Diet table 3

Diet table 3 is therapeutic and is used for chronic intestinal diseases, constipation, during a mild exacerbation of the disease or outside the period of exacerbation. Diet 3 is recommended for children and adults regularly suffering from constipation and bloating.
Diet table 3 is characterized by a daily diet containing 100-120 g of protein, 100-120 g of fat and 400-450 g of carbohydrates. It is not recommended to use salt more than 15 g per day, and you need to drink 1.5 liters of liquid per day. Thus, the energy value of diet 3 is 3-3.5 thousand calories per day. Diet 3 provides for frequent meals, at least 4-6 times a day.
The diet 3 menu must include dishes and foods that activate intestinal motility. But food that causes rotting and fermentation, and also negatively affects the work of the digestive system, must be excluded from the diet. Thus, the diet table 3 is aimed at normalizing metabolic processes in the body and improving bowel function.
With diet 3, the food should not be too chopped. The ideal option is steamed, baked or boiled dishes. Fruits and vegetables are recommended to be eaten raw. Foods that are too cold or too hot should not be consumed. The optimum temperature for food is 15-62 degrees.
What foods are allowed on diet 3?
The diet 3 menu must include the following foods:
- Whole wheat bread. Occasionally you can pamper yourself with pies made from uncooked dough. Apples or meat are suitable for the filling.
- Vegetable soups on a weak broth, fish soups, borscht, fruit soups, beetroot soup.
- Tomatoes, beets, carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, white cabbage, boiled cauliflower, boiled green beans, green peas.
- Diet meats (turkey, chicken, veal, beef), fish (carp, pike perch, cod, bream, hake, pike). For diet 3, fish and meat are allowed to be baked, steamed or boiled. Sometimes the table of diet 3 is allowed to be supplemented with low-fat ham or doctor's sausage.
- Loose millet and buckwheat porridge, cooked in water or with the addition of milk.
- Kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, acidophilus, fresh cottage cheese (you can use cheesecakes and puddings), milk (in dishes), mild cheese, non-sour cream (in dishes).
- Rosehip broth, tea, vegetable and fruit juices (tomato, carrot, apricot, plum, etc.), wheat bran broth, coffee from substitutes.
- Butter (in dishes). Vegetable fats on the diet 3 menu can only be included if tolerated.
- Ripe fruits and berries (can be consumed in unlimited quantities fresh or dried). Diet 3 for children and adults implies the use of sugar, jam, preserves, marmalades, dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, prunes, apricots), as well as cloves, dill, celery, bay leaves. A small amount of fruit and white sauce is allowed.
- Steamed protein omelet, soft-boiled eggs.
- Vinaigrette in vegetable oil, raw vegetable salads, vegetable caviar, herring.
What foods are prohibited on diet 3?

It is not recommended to include such foods in the diet 3 menu:
- Pepper, horseradish, mustard, fatty and hot sauces.
- Various smoked meats, fatty and spicy dishes.
- Butter dough, bread made from high-grade flour, jelly, mashed porridge, pork, lamb or beef fat.
- Radishes, radishes, turnips, mushrooms, green onions and garlic, strong coffee or tea.
- Milk caramel, marmalade, honey, candy.
Approximate diet menu 3 per day
- Breakfast: steamed omelet, vegetable salad seasoned with vegetable oil, a cup of weak tea.
- Second breakfast: one fresh apple.
- Lunch: stewed beets with a piece of boiled meat, vegetarian cabbage soup with sour cream, dried fruit compote.
- Dinner: buckwheat groats with cottage cheese, vegetable cabbage rolls, a cup of tea.
- It is recommended to drink a glass of kefir at night.
And here are a few Diet 3 recipes to help you diversify the Diet 3 table a bit and make it delicious.
- Diet Recipe 3 - Green Borscht. You will need the following ingredients: vegetable broth 0.3 l, 1 beet, 1 carrot, 20 g of white roots, 2 tsp. tomato paste, 1 onion, 1 potato, a bunch of sorrel and spinach, 1 tsp. wheat flour, 3 tsp. sour cream and 1 egg. Beets, carrots and white roots must be chopped into strips and stewed a little. Add tomato paste and onions. Put diced potatoes, chopped spinach and sorrel, stewed vegetables into boiling broth. Heat the flour in a frying pan with oil, dilute it a little in the broth and salt, add to the pan. Before serving, put greens, half a hard-boiled egg and a spoonful of sour cream on a plate.
- Diet Recipe 3 - Steamed Meatloaf. You will need the following ingredients: 60 g minced meat, 1 tbsp. milk, 1 carrot, 3 egg whites and 1 tsp. butter. Mix the minced meat with milk, salt and egg whites. Mix well. Put the resulting mass on a lightly greased baking sheet, put chopped carrots on top and steam. Before serving, the dish should be sprinkled with sauce or butter.
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