Ecobol - Instructions For Use, Price, Reviews, Analogs Of Tablets

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Ecobol - Instructions For Use, Price, Reviews, Analogs Of Tablets
Ecobol - Instructions For Use, Price, Reviews, Analogs Of Tablets

Video: Ecobol - Instructions For Use, Price, Reviews, Analogs Of Tablets

Video: Ecobol - Instructions For Use, Price, Reviews, Analogs Of Tablets
Video: DHC COLLAGEN SUPPLEMENT | How to Use | Price and Review 2024, September


Ecobol: instructions for use and reviews

  1. 1. Release form and composition
  2. 2. Pharmacological properties
  3. 3. Indications for use
  4. 4. Contraindications
  5. 5. Method of application and dosage
  6. 6. Side effects
  7. 7. Overdose
  8. 8. Special instructions
  9. 9. Application during pregnancy and lactation
  10. 10. Use in childhood
  11. 11. In case of impaired renal function
  12. 12. For violations of liver function
  13. 13. Drug interactions
  14. 14. Analogs
  15. 15. Terms and conditions of storage
  16. 16. Terms of dispensing from pharmacies
  17. 17. Reviews
  18. 18. Price in pharmacies

Latin name: Ecobol

ATX code: J01CA04

Active ingredient: amoxicillin (amoxicillin)

Manufacturer: JSC "AVVA-RUS" (Russia)

Description and photo updated: 2018-23-11

Prices in pharmacies: from 102 rubles.


Ecobol tablets
Ecobol tablets

Ekobol is a broad-spectrum antibacterial bactericidal agent that belongs to the group of semi-synthetic penicillins.

Release form and composition

Ekobol is produced in the form of tablets: capsule, almost white or white, with a risk (5 pieces in a blister, in a cardboard box 2 or 4 packages; 10 pieces in a blister, in a cardboard box 1 or 2 packages; 20 pcs. in a bottle made of plastic or polymer can, in a cardboard box 1 bottle / can).

Composition of 1 tablet:

  • active substance: amoxicillin (in the form of trihydrate) - 250 or 500 mg;
  • additional components: low molecular weight povidone, lactulose, crospovidone (Kollidon CL-M), potato starch, magnesium stearate, croscarmellose sodium, talc.

Pharmacological properties


Ecobol is a broad spectrum antibacterial agent with bactericidal activity and acid resistance. The drug belongs to the group of semi-synthetic penicillins. By inhibiting transpeptidase, amoxicillin prevents the synthesis of the supporting protein of its wall (peptidoglycan) during cell division and growth, which in turn leads to lysis of bacteria.

The active substance of Ekobol is active against the following microorganisms:

  • aerobic gram-negative bacteria: Neisseria meningitidis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., Klebsiella spp.;
  • aerobic gram-positive bacteria: Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp. (except for strains that produce penicillinase).

Microorganisms producing penicillinase are resistant to the action of amoxicillin.


The drug is characterized by high (93%) rapid absorption, which is not influenced by food intake. Ecobol is not destroyed in the acidic environment of the stomach. For oral administration of tablets at a dose of 250 and 125 mg, the maximum concentration of the active substance (C max) is 3.5–5 and 1.5–3 μg / ml, respectively. The time to reach C max after oral administration can vary from 1 to 2 hours.

The drug has a large volume of distribution, high concentrations of amoxicillin are found in the following biological fluids, tissues and organs: pleural and peritoneal fluids, plasma, sputum, bronchial secretions (with purulent secretions - a weak degree of distribution), the contents of skin blisters, urine, intestinal mucosa, tissue lung, prostate, female genital organs, adipose tissue, bones, middle ear fluid, gallbladder (with normal liver function), fetal tissue. When the dose is increased by 2 times, the concentration of amoxicillin also increases by 2 times. The level of accumulation of the substance in bile exceeds the level in plasma by 2–4 times.

The concentration of amoxicillin in the vessels of the umbilical cord and amniotic fluid is 25-30% of the level found in the plasma of a pregnant woman. The drug does not pass well through the blood-brain barrier, with meningitis in the cerebrospinal fluid, the concentration of the substance is about 20% of its content in the blood plasma. The agent binds to plasma proteins by 17%.

Amoxicillin partially undergoes metabolic transformation, as a result of which inactive metabolites are formed. The half-life (T½) is 1–1.5 hours. 50–70% is excreted by the kidneys unchanged by glomerular filtration (20%) and tubular secretion (80%), and 10–20% - by the liver. In small amounts, the substance passes into breast milk. The drug is removed during hemodialysis.

Indications for use

According to the instructions, Ekobol is recommended for use for the treatment of bacterial infections caused by sensitive microflora:

  • infections of the genitourinary system: cystitis, pyelitis, pyelonephritis, gonorrhea, urethritis, cervicitis, endometritis;
  • infections of the respiratory tract and ENT organs: acute otitis media, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • infections of the skin and soft tissues: secondarily infected dermatoses, erysipelas, impetigo;
  • infections of the digestive system: cholangitis, cholecystitis, enterocolitis, typhoid fever;
  • Lyme disease (borreliosis);
  • leptospirosis;
  • listeriosis;
  • salmonellosis and salmonella carriers;
  • dysentery;
  • endocarditis (for prevention).



  • age up to 3 years;
  • hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients of the drug, as well as to other penicillins, carbapenems, cephalosporins.

Relative (use Ekobol with great care):

  • renal failure;
  • a history of gastrointestinal tract damage (especially colitis caused by taking antibiotics);
  • allergic diseases (including data in the anamnesis);
  • severe functional disorders of the liver;
  • lymphocytic leukemia;
  • Infectious mononucleosis.

Instructions for the use of Ecobol: method and dosage

Ecobol is taken orally before or after meals.

Adults and children over 10 years of age (with a body weight of over 40 kg) take Ekobol 3 times a day, 500 mg each, with a severe course of the disease - with the same frequency of administration in a single dose of 750-1000 mg.

Children 5-10 years old are prescribed an antibiotic 3 times a day, 250 mg, 3-5 years old - 125 mg, in the case of a severe course of infection - in a daily dose of 60 mg / kg, divided into 3 doses (the maximum permissible daily dose). The duration of therapy is 5-12 days.

Recommended dosage regimen of Ecobol:

  • acute infectious lesions of the biliary tract and gastrointestinal tract (GIT), including paratyphoid fever and typhoid fever; gynecological infectious diseases: adults - 1000-1500 mg 4 times a day or 1500-2000 mg 3 times a day;
  • acute uncomplicated gonorrhea: take 3000 mg once; women are recommended to re-take at this dose;
  • salmonella carrier: adults - 1500-2000 mg 3 times a day for 14-28 days;
  • leptospirosis: adults - 500-750 mg 4 times a day for 6-12 days;
  • endocarditis (for prophylaxis): when conducting minor surgical interventions, adults take 3000-4000 mg 1 hour before this procedure, if necessary, a second dose is prescribed after 8-9 hours; children the dose is reduced by half.

In the presence of impaired renal function [creatinine clearance (CC) 15–40 ml / min], the interval between pills should be at least 12 hours. If CC is <10 ml / min, the dose should be reduced by 15-50%. Against the background of anuria, the maximum daily dose should be 2000 mg.

Side effects

  • nervous system: dizziness, insomnia, headache, anxiety, agitation, depression, ataxia, change in behavior, confusion, peripheral neuropathy, convulsive reactions;
  • digestive tract: change in taste, dysbiosis, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, glossitis, stomatitis, moderate increase in the activity of hepatic transaminases, liver dysfunction, pseudomembranous enterocolitis;
  • allergic reactions: conjunctivitis, rhinitis, skin flushing, erythema, urticaria, angioedema; rarely - joint pain, fever, polymorphic exudative erythema, eosinophilia, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, exfoliative dermatitis, reactions similar to the manifestations of serum sickness; isolated cases - anaphylactic shock;
  • laboratory parameters: neutropenia, leukopenia, anemia, thrombocytopenic purpura;
  • others: tachycardia, shortness of breath, vaginal candidiasis, interstitial nephritis, superinfection (especially with existing chronic diseases or reduced body resistance).


Symptoms of an Ekobol overdose may include: diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, imbalance in water and electrolyte balance (resulting from diarrhea and vomiting).

In this condition, gastric lavage, the intake of activated charcoal, the use of saline laxatives, correction of the water-electrolyte balance, and hemodialysis are recommended.

special instructions

During the course of treatment, the state of the function of the kidneys, liver and hematopoietic organs should be monitored.

In persons with hypersensitivity to penicillins, cross-allergic reactions with cephalosporin antibiotics may occur.

Against the background of Ekobol treatment of patients with bacteremia, there is a likelihood of an endotoxic shock reaction (Jarish-Herxheimer reaction).

When treating mild diarrhea that appeared during the course of taking Ecobol, it is recommended to avoid the use of antidiarrheal drugs, which lead to a decrease in intestinal motility. If severe diarrhea develops, see your doctor.

As a result of the growth of microflora that is insensitive to amoxicillin, the risk of superinfection increases, with the development of which an appropriate adjustment of antibiotic therapy is necessary.

With the combined use of amoxicillin and estrogen-containing oral contraceptives, it is advisable to use other methods of contraception or use additional ones.

After the symptoms of infectious disease disappear, Ekobol must be used for another 48–72 hours.

Application during pregnancy and lactation

Pregnant women are allowed to take Ecobol only when the expected benefit of therapy significantly outweighs the possible risk to the fetus.

If you need to use the drug during lactation, you must stop breastfeeding.

Pediatric use

Ecobol is contraindicated in children under the age of three.

With impaired renal function

With functional disorders of the kidneys (CC ≤ 15 ml / min), the half-life of amoxicillin increases to 8.5 hours. Patients with renal insufficiency should take an antibacterial agent with caution, adjusting the dosage regimen depending on the CC value.

For violations of liver function

In the presence of severe liver dysfunction, Ekobol must be used with caution.

Drug interactions

  • glucosamine, antacids, laxatives, aminoglycosides, food - the absorption of ampicillin decreases and slows down;
  • ascorbic acid - the absorption of ampicillin is enhanced;
  • rifampicin, vancomycin, cephalosporins, aminoglycosides and other bactericidal antibiotics - there is a synergism of these drugs with ampicillin;
  • indirect anticoagulants - the effect of these drugs is enhanced (as a result of suppression of the intestinal microflora, a decrease in the production of vitamin K and a decrease in the prothrombin index);
  • chloramphenicol, tetracyclines, lincosamides, macrolides, sulfonamides and other bacteriostatic drugs - an antagonistic effect is noted;
  • drugs that block tubular secretion, allopurinol, phenylbutazone, oxyphenbutazone, diuretics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - the concentration of ampicillin increases due to a decrease in tubular secretion;
  • drugs, the metabolism of which forms para-aminobenzoic acid; oral contraceptives containing estrogen; ethinylestradiol - the effectiveness of these drugs decreases (the risk of breakthrough bleeding is aggravated);
  • methotrexate - the clearance decreases and the toxicity of this agent increases;
  • digoxin - its absorption increases;
  • allopurinol - the threat of skin rash is aggravated.


Ekobol's analogues are: Amoxicillin Sandoz, Amoxicillin, Amoxicillin DS, Ospamox, Amosin, Hikontsil, Flemoxin Solutab.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store in a place protected from moisture and light, out of reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C.

Shelf life is 2 years.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Dispensed by prescription.

Reviews about Ecobol

Reviews about Ekobol are overwhelmingly positive, patients who took the drug note its effectiveness and good tolerance. The tool, according to reviews, helps to quickly cope with the infection without causing, unlike other antibiotics, dysbiosis, which, according to patients, is associated with the presence of lactulose in its composition. Also, the advantages of Ecobol include its availability and low cost. Despite the fact that food intake does not affect the effect of the remedy, it is recommended to take it after meals.

There are very few reports of adverse reactions (mainly in the form of nausea, loose stools). However, it should be remembered that Ekobol is an antibiotic and should only be used as directed by a doctor.

Price for Ecobol in pharmacies

The average price for Ecobol can be 55 rubles (for a package containing 20 tablets at a dosage of 250 mg) or 125 rubles (for a package containing 20 tablets at a dosage of 500 mg).

Ecobol: prices in online pharmacies

Drug name



Ecobol 500 mg tablets 20 pcs.

102 RUB


Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
