Half-fallen - Instructions For Use, Reviews, Contraindications

Half-fallen - Instructions For Use, Reviews, Contraindications
Half-fallen - Instructions For Use, Reviews, Contraindications


Instructions for use:

  1. 1. Pharmacological action
  2. 2. Release form
  3. 3. Indications for use
  4. 4. Method of application and dosage
  5. 5. Side effects
  6. 6. Contraindications

Half-fallen - a phytopreparation that has a diuretic effect.

pharmachologic effect

Half-fallen in the package
Half-fallen in the package

Half-fallen relieves inflammation and spasms, removes salts, exhibits antiseptic activity.

There are reviews about Pol-Pala, indicating that the drug helps to remove and dissolve kidney stones.

Phytopreparation Pol-Pala is a herb of woolly erva, which contains flavonoids, polysaccharides, saponins, mucus, organic acids, coumarins, tannins.

The use of Pol-Pal helps to reduce inflammation, which is in the urinary system, excretion of potassium, sodium, urea.

Release form

Half-pala is available in the form of chopped grass.

Indications for use of Pol-Pala

The phytopreparation is recommended to be taken by patients who have urolithiasis in the initial stage, inflammation of the bladder, kidneys, urethra, ureters, electrolyte metabolism disorders (gout, spondylosis, polyarthritis, etc.).

There are positive reviews about Pol-Pala, which is included in the complex rehabilitation treatment of patients who have undergone surgery to remove stones in the urinary tract, patients with diabetic nephropathy and those who develop edema due to high blood pressure and other diseases.

Method of administration and dosage

The phytopreparation is taken in the form of an infusion 20 minutes before a meal.

Prepare the infusion as follows: pour 2 tablespoons with a glass of hot water, heat for a couple of 15 minutes, cool for 45 minutes. It is advisable to strain before using Pol-Pal.

Adults are advised to take about Ѕ glass of the infusion 2-3 times a day.

Children after 14 years of age are given 2 tablespoons of the infusion 2-3 times a day. Children 12-14 years old are given a tablespoon of the brewed herb 2-3 times a day.

In most cases, half-pala is taken for 10-30 days. The therapy can be repeated only after a few months.

Side effects

The grass is half-fallen
The grass is half-fallen

Judging by the reviews, Half-fallen in most cases is transferred normally. In rare cases, nausea is felt. With individual intolerance to herbs, allergies and angioedema may occur.

Contraindications Half-fallen

Half-fallen according to the instructions should not be given to patients with hypersensitivity to the grass, those whose size of the detected stones exceeds the diameter of the ureter.

Two more contraindications Half-fell: osteoporosis, hypercalcemia.

It is also not recommended to give the infusion to children under 12 years of age.

With caution, the drug is prescribed simultaneously with diuretics, which increase the excretion of potassium.

Pregnant, lactating women are prescribed a phytopreparation in rare cases.

Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
