Insuman Bazal GT
Insuman Bazal GT: instructions for use and reviews
- 1. Release form and composition
- 2. Pharmacological properties
- 3. Indications for use
- 4. Contraindications
- 5. Method of application and dosage
- 6. Side effects
- 7. Overdose
- 8. Special instructions
- 9. Application during pregnancy and lactation
- 10. In case of impaired renal function
- 11. For violations of liver function
- 12. Use in the elderly
- 13. Drug interactions
- 14. Analogs
- 15. Terms and conditions of storage
- 16. Terms of dispensing from pharmacies
- 17. Reviews
- 18. Price in pharmacies
Latin name: Insuman Basal GT
ATX code: A10AC01
Active ingredient: human insulin, isophane (Insulin human, isophane)
Producer: Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland, GmbH (Germany)
Description and photo updated: 2018-29-11

Insuman Bazal GT - human insulin of average duration.
Release form and composition
Dosage form - suspension for subcutaneous (s / c) administration: easily dispersible, almost white or white (3 ml each in colorless glass cartridges, 5 cartridges in cell contour packs, in a cardboard box 1 package; 3 ml each in cartridges made of colorless glass, mounted in disposable syringe pens SoloStar, in a cardboard box of 5 syringe pens; 5 ml each in colorless glass bottles, in a cardboard box of 5 bottles; each pack also contains instructions for the use of Insuman Basal GT).
Composition of 1 ml of suspension:
- active substance: insulin-isophane (human genetic engineering) - 100 IU (International Units), which corresponds to 3.571 mg;
- auxiliary components: glycerol 85%, phenol, m-cresol (m-cresol), sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate, zinc chloride, protamine sulfate, water for injection, as well as hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide (to adjust the pH).
Pharmacological properties
The active ingredient Insuman Basal GT is insulin-isophane obtained by genetic engineering using E. coli K12 135 pINT90d, its structure is identical to human insulin.
The drug lowers blood glucose levels, reduces catabolic effects and promotes the development of anabolic ones. Increases the transport of glucose and potassium into cells, increases glycogen synthesis in the liver and muscles, inhibits gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis, improves the flow of amino acids into cells, protein synthesis and pyruvate utilization. Insulin isophane inhibits lipolysis, increases lipogenesis in the liver and adipose tissue.
The hypoglycemic effect develops within 1 hour, reaches a maximum after 3-4 hours, and lasts for 11-20 hours.
The half-life of insulin from plasma in healthy volunteers is about 4–6 minutes; in patients with renal insufficiency, this indicator increases.
Insulin pharmacokinetics does not reflect its metabolic effect.
Indications for use
Insuman Bazal GT is used for diabetes mellitus requiring insulin treatment.
- hypoglycemia;
- hypersensitivity to any auxiliary component of the drug or insulin, except in cases where insulin therapy is vital.
In the following cases, Insuman Basal GT should be used with caution (dose adjustment and careful monitoring of the patient's condition are required):
- renal failure;
- liver failure;
- intercurrent diseases;
- severe stenosis of the coronary and cerebral arteries;
- proliferative retinopathy, especially in patients who have not received photocoagulation (laser therapy) treatment;
- elderly age.
Insuman Bazal GT, instructions for use: method and dosage
The insulin dosage regimen (dose and time of administration) is determined by the doctor individually for each patient, if necessary, it is adjusted in accordance with the patient's lifestyle, the level of his physical activity and diet therapy.
There are no precise rules for dosing insulin. The average daily dose is 0.5-1 IU / kg, while the proportion of human insulin with prolonged action is 40-60% of the total required daily dose of insulin.
The attending physician should instruct the patient about the frequency of blood glucose testing, and also advise on the insulin therapy regimen in case of any changes in lifestyle or diet.
Insuman Bazal GT is usually injected deeply s / c 45-60 minutes before meals. With each injection, the injection site should be changed within the same anatomical injection site. Changing the area (for example, from the abdomen to the thigh) should be carried out only after consulting a doctor, since it is possible to change the absorption of insulin and, as a result, change its effect.
Insuman Bazal GT should not be used in various insulin pumps, including implanted ones. Intravenous administration of the drug is strictly prohibited! It should not be mixed with insulins of a different concentration, insulin analogs, insulins of animal origin, and any other drugs.
Insuman Bazal GT is allowed to be mixed with all human insulin preparations produced by Sanofi-Aventis group.
The concentration of insulin in the preparation is 100 IU / ml, therefore, in the case of using 5 ml vials, it is necessary to use only disposable plastic syringes for this concentration, in the case of using 3 ml cartridges - with KlikSTAR or OptiPen Pro1 syringe pens.
Immediately before the set, the suspension must be mixed well and inspected. The preparation, ready for administration, should have a uniform milky-white consistency. If the suspension has a different appearance (remained transparent, lumps or flakes formed in the liquid or on the walls / bottom of the bottle), it cannot be used.
Switching to Insuman Bazal GT from another type of insulin
When replacing one type of insulin with another, it is quite often necessary to adjust the dosage regimen, for example, in the case of replacing insulin of animal origin with a human one, switching from one human insulin to another, transferring a patient from soluble human insulin to insulin of a longer action.
In the case of replacing insulin of animal origin with human insulin, it may be necessary to reduce the dose of Insuman Basal GT, especially for patients who were previously treated at sufficiently low blood glucose concentrations; have a tendency to develop hypoglycemia; previously needed high doses of insulin due to the presence of antibodies to it.
A dose reduction may be required immediately after the patient is switched to another type of insulin. Also, the need for insulin may decrease gradually over several weeks.
During the transition to Insuman Basal HT from a different type of insulin and in the first weeks of therapy, it is necessary to carefully monitor the blood glucose level. Patients who, due to the presence of antibodies, required high doses of insulin, are recommended to switch to the drug in a hospital under the close supervision of a physician.
Additional dose adjustment
With improved metabolic control, insulin sensitivity may increase, as a result of which the body's need for it decreases.
A change in the dose of Insuman Bazal GT may also be required if the patient's lifestyle changes (level of physical activity, diet, etc.), body weight and / or other circumstances, due to which an increase in the predisposition to the development of hyper- or hypoglycemia.
The need for insulin may decrease in patients with renal / hepatic insufficiency, in the elderly. In this regard, the selection of the initial and maintenance doses should be carried out with extreme caution (in order to avoid the development of hypoglycemic reactions).
Application of Insuman Basal GT in vials
- Remove the plastic cap from the bottle.
- Stir the suspension well: take the bottle at an acute angle between your palms and turn it gently (to avoid foam formation).
- Draw air into the syringe in a volume corresponding to the required dose of insulin, and inject it into the vial (not into the suspension).
- Without removing the syringe, turn the bottle upside down and draw up the required amount of the drug.
- Remove air bubbles from the syringe.
- Gather a fold of skin with two fingers, insert a needle into its base and slowly inject insulin.
- Take your time, remove the needle and press the injection site with a cotton swab for a few seconds.
- Record the date of the first set of insulin on the vial label.
Application of Insuman Basal GT in cartridges
Cartridges are designed for use with KlikSTAR and OptiPen Pro1 syringe pens. Before insertion, the cartridge should be kept at room temperature for 1–2 hours, as injections of refrigerated insulin are painful. Then you need to mix the suspension until homogeneous: gently turn the cartridge about 10 times (each cartridge has three metal balls that allow you to quickly mix the contents).
If the cartridge is already installed in the syringe pen, turn it over with the cartridge. This procedure must be performed before each administration of Insuman Bazal GT.
The cartridges are not designed to mix with other types of insulin. Empty containers cannot be refilled. In case of a breakdown of the syringe pen, the required dose from the cartridge can be injected using a conventional disposable sterile syringe, using only plastic syringes designed for a given concentration of insulin.
After installing a new cartridge, before introducing the first dose, you need to check the correct operation of the syringe pen.
Application of Insuman Bazal GT in SoloStar syringe pens
Before the first use, the pen should be kept at room temperature for 1-2 hours. During use, the pen can be kept at room temperature (up to 25 ° C), but if it is stored in the refrigerator, it must always be removed 1–2 hours before the injection.
Before each injection, you need to stir the suspension to a homogeneous state: holding the syringe pen at an acute angle between the palms, gently rotate it around its axis.
Used SoloStar syringe pens must be disposed of, since they are not intended for refilling. To avoid infection, only one patient should use each pen.
Before the first injection, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the instructions for using the SoloStar syringe pen - it contains information on the correct preparation, dose selection and administration of the drug.
Important rules for using the SoloStar syringe pen:
- use only needles compatible with SoloStar;
- use a new needle for each injection and conduct a safety test each time;
- take the necessary precautions to prevent accidents involving the use of the needle and the possibility of transmission of infection;
- do not use a syringe pen that is damaged or disrupted the process of dosing the drug;
- protect the syringe pen from dirt and dust (from the outside it can be wiped with a clean damp cloth, but it cannot be washed, lubricated and immersed in a liquid, as it can be damaged);
- always carry a spare pen in case of damage or loss of the main one.
Application of the SoloStar syringe pen:
- Insulin Control: Before first use, it is recommended that you always check the insulin label to ensure the correct choice. The SoloStar syringe pen designed for Insuman Bazal GT is white with a green button. After mixing the suspension, it is necessary each time to inspect its appearance for uniformity of consistency and correct color, the absence of lumps and flakes.
- Needle attachment: use only compatible needles, use a new sterile needle for each injection. Install the needle on the pen with care after removing the cap.
- Conducting a safety test (before each injection, it is necessary to conduct a safety test, which confirms the operability of the syringe pen and needle, the absence of air bubbles): measure the dose in 2 units; remove the outer and inner caps; position the pen with the needle up and gently tap the cartridge with your finger so that all bubbles move to the needle; fully press the insulin delivery button. If the suspension appears at the tip of the needle, then the pen and needle are working correctly. If the suspension does not appear, the entire procedure should be repeated until the drug appears at the tip of the needle.
- Dose selection: the SoloStar syringe pen allows you to measure the dose with an accuracy of 1, from the minimum (1 unit) to the maximum (80 units). If the patient is given a higher dose than the maximum dose, 2 or more injections are given. After completion of the safety test, the number "0" should be displayed in the dosage window, after which the desired dose can be set.
- Injection of the drug: it is necessary to insert the needle under the skin and fully press the injection button. For 10 seconds, keep the button pressed and do not remove the needle to ensure the full administration of the selected dose.
- Needle removal and disposal: All needles are disposable and should be removed and discarded after each injection, taking special precautions (for example, putting on the cap with one hand) to reduce the risk of accidents. After removing the needle, the syringe pen should be closed with a cap.
Side effects
Possible side effects (classified as follows: very often - ≥ 1/10, often - from ≥ 1/100 to <1/10, infrequently - from ≥ 1/1000 to <1/100, frequency unknown - it is not possible to determine the frequency development of adverse reactions according to available data):
- on the part of metabolism and nutrition: very often - hypoglycemic conditions *; often - edema; the frequency is unknown - sodium retention (the development of these effects is possible in case of improvement of previously insufficient metabolic control due to more intensive insulin therapy);
- on the part of the cardiovascular system: the frequency is unknown - a decrease in blood pressure;
- on the part of the skin and subcutaneous tissues: the frequency is unknown - lipodystrophy at the injection site, slowing of local absorption of insulin (these reactions are reduced and even prevented by a constant change of injection sites within the recommended injection site);
- on the part of the organ of vision: the frequency is unknown - transient visual disturbances (due to a temporary change in the turgor of the lenses of the eyes and their refractive index), a temporary worsening of the course of diabetic retinopathy (due to more intensive insulin therapy with a sharp improvement in glycemic control), transient amaurosis (with proliferative retinopathy, especially in patients not receiving photocoagulation treatment);
- allergic reactions: infrequently - anaphylactic shock; the frequency is unknown - generalized skin reactions, bronchospasm, angioedema, the formation of antibodies to insulin (in some cases, due to the formation of antibodies to insulin, its dose may need to be adjusted to prevent a tendency to develop hypo- or hyperglycemia). Allergic reactions to any component of the drug Insuman Bazal GT can pose a threat to the patient's life, therefore, require immediate emergency measures;
- local reactions: frequency unknown - itching, pain, swelling, redness, urticaria and / or an inflammatory reaction at the injection site (usually disappear after a few days / weeks).
* Hypoglycemia is the most common side effect of insulin therapy. It usually develops in cases where the dose of insulin administered exceeds the body's need for it. With severe repeated episodes, neurological symptoms may develop, up to convulsions and coma. Long and severe episodes can be life threatening. In many patients, the manifestations of neuroglycopenia are preceded by reflex activation of the sympathetic nervous system (in response to developing hypoglycemia), the symptoms of which are more pronounced with a significant and rapid decrease in the concentration of glucose in the blood. In the case of a sharp decrease in glucose levels, hypokalemia or cerebral edema may develop.
An overdose of insulin develops when an excessive dose of Insuman Bazal HT is administered in comparison with energy expenditures and / or consumed food, can lead to the development of severe, sometimes prolonged hypoglycemia, in some cases life-threatening.
The patient can stop mild episodes of hypoglycemia on his own by taking carbohydrates inside, after which he must inform his attending physician about this, who, if necessary, will adjust the dose of Insuman Basal GT, food intake and / or physical activity. Severe attacks of hypoglycemia with convulsions, neurological disorders, coma are stopped by intramuscular or subcutaneous administration of glucagon or intravenous administration of a concentrated dextrose solution (for children, the dose of dextrose is determined depending on body weight). After the blood glucose level rises, your doctor may recommend a maintenance carbohydrate intake. Patients should be under medical supervision to avoid the development of a second episode. Better monitoring of blood glucose concentration is required for young children,as they are at risk of developing severe hyperglycemia.
Under certain circumstances, the patient is admitted to the intensive care unit to constantly monitor his condition and the clinical effectiveness of the treatment.
special instructions
During the period of insulin therapy, the patient should regularly monitor blood glucose levels.
In cases where the use of Insuman Bazal GT does not provide sufficient glycemic control, or there is a tendency to episodes of hypo- or hyperglycemia, the doctor must decide on dose adjustment. However, he must first make sure that the patient is clearly following the recommendations (including adherence to the insulin dosing regimen, the correctness of the injection and the choice of the injection site), and also take into account the presence / absence of other factors that may affect the effect of insulin therapy.
Many drugs, when used simultaneously, can change the hypoglycemic effect of Insuman Basal GT (enhance or weaken), therefore, taking any other drug without the permission of the attending physician is prohibited.
The risk of developing hypoglycemia is especially high at the beginning of insulin therapy, when one type of insulin is replaced with another, and in the case of low maintenance blood glucose concentrations.
Under close supervision of the condition and intensive control of glucose levels, treatment should be carried out in patients in whom hypoglycemic episodes during their development may be of particular clinical significance. The risk group includes patients with proliferative retinopathy (especially those who have not undergone laser therapy), with severe stenosis of the cerebral or coronary arteries, since they are more likely to develop transient amaurosis (complete blindness) due to hypoglycemia.
The doctor should inform the patient and his relatives about the clinical symptoms that most likely indicate developing hypoglycemia, such as pallor and moisture of the skin, excessive sweating, paresthesia in the mouth and around the mouth, hunger, chest pains, heart rhythm disturbances, tachycardia, increased blood pressure, disturbed sleep or drowsiness, feelings of anxiety or fear, anxiety, irritability, headache, tremors, depression, impaired coordination of movements, unusual behavior, transient neurological disorders (paralytic symptoms, visual and / or speech impairments), and unusual sensations. If the glucose level continues to fall, the patient may lose self-control and even faint, including with the development of seizures. It is recommended to regularly monitor blood glucose levels,in this case, the risk of hypoglycemia is low. In mild episodes, the patient can correct the lowered blood glucose concentration himself by taking sugar or carbohydrate-rich foods (you should always have 20 g of glucose with you). In more severe conditions, you should immediately call a doctor, since a subcutaneous injection of glucagon is necessary, which can only be done by a medical specialist. After improvement of the condition, the patient is given food. When the patient's condition is completely normalized, he must inform his attending physician about the episode of hypoglycemia so that he can assess the situation and, if necessary, adjust the dose of Insuman Basal GT. In mild episodes, the patient can correct the lowered blood glucose concentration himself by taking sugar or carbohydrate-rich foods (you should always have 20 g of glucose with you). In more severe conditions, you should immediately call a doctor, since a subcutaneous injection of glucagon is necessary, which can only be done by a medical specialist. After improvement of the condition, the patient is given food. When the patient's condition is completely normalized, he must inform his attending physician about the episode of hypoglycemia so that he can assess the situation and, if necessary, adjust the dose of Insuman Basal GT. In mild episodes, the patient can correct the lowered blood glucose concentration himself by taking sugar or carbohydrate-rich foods (you should always have 20 g of glucose with you). In more severe conditions, you should immediately call a doctor, since a subcutaneous injection of glucagon is necessary, which can only be done by a medical specialist. After improvement of the condition, the patient is given food. When the patient's condition is completely normalized, he must inform his attending physician about the episode of hypoglycemia so that he can assess the situation and, if necessary, adjust the dose of Insuman Basal GT. When the patient's condition is completely normalized, he must inform his attending physician about the episode of hypoglycemia so that he can assess the situation and, if necessary, adjust the dose of Insuman Basal GT. When the patient's condition is completely normalized, he must inform his attending physician about the episode of hypoglycemia so that he can assess the situation and, if necessary, adjust the dose of Insuman Basal GT.
The following factors can lead to hyperglycemia (sometimes with ketoacidosis): missed insulin injection, non-compliance with diet, decreased physical activity, increased insulin requirements due to an infectious or other disease. The concentration of ketone bodies in the blood can rise over several hours or days. It is necessary to urgently call an ambulance at the first signs of developing metabolic acidosis, such as dry skin, frequent urination, thirst, loss of appetite, rapid and deep breathing, fatigue, high concentrations of acetone and glucose in the urine.
Patients should be aware that under some conditions a change, decrease in intensity and even the absence of signs of impending hypoglycemia is possible. These include: a significant improvement in glycemic control, the gradual development of hypoglycemia, the presence of autonomic neuropathy, a long history of diabetes mellitus, old age, the simultaneous use of certain drugs. In such situations, severe hypoglycemia (possibly with loss of consciousness) may develop before the patient is aware of his condition. Patients who show normal or decreased glycosylated hemoglobin values should be expected to develop recurrent, unrecognized (especially nocturnal) episodes of hypoglycemia.
Careful monitoring and, possibly, a change in the dose of insulin is required for factors that increase the predisposition to the development of hypoglycemia, such as: skipping meals or insufficient food intake, unusual physical activity (for example, increased or prolonged), increased insulin sensitivity (for example, when eliminating stress factors), a change in the area of insulin administration, the development of some uncompensated endocrine diseases (hypothyroidism, insufficiency of the anterior pituitary gland, insufficiency of the adrenal cortex), the presence of intercurrent pathology (vomiting, diarrhea), alcohol consumption, the simultaneous use of certain medicines.
To reduce the risk of developing hypoglycemia, the patient should strictly follow the insulin dosing regimen and diet prescribed by the doctor, correctly inject and clearly study the symptoms of developing hypoglycemia.
The patient must be sure to inform the new doctor about the presence of diabetes mellitus when he changes it, for example, in case of illness during vacation or hospitalization due to an accident.
More intensive metabolic control is necessary when a patient develops an intercurrent disease (a disease that complicates the course of diabetes mellitus). Most patients have urinalysis for ketone bodies and adjust the dose of insulin as the need for it often increases. People with type 1 diabetes need to continue to consume at least a low amount of carbohydrates regularly, even if they can only eat small amounts of food or if they vomit. Insulin administration should not be stopped completely.
In most cases, in patients with increased sensitivity to insulin of animal origin, it is difficult to switch to human insulin, which is due to an immunological cross reaction. In case of hypersensitivity to animal insulin or m-cresol, the tolerance of Insuman Basal GT is evaluated in the clinic by means of intradermal tests. If there is an immediate type III hypersensitivity reaction (for example, the Arthus phenomenon), reflecting an increased sensitivity to human insulin, drug therapy is possible only under strict medical supervision.
Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and complex mechanisms
The speed of reactions and the ability to concentrate during the period of insulin therapy may decrease due to visual disturbances, as well as due to the development of hyper- or hypoglycemia. In cases where these functions are important (for example, when driving a car or working with complex mechanisms), violations can pose a certain risk. In this regard, when performing potentially hazardous activities, care should be taken to prevent the development of hypoglycemia. These recommendations are especially important for patients who have frequent episodes of hypoglycemia, or no or mild symptoms of a hypoglycemic state. For this category of patients, the degree of restrictions is determined individually with the doctor.
Application during pregnancy and lactation
Insulin-isophane does not penetrate the placental barrier, therefore pregnancy is not a contraindication to continuing therapy with Insuman Bazal GT. Moreover, adequate maintenance of metabolic control throughout pregnancy is imperative for both women with diabetes before pregnancy and women with gestational diabetes. Therapy should be carried out under close medical supervision and intensive control of blood glucose levels, since in the first trimester the need for insulin usually decreases, in the second and third trimesters it increases, and immediately after childbirth it decreases rapidly.
Women should inform their doctor right away if they plan or become pregnant.
Breastfeeding is not a contraindication to the use of insulin, however, a dose adjustment of Insuman Basal GT and diet therapy may be required.
With impaired renal function
Insuman Bazal GT should be used with caution in patients with impaired renal function, since a decrease in insulin metabolism may reduce the body's need for it.
For violations of liver function
Insuman Bazal GT should be used with caution in patients with impaired hepatic function, since, due to a decrease in insulin metabolism and the ability to gluconeogenesis, the body's need for it may decrease.
Use in the elderly
In elderly patients with diabetes mellitus, there may be a reduced need for insulin. In this regard, the initiation of therapy, each dose increase and the selection of a maintenance dose of Insuman Basal HT should be carried out with caution in order to avoid the development of hypoglycemic reactions.
Drug interactions
The hypoglycemic effect of insulin can be enhanced (as a result of which the predisposition to the development of hypoglycemia increases) the following drugs: fenfluramine, cibenzoline, phentolamine, guanethidine, propoxyphene, disopyramide, trophosphamide, fluoxetine, phenoxybenzamine, amphetamine, ifosfosfamidine, phenoxybenzamine, its analogs, pfoxosfamidin, tetracyclines, sulfonamides, anabolic steroids and male sex hormones, fibrates, salicylates, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, oral hypoglycemic drugs.
The hypoglycemic effect of insulin can be weakened by the following drugs: diazoxide, somatotropin, doxazosin, phenolphthalein, isoniazid, danazol, corticotropin, glucagon, nicotinic acid, barbiturates, phenytoin derivatives, estrogens and progestogens (including those contained in oral hormones), diuretic drugs, phenothiazine derivatives, sympathomimetic agents (eg salbutamol, epinephrine, terbutaline).
Beta-blockers, lithium salts and clonidine can both weaken and enhance the hypoglycemic effect of Insuman Basal GT.
Ethanol can also weaken or potentiate the effect of insulin. Drinking alcoholic beverages can lead to the development of hypoglycemia or to lowering already low blood glucose levels to dangerous levels. In addition, ethanol tolerance may be impaired in patients undergoing insulin therapy. Acceptable amounts of ethanol should be determined by a physician.
The simultaneous use of pentamidine can contribute to the development of hypoglycemia, sometimes turning into hyperglycemia.
Sympatholytic agents (for example, beta-blockers, reserpine, guanethidine, clonidine) can weaken or completely stop the symptoms of developing reflex activation of the sympathetic nervous system (in response to hypoglycemia).
Insuman Bazal GT analogs are Biosulin N, Vozulim-N, Gensulin N, Insuran NPH, Protafan HM, Protafan HM Penfill, Protamine-insulin ChS, Rosinsulin S, Humodar B 100, Humodar B 100 Rek, Humulin NPH.
Terms and conditions of storage
Store in a dark place, out of reach of children, at a temperature of 2-8 ° C.
Shelf life is 2 years.
Once opened, vials and cartridges after insertion can be stored in a dark, dry place at temperatures up to 25 ° C for up to 4 weeks.
Terms of dispensing from pharmacies
Dispensed by prescription.
Reviews about Insuman Bazal GT
Reviews of Insuman Bazal GT are mostly positive: the drug well reduces the increased concentration of glucose in the blood and does not cause adverse reactions. According to patients, Insuman Bazal GT is not the most powerful, like other medium-acting agents, however, if all the doctor's recommendations are followed, it acts effectively and gently. Its additional advantage includes the presence of the release form in ready-made syringe pens.
Price for Insuman Bazal GT in pharmacies
The cost of 5 SoloStar syringe pens, 3 ml each, is approximately 1200-1367 rubles. The price of Insuman Bazal GT in vials is unknown due to the lack of the drug in this package on sale at the moment.

Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author
Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".
Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!