Calorie content of chicken

Chicken - chicken meat, one of the most common meats in the world. All parts of the chicken carcass are used for food. The calorie content of meat allows it to be included in dietary diets, and the vitamin and nutrient composition makes chicken an indispensable ingredient in the daily diet. What is the calorie content of boiled chicken? Are chicken thighs and breast equally healthy? How many calories are in grilled chicken?
Chicken: calorie content, useful properties of meat
Chicken meat is considered one of the healthiest dietary foods. Chicken, the calorie content of which is significantly lower than the calorie content of pork, beef, lamb, is an excellent alternative to other types of meat.
Chicken meat contains glutamic acid, essential oils, iron in high concentrations (up to 1600 μg), zinc, potassium, phosphorus, as well as a number of essential vitamins (PP, C, A, E, as well as the most represented group B).
Chicken, the calorie content of which is quite low in comparison with the nutritional value of meat, has long been used to restore strength during high physical and mental stress, with a weakened immune system and a depleted body. Chicken, the calorie content of which in boiled form reaches 137 calories, contains polyunsaturated acids, which play an important role in the prevention of ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, and strokes.
The vitamins contained in chicken meat contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the body, the balanced work of the central nervous system. B vitamins are necessary for the body to maintain the processes of hematopoiesis, healthy skin and nails. Vitamin B12 helps to eliminate neurological symptoms such as depression, insomnia. B vitamins stimulate reproductive function, promote normal pregnancy and healthy development of the fetus.
The pulp of chicken, which is also low in calories, contains a minimum amount of connective tissue fibers, which contributes to its easier absorption by the body. Due to the fact that the calorie content of chicken is low, the use of this product has practically no contraindications.
However, not all parts of a chicken are healthy. So, if we talk about the benefits of chicken breast, the calorie content of which is much less than chicken leg, then it is in this part of the chicken carcass that the most protein and the least fat are contained. Chicken breast, which contains only 109 calories per 100 g of boiled product, is considered food for athletes. Regular consumption of white dietary meat contributes to the rapid recovery of muscle tissue, replenishes the balance of vitamins and nutrients. Chicken thigh, the calorie content of which in boiled form reaches 177 calories per 100 g, contains more fat (up to 15.25 g per 100 g of product). Chicken thighs are an alternative food between fatty red meats and fat-free chicken breast. The content of calories in grilled chicken exceeds the calorie content of boiled breast by almost twice (about 200 calories).
Chicken processing: the calorie content of boiled chicken and other chicken dishes
Chicken, which is highly dependent on how it is cooked, is an excellent staple in any diet. Chicken meat, rich in vitamins and microelements, partially loses its beneficial properties with various methods of heat treatment. So, the most optimal way to cook chicken, the calorie content of which will remain at an extremely low level, is cooking. Whole boiled chicken, with an average of 155 calories, is an optimal dietary product. Boiled chicken is nutritious enough for long-term saturation of the body, at the same time its calorie content is quite low, which allows it to be included in small quantities in the diet of any strict diet.
If chicken breast, the calorie content of which is low in boiled form, lends itself to frying on vegetable or animal fats, then the calorie content of 100 g of such a product can reach 190 calories or more, depending on additional ingredients, such as breading (absorbs a significant part of fats), mayonnaise and other sauces, honey, syrups.

Another important factor in the process of cooking chicken is chicken skin, which accumulates the greatest amount of fat, increasing the total calorie content of the dish. So, chicken thighs fried in vegetable oil, the calorie content of which reaches 254 calories, can be made less caloric by removing the skin from them.
Chicken offal: calorie content of chicken stomachs
It's not just chicken fillet, which contains only 113 calories, that attracts the attention of gourmets. Chicken offal is also widely used in cooking, forming the basis of many dishes. The most popular chicken by-products are chicken livers and stomachs. Chicken stomachs are somewhat dense and prolonged cooking does not soften them. However, this does not make them less pleasant to the taste. The calorie content of boiled chicken stomachs reaches only 94 calories. The main way to prepare them is to boil them. Chicken stomachs can be served as an independent dish, while it is recommended to supplement it with boiled or steamed vegetables, and as a meat addition to soups, broths, salads. The calorie content of chicken stomachs allows them to be included in the diet. Chicken navels are rich in fiberhelping to improve digestion, as well as ash, which is a natural sorbent. When purchasing chicken stomachs, special attention should be paid to the date of packaging of the product, since the shelf life of chilled chicken navels does not exceed two days.
Grilled chicken: calories, harmful properties
Grilled chicken is one of the variations of cooking a whole chicken carcass. The most appetizing in this dish is the crispy crust formed by the chicken skin during active grilling. It is this crispy crust that poses the greatest danger to the tasty dish. The calorie content of grilled chicken varies with the marinade. Grilled chicken meat is not considered a dietary meal, even considering the relatively low calorie content (about 200 calories). The constant consumption of grilled chicken will lead to an increase in blood cholesterol levels, which can cause concomitant diseases (myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease). When eating grilled chicken, it is recommended to remove the baked skin, since it contains harmful animal fats and cholesterol. The calorie content of cooked chicken can be reduced in the same way. From chicken thighs, the calorie content of which is significantly higher than the calorie content of the breast, it is also recommended to first remove the skin for any cooking method.
Chicken is an optimal dietary product that, when properly prepared, allows you to eat tasty and varied, while effectively reducing weight.
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