5 reasons to drink alkaline water regularly
Health status largely depends on the chemical composition of body fluids. Experts believe that the pH value of these solutions should be in the range of 7.35–7.45. Deviation downward (so-called acidification) is fraught with the development of severe ailments, malfunctioning of the immune system, decreased work capacity and deterioration in the quality of life. To avoid serious fluctuations in the acidity of internal fluids, it is necessary to adhere to a reasonable diet, in particular, maintain a balance between products of animal and plant origin. The composition of the fluids that a person consumes daily plays a significant role in the fight against acidification. By using alkaline water for food purposes, you can achieve a noticeable improvement in health.
Positive effects of alkaline water on the cardiovascular system
Contrary to popular belief, "bad" cholesterol is not the only culprit for vascular problems that provoke cerebrovascular accidents, the development of hypertension, angina pectoris, etc. Many pathologies of the cardiovascular system arise from inflammation of large acidity of biological fluids. Drinking alkaline water regularly reduces risk and helps prevent life-threatening diseases.

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Improving the breathing process
An excess of acid in the tissues of the lungs and bronchi leads to an increased susceptibility to colds. People suffering from acidification of the body often complain of difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, weakness, fatigue with minimal physical exertion. Switching to alkaline water quickly optimizes the gas exchange process in the lungs and improves respiratory function.

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Improving the digestive tract
Of all the digestive organs, the pancreas suffers the most from alkali deficiency. It must produce the bulk of digestive enzymes, and with increased acidification of biological fluids, this is impossible.
Using alkaline water for drinking and cooking improves appetite and helps prevent a number of gastrointestinal diseases (especially those associated with the development of inflammatory processes).

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Strengthening the immune system
Alkaline water contains an increased amount of hydrogen ions. This explains such its effect as an increase in the concentration of antioxidants in the blood, and the overall health of the body. People who maintain an optimal acid-base balance in biological fluids are better protected from seasonal infections.
The positive effect of alkaline water on the immune system is associated with the following fact. It is known that the human body spends a lot of energy on raising the pH of the blood to the optimal level in the event of increased acidification. By enriching the diet with alkalizing elements from food and drink, we facilitate this process, which allows us to focus the defenses on the fight against pathogens.

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Supporting the work of the urinary system
The main function of the kidneys is to cleanse the blood from waste products and form urine, which is then excreted from the body through the excretory system. When the acidity of the blood is increased, this process becomes more difficult. Trying to avoid malfunctioning of the kidneys, the body begins to "take" alkaline elements from the only available source - bone tissue. As a result, not only pathological fragility of bones (osteoporosis) can occur, but also urolithiasis or kidney stones, since insoluble salts, which should be excreted in the urine, are formed in excess. Alkaline water delivers missing ions to the body and helps to avoid such problems.

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Water that is alkaline and suitable for continuous use is easy to obtain at home. The easiest way is to freeze regular tap water or purchased bottled water. There are other methods, for example, infusing water on crushed eggshells or wood (birch) ash. You can also use alkaline water extracted from natural sources ("Borjomi" or "Essentuki No. 4"), after removing the gas from it. But remember that such drinks should be purchased only from the most reliable suppliers, making sure of the high quality and authenticity of the purchased product. In addition, today on sale there are special devices that allow you to obtain ionized water at home, having a certain pH level.
For a general improvement in the condition, strengthening immunity and reducing the risks of developing severe pathologies, a healthy person needs to drink 1 glass of alkaline water daily on an empty stomach. The use of such liquid for culinary purposes (for making soups and drinks) also gives a good effect. It is believed that only fresh alkaline water has a positive effect, therefore it is advisable to make it at home in small portions, which will be used within 2-3 hours.
With all its positive effects on the body, alkaline water is not a medicine; it makes no sense to treat existing severe pathologies with it. Do not forget that there are contraindications for the use of this remedy. For example, water with a high pH level is not recommended for diabetics, as well as for patients suffering from certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract. It is also advisable for a person who does not have chronic ailments to undergo an examination and consult a doctor before taking alkaline water.
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Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author
Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".
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