainer, and not by a person directly related to ballet. Therefore, it is worthwhile to take a responsible approach to the choice of a group and a coach. Ideal if the classes will be held not in a fitness club, but in a dance school.
It should be noted that body ballet exercises are quite problematic to perform at home. In principle, everyone can buy a large mirrored wall and a real ballet barre.
Contraindications to classes
Contraindications to body ballet are:
- sprain of ligaments and muscles;
- back problems;
- diseases of the genitourinary system (for example, the bladder).
What clothes should I wear to train?
A simple jersey tracksuit is ideal for exercising. But it is advisable to take into account the following recommendations:
- Pants should be tight, so you will experience a minimum of discomfort during exercise. Tight leggings are perfect.
- You can wear an elastic leotard for dancing.
- From footwear it is better to prefer light sneakers, sneakers or gym shoes. Ballet slippers or pointe shoes are completely optional.
When choosing clothes for body ballet, you should remember that, first of all, you should be comfortable in it.
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