Roferon-A: instructions for use and reviews
- 1. Release form and composition
- 2. Pharmacological properties
- 3. Indications for use
- 4. Contraindications
- 5. Method of application and dosage
- 6. Side effects
- 7. Overdose
- 8. Special instructions
- 9. Application during pregnancy and lactation
- 10. In case of impaired renal function
- 11. For violations of liver function
- 12. Drug interactions
- 13. Analogs
- 14. Terms and conditions of storage
- 15. Terms of dispensing from pharmacies
- 16. Reviews
- 17. Price in pharmacies
Latin name: Roferon-A
ATX code: L03AB04
Active ingredient: interferon alpha-2a (interferonum alpha-2a)
Manufacturer: F. Hofmann-La Roche, Ltd, Switzerland
Description and photo update: 2019-13-08

Roferon-A is an immunomodulatory drug with antiviral and antitumor effects.
Release form and composition
Dosage form - solution for subcutaneous administration: colorless or light yellow transparent liquid (0.5 ml each in a syringe tube with a glass body and a plastic plunger, in a cardboard box 1 syringe tube complete with a container with an injection needle; by 0.6 ml in a glass cartridge, 1 cartridge in a carton, 1 pallet in a carton).
The active ingredient of Roferon-A is interferon alpha-2a:
- 1 syringe tube: 3 million, 4.5 million, 6 million or 9 million International Units (IU);
- 1 cartridge: 18 million IU.
Auxiliary components: benzyl alcohol, sodium chloride, polysorbate 80, ammonium acetate, sodium hydroxide or glacial acetic acid, water for injection.
Pharmacological properties
Interferon alpha-2a is a highly purified protein, which contains 165 amino acids. Its molecular weight is approximately 19,000 daltons. This protein is obtained from recombinant DNA, and the technology uses a genetically engineered strain of E. Coli, the DNA of which encodes interferon alpha-2a during synthesis.
Roferon-A has an antiviral effect, expressed in the induction of a state of resistance to viral infections in cells and in modulating the response of the immune system, which consists in neutralizing viruses or destroying cells infected by them. The drug is characterized by an antiproliferative effect on some human tumors in vitro and inhibition of the growth of certain xenografts of human tumors observed in athymic mice with a characteristic nude mutation.
In tumor cells of the human body HT29, treated with Roferon-A, according to reliable data, the synthesis of protein, RNA and DNA decreases. A limited number of human tumor cell lines grown in vivo in nude mice diagnosed with immune deficiency have been tested for sensitivity to the drug.
In vivo, the antiproliferative activity of the drug has been studied in tumors such as adenocarcinoma of the transverse colon, cecum, prostate gland, and mucoid carcinoma of the mammary glands. The degree of antiproliferative activity varies widely.
Roferon-A causes clinically significant tumor regression or stabilization in patients with AIDS, which is accompanied by Kaposi's sarcoma, and patients with hairy cell leukemia. The drug also demonstrates high efficiency in the treatment of patients with myeloma disease and is active in patients with progressive T-cell lymphoma of the skin, which are not sensitive or are not suitable for standard therapy. Roferon-A is successfully used in the treatment of patients with Ph-positive chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). It induces hematological remission in 60% of patients diagnosed with chronic CML, regardless of prior treatment. Complete hematological remission is observed 18 months after the start of therapy in two thirds of the patients studied.
Interferon alfa-2a differs from cytotoxic chemotherapy in that it causes stable cytogenetic remission lasting more than 40 months. The combination of Roferon-A with periodic courses of chemotherapy improves overall survival and slows down the progression of the disease to a greater extent than with chemotherapy alone.
The drug is used in the treatment of thrombocytosis, concomitant CML and other myeloproliferative diseases. A few days after the start of treatment, it reduces the number of platelets, reduces the incidence of concomitant complications of a thrombohemorrhagic nature, and has no leukemia potential. In patients with low-grade non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, Roferon-A in combination with chemotherapy, accompanied or not accompanied by radiation therapy, prolongs progression-free survival and disease-free survival.
In patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma, the maximum therapeutic effect was observed when the drug was taken in high doses (36 million IU per day) as monotherapy or in moderate doses (18 million IU 3 times a week) in combination with vinblastine compared with monotherapy in which moderate doses of Roferon-A 3 times a week. Patients held monotherapy drug in small doses (2 million IU / m 2 per day), the effectiveness of treatment remained minimal. The consequence of the combination of Roferon-A with vinblastine is only a slight increase in the incidence of mild to moderate leukopenia and granulocytopenia compared with monotherapy. Survival and duration of response with monotherapy with Roferon-A and combined therapy with vinblastine + Roferon-A differ slightly.
The combination of Roferon-A and vinblastine is considered to be more effective in terms of survival than chemotherapy alone. In patients with widespread malignant melanoma, the result of drug therapy was an objective regression of tumor formations of visceral and skin localization. Also, the drug increases the period of time during which patients do not have a relapse of the disease, accompanied by distant metastases and damage to the lymph nodes after resection of melanoma (tumor thickness exceeds 1.5 mm).
Roferon-A in combination with Avastin, used as the first line of therapy in patients with metastatic and / or advanced renal cell carcinoma, compared with a combination of placebo and Roferon-A, significantly increases the objective response rate and progression-free survival.
A decrease in the dose of interferon alfa-2a from 9 million IU to 6 million or 3 million IU, used 3 times a week in combination with Avastin, did not cause a decrease in the effectiveness of the combination therapy, as evidenced by the event-free survival rates.
Roferon-A is considered clinically effective in the treatment of genital warts and confirmed compensated hepatitis B and C (symptoms of hepatic decompensation should be absent).
When administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously, the bioavailability of interferon alpha-2a exceeds 80%. With a subcutaneous injection of a dose of 36 million IU, the maximum level of the substance in the blood serum was 1250-2320 pg / ml (on average, about 1730 pg / ml) and was reached within about 7.3 hours. With an intramuscular dose of 36 million IU, the maximum level of interferon alpha -2a in serum varies in the range from 1500 to 2580 pg / ml (on average, approximately 2020 pg / ml) and is achieved within 3.8 hours.
In humans, the pharmacokinetics with the introduction of Roferon-A in the dose range of 3–198 million IU is linear. With intravenous infusion of 36 million IU of the drug to healthy volunteers, the equilibrium volume of distribution was 0.22–0.75 l / kg (on average, about 0.4 l / kg). Both in patients with disseminated cancer and in healthy people, there are significant individual fluctuations in serum interferon alpha-2a.
Basically, interferon alfa-2a is excreted through renal catabolism. Biliary excretion and hepatic metabolism are less important pathways for elimination. In healthy people, after intravenous administration of 36 million IU, the half-life is 3.7-8.5 hours (average about 5.1 hours), and the total clearance is 2.14-3.62 ml / min / kg (average about 2.79 ml / min / kg).
With a single intramuscular injection of Roferon-A to patients with chronic hepatitis B and disseminated cancer, the pharmacokinetic parameters remain similar to those in healthy volunteers. A single administration of doses not exceeding 198 million IU leads to a dose-dependent increase in serum interferon alpha-2a. Distribution or excretion of the drug when it is administered 3 times a week (dose 1–136 million IU), once a day (dose 1–54 million IU) or 2 times a day (0.5–36 million IU) during the period, not exceeding 28 days, do not change.
In some patients with disseminated cancer, intramuscular injection of interferon alfa-2a, one or several times a day for a period not exceeding 28 days, caused an increase in maximum serum concentrations by 2-4 times compared with similar indicators with a single application. However, with any dosage regimen, repeated administration did not affect the distribution and excretion of the drug.
Indications for use
- viral pathologies: genital warts, active form of chronic hepatitis B in adult patients with a marker of viral replication, active form of chronic hepatitis C in adult patients who have antibodies to hepatitis C virus or increased activity of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) in the absence of signs of hepatic decompensation (class A according to Child-Pugh) and HCV RNA in the blood serum (Roferon-A should preferably be prescribed in combination with ribavirin; the use is also indicated in patients who have had a relapse of the disease after discontinuation of interferon alpha therapy);
- neoplasms of the hematopoietic and lymphatic system: multiple myeloma, T-cell lymphoma of the skin, hairy cell leukemia, chronic Ph-positive myeloid leukemia, thrombocytosis against the background of myeloproliferative diseases, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma with a low degree of malignancy (in combination with chemotherapy - with or without radiation treatments);
- solid tumors: Kaposi's sarcoma in AIDS patients (in the absence of opportunistic infections in the anamnesis), metastatic melanoma, advanced renal cell carcinoma, melanoma (after surgical resection of a tumor more than 1.5 mm thick) in the absence of distant metastases and lymph node involvement.
- severe functional disorders of the liver, myeloid germ of hematopoiesis, kidneys;
- chronic hepatitis with liver cirrhosis or severe decompensation;
- severe heart disease, including a history;
- functional disorders of the central nervous system, including seizure disorders;
- breast-feeding;
- combination therapy with ribavirin during pregnancy;
- age up to three years;
- individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
In addition, the appointment of Roferon-A is contraindicated in patients with chronic hepatitis who are simultaneously receiving or have recently been treated with immunosuppressants, except for short-term steroid therapy.
The drug should not be used in a patient with chronic myeloid leukemia if he has an HLA-identical relative and in the near future it is possible to carry out allogeneic bone marrow transplantation.
Instructions for the use of Roferon-A: method and dosage
Roferon-A solution is intended for subcutaneous (subcutaneous) administration.
Recommended dosage:
- genital warts: 1-3 million IU 3 times a week for 4-8 weeks;
- chronic viral hepatitis B: adults - 4.5-9 million IU 3 times a week, the duration of treatment is 16-24 weeks. Further, the dose can be adjusted according to individual tolerance. If there is no improvement after 12-16 weeks of therapy, drug withdrawal is possible. A safe and effective dose for children over three years old is 7.5 million IU per 1 m 2 of the child's body surface;
- chronic viral hepatitis C: primary therapy in combination with ribavirin - 3 million IU 3 times a week for 24 weeks. Combination therapy with ribavirin for relapse in adults (after a temporary effect of monotherapy with interferon-alpha) - 4.5 million IU 3 times a week for 24 weeks. The course of treatment depends on the genotype of the virus and other baseline characteristics of the patient's condition and can last up to 52 weeks. Monotherapy with Roferon-A (in the presence of contraindications and / or intolerance to ribavirin) - 3-6 million IU 3 times a week, the course of treatment is 24-52 weeks. In the absence of normalization of ALT levels after 12 weeks of using the drug, further therapy is canceled. If the disease recurs after a partial or complete response to therapy, it is possible to resume treatment at the initial or higher dose;
- hairy cell leukemia: the initial dose is 3 million IU once a day for 16-24 weeks. For patients with hypersensitivity, it is possible to reduce the daily dose to 1.5 million IU and / or the frequency of administration up to 3 times a week. Maintenance therapy - 3 million IU (1.5 million IU with poor tolerance) 3 times a week. With a clinical effect after 24 weeks of treatment, the course is continued; in the absence, the administration of the drug is canceled. The duration of treatment should not exceed 80 weeks;
- myeloma: the initial dose is 3 million IU 3 times a week, then, with good tolerance, the dose is increased weekly, the maximum tolerated single dose can range from 9 to 18 million IU, the frequency of administration is 3 times a week. In the absence of severe intolerance and symptoms of disease progression, the drug can be used for a long time;
- T-cell lymphoma of the skin in patients over 18 years of age with a progressive form of the disease, including those who do not respond to traditional therapy or have contraindications to its conduct: the initial dose is 3 million IU once a day for three days, then from 4 to 6 day - 9 million IU, from 7 to 84 days - 18 million IU per day. With a positive trend after 12 weeks of therapy, the patient is prescribed a maintenance dose, which corresponds to the individual maximum tolerated dose (no more than 18 million IU), with a frequency of administration 3 times a week. To achieve complete and long-term remission, treatment should be continued for 52 to 172 weeks;
- chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) in patients over 18 years of age: the initial dose is 3 million IU per day from 1 to 3 days, 6 million IU from 4 to 6 days, 9 million IU from 7 to 84 days. The course of treatment is at least 8 weeks, preferably 12 weeks, the use of the drug is continued until complete hematological remission, but not more than 78 weeks. If there is no dynamics of hematological parameters, treatment is stopped. After achieving complete hematological remission, the patient is transferred to a daily dose of 9 million IU (optimal dose) daily or 3 times a week. Treatment continues until cytogenetic remission is achieved. The drug provides stable cytogenetic remission for more than 170 weeks;
- thrombocytosis associated with myeloproliferative pathologies (except for CML): the initial dose is 3 million IU 1 time per day from 1 to 3 days, then 6 million IU from 4 to 30 days. Maintenance therapy - 1-3 million IU 2-3 times a week;
- low-grade non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (after standard chemotherapy with or without radiation therapy): maintenance therapy in a single dose of 3 million IU 3 times a week. The duration of treatment is at least 52 weeks. Treatment should begin as soon as the patient's condition improves, usually 4-6 weeks after radiation or chemotherapy. Simultaneously with traditional chemotherapy regimens (in combination with prednisolone, cyclophosphamide, vincristine and doxorubicin), Roferon-A can be administered from 22 to 26 days of each 28-day cycle at a dose of 6 million IU per 1 m 2 of the patient's body surface;
- Kaposi's sarcoma in AIDS patients over the age of 18 in the absence of opportunistic infections in the anamnesis: the initial dose is 3 million IU per day, within 10-12 weeks the daily dose is gradually increased to 18-36 million IU according to the scheme: the first three days - 3 million IU per day, from 4 to 6 days - 9 million IU, from 7 to 9 days - 18 million IU, from 10 to 84 days (with good tolerance) - up to 36 million IU per day. The maintenance dose corresponds to the individual maximum tolerated dose, but not higher than 36 million IU, with a frequency of administration 3 times a week. Treatment should be accompanied by monitoring the assessment of changes in tumor dynamics within 10-12 weeks. With a positive effect, the treatment is continued, in the absence of a response to interferon, the administration of Roferon-A is stopped. Usually, the manifestation of the effect occurs after 12 weeks of treatment,in this case, use should be continued until the tumor completely disappears (80 weeks or more). After discontinuation of the drug, a relapse of the disease is possible;
- common renal cell carcinoma: the initial dose for monotherapy is 3 million IU per day in the first three days, 9 million IU from 4 to 6 days, 18 million IU from 7 to 9 days, with good tolerance - 36 million IU from 10 to 84 days. Supportive therapy is prescribed in the maximum daily dose tolerated by the patient (no more than 36 million IU) 3 times a week. The duration of treatment is 8-12 weeks, if there is a clinical effect, the treatment is continued up to 68 weeks, if not, the drug is canceled. Combined therapy with Roferon-A and vinblastine - 3 million IU 3 times during the first week, 9 million IU 3 times during the second week, then, taking into account individual tolerance, 9-18 million IU 3 times a week. Vinblastine is administered intravenously (IV) during this period at a dose corresponding to 0.1 mg per 1 kg of patient weight 1 time in 3 weeks. Treatment continues for at least 12 weeks, the maximum duration is up to 52 weeks or until the disease progresses. After the onset of complete remission, the combination treatment can be canceled after 12 weeks. In case of metastases or tumor recurrence, the best therapeutic effect is achieved when high doses (36 million IU per day) of the drug are prescribed as monotherapy or moderate doses (18 million IU 3 times a week) in combination with vinblastine. Survival and response times are similar for each treatment. Low doses (2 million IU per 1 mIn case of metastases or tumor recurrence, the best therapeutic effect is achieved when high doses (36 million IU per day) of the drug are prescribed as monotherapy or moderate doses (18 million IU 3 times a week) in combination with vinblastine. Survival and response times are similar for each treatment. Low doses (2 million IU per 1 mIn case of metastases or tumor recurrence, the best therapeutic effect is achieved when high doses (36 million IU per day) of the drug are prescribed as monotherapy or moderate doses (18 million IU 3 times a week) in combination with vinblastine. Survival and response times are similar for each treatment. Low doses (2 million IU per 1 m2 per day) the drug has no therapeutic effect;
- metastatic melanoma: 18 million IU 3 times a week or at the maximum tolerated dose. The effectiveness of therapy is assessed after 12 weeks of using the drug, with a positive trend, treatment is continued, if there is no effect, it is canceled. The maximum treatment period is 104 weeks. The use of Roferon-A in advanced malignant melanoma contributes to the objective regression of tumors of visceral and cutaneous localization;
- melanoma after surgical resection: 3 million IU 3 times a week for 78 weeks. The introduction of the drug must be started during the first 6 weeks after surgery.
Side effects
Undesirable effects of Roferon-A, recorded in patients with chronic hepatitis B and C, with malignant neoplasms at different stages of the disease during clinical trials:
- general symptoms: often - flu-like syndrome (chills, fever, sweating, lethargy, loss of appetite, pain in joints and muscles, headache), weight loss;
- nervous system: sometimes - drowsiness, non-systemic and systemic dizziness, depression, mental deterioration, forgetfulness, confusion, nervousness, sleep disturbances, anxiety, paresthesia, neuropathy, itching, numbness of the limbs, tremor; rarely - convulsions, severe drowsiness, coma, temporary impotence, cerebrovascular accident, suicidal behavior requiring drug withdrawal;
- gastrointestinal tract: often - anorexia (in 2/3 of patients with oncology), nausea; quite often - dry mouth, impaired taste, vomiting, mild to moderate pain in the abdomen, diarrhea; rarely - flatulence, heartburn, increased peristalsis, constipation, exacerbation of ulcerative pathologies, gastrointestinal bleeding (without a threat to life), pancreatitis;
- hematopoietic system: quite often - a decrease in the level of hemoglobin and thrombocytopenia with myelosuppression, transient leukopenia; sometimes - thrombocytopenia without myelosuppression; rarely - a decrease in the level of hematocrit and hemoglobin; very rarely - idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura;
- respiratory and cardiovascular systems: quite often - edema, transient arterial hyper- or hypotension (1/5 of cancer patients), cyanosis, palpitations, chest pain, arrhythmia; rarely - slight shortness of breath, cough, pulmonary edema, congestive heart failure, pneumonia, respiratory arrest, cardiac arrest, myocardial infarction; very rarely - cardiovascular disorders in patients with hepatitis B;
- liver function: sometimes - increased levels of bilirubin, ALT, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), alkaline phosphatase (ALP); rarely - impaired activity of transaminases in hepatitis B; very rarely - liver failure, severe liver dysfunction;
- organ of vision: sometimes - visual impairment; rarely - ischemic retinopathy; very rarely - retinopathy, retinal hemorrhages, mild exudates, posterior ischemic neuropathy, retinal artery and central vein thrombosis, papilledema;
- urinary system: rarely - deterioration of kidney function, acute renal failure (more often in cancer patients with kidney disease or concomitant use of nephrotoxic drugs), electrolyte disturbances, proteinuria, increased content of cellular elements in urine sediment, increased concentration of urea, uric acid and serum creatinine blood;
- skin, its appendages, mucous membranes: quite often - reversible mild to moderate hair loss (1/5 of patients), increased hair loss for several weeks; rarely - rash, itching, exacerbation of rashes on the lips of herpetic etiology, dry mucous membranes and skin, nosebleeds, nasal discharge, manifestation or exacerbation of psoriasis;
- others: rarely - reactions at the injection sites, diabetes mellitus, hyperglycemia; very rarely - vasculitis, hemolytic anemia, arthritis, thyroid dysfunction, necrosis, lupus-like syndrome, asymptomatic hypocalcemia, hyperlipidemia, hypertriglyceridemia, sarcoidosis; when combined with ribavirin - pancytopenia (rare), aplastic anemia (very rare).
There are no data on overdose of Roferon-A, however, repeated administration of high doses of interferon can lead to symptoms such as prostration, lethargy, profound lethargy and coma. Such patients are immediately hospitalized and monitored, and appropriate supportive therapy is prescribed.
special instructions
The appointment and use of Roferon-A should be carried out in conditions with adequate diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities under the supervision of a physician with experience in the treatment of relevant diseases.
Patients with mild to moderate impairment of bone marrow, kidney or liver function should be closely monitored.
Changes in transaminase activity in patients with hepatitis B usually indicate an improvement in their clinical condition. Interferon-alpha is used with caution in chronic hepatitis in patients with a history of autoimmune pathologies. When pathological disorders appear in functional liver tests, the patient must be carefully monitored and, if necessary, discontinue therapy.
Because of the high likelihood of developing severe mental reactions, special care should be taken when treating patients with a history of depression. Before starting the use of Roferon-A, the patient should be informed about the possibility of developing depression, its signs and the need to immediately consult a doctor when they appear. The decision on the appropriateness of further therapy in the event of depression is made after consulting a psychiatrist.
In the event of serious immediate hypersensitivity reactions in the form of urticaria, bronchospasm, angioedema, anaphylaxis, the drug should be discontinued and immediate appropriate therapy should be initiated. A transient rash does not require discontinuation of the drug.
Before and during treatment, it is necessary to carefully monitor the number of leukocytes (especially granulocytes), platelets and the level of hemoglobin in the blood in patients with severe myelosuppression, since the effect of the drug inhibits the bone marrow and increases the risk of infection and bleeding.
The use of interferon should be discontinued in the event of severe infections and appropriate therapy should be initiated.
The appointment of Roferon-A in diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension must be carried out after examining the fundus for ophthalmic pathologies.
Ophthalmological examination is required for patients with deterioration of visual acuity or loss of vision, if necessary, further treatment is canceled.
In patients with diabetes mellitus, the dose of hypoglycemic drugs should be adjusted, since the action of Roferon-A increases the level of glucose in the blood.
Autoimmune disorders are more likely to occur in patients who are predisposed to developing these diseases.
On the background of therapy, the onset or exacerbation of psoriasis is possible.
When combined treatment with ribavirin, its interaction with other drugs, side effects, and precautions should be taken into account.
During the period of application of Roferon-A, men and women of childbearing age are recommended to use reliable methods of contraception.
The cartridge solution is intended for use in one patient only. The cartridge is installed in a syringe pen, a sticker must be glued to the box and the date of opening must be noted. Each injection is made with a new, sterile needle. When storing a syringe pen with a cartridge at temperatures up to 25 ° C, the drug is usable for 28 days.
Care should be taken when driving vehicles and mechanisms, since Roferon-A can affect the patient's reaction rate.
Application during pregnancy and lactation
During pregnancy, Roferon-A should be prescribed only if the potential benefit of treatment significantly outweighs the possible risks to the fetus. Although animal experiments do not prove teratogenicity of the drug, the likelihood of developing fetal malformations when used during pregnancy remains quite significant. Studies that were carried out in rhesus monkeys that received doses in early and middle stages of pregnancy, significantly exceeding therapeutic ones, confirm the high frequency of miscarriages in animals in this case. Therefore, men and women taking Roferon-A should take care of reliable methods of contraception.
Benzyl alcohol, which is part of the drug, can penetrate the placental barrier. When prescribing Roferon-A immediately before childbirth or caesarean section, the toxic effect of its components on premature babies should be taken into account.
It is not known whether interferon alfa-2a is excreted in breast milk. Depending on the degree of urgency and the need for treatment for the mother, it is necessary to decide whether it is advisable to use Roferon-A or to cancel breastfeeding.
With impaired renal function
According to the instructions, Roferon-A is contraindicated in severe renal dysfunction. In case of impaired renal function of mild to moderate severity, careful monitoring of their functional state during treatment is necessary.
For violations of liver function
Severe liver dysfunction is a contraindication to the use of Roferon-A. With mild to moderate liver dysfunctions, the patient's condition should be carefully monitored during treatment.
Drug interactions
The drug can enhance the hematotoxic, neurotoxic or cardiotoxic effect of drugs prior to or concomitant therapy.
Interaction with drugs of central action is possible.
It should be borne in mind that Roferon-A reduces the activity of hepatic microsomal enzymes of the cytochrome P 450 system, causing a violation of oxidative metabolic processes.
Analogs of Roferon-A are: Alveron, Avoneks, Intron A, Betabioferon-1a, Pegasis, Betfer 1a, Alfarekin, Reaferon-EC, Blastopheron, Genfaxon, Realdiron.
Terms and conditions of storage
Keep out of the reach of children.
Store in a dark place at a temperature of 2-8 ° C, do not freeze.
Shelf life is 2 years.
After opening the cartridge, the solution is suitable for use within 30 days; the syringe pen with the cartridge should be stored in the refrigerator.
Terms of dispensing from pharmacies
Dispensed by prescription.
Reviews about Roferon-A
According to reviews, Roferon-A is highly effective. It inhibits the reproduction of the virus and at the same time stimulates the body's immune system. The drug is administered in high doses and exclusively parenterally. Some patients report serious side effects such as diarrhea, flu-like syndrome, arthralgia, hallucinations, and severe headaches.
Roferon-A is prescribed to cancer patients after chemotherapy and surgery as part of a preventive course of immunotherapy. Patients note good drug tolerance and positive dynamics in the treatment of the disease.
Price for Roferon-A in pharmacies
On average, the price for Roferon-A is 870–916 rubles (for 1 syringe-tube with a dosage of 3 million IU).

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author
Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".
Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!