Diet 10
Indications for a diet (table) 10

Chronic circulatory failure 1 or 2a stage.
Diet Goal 10
This diet facilitates the activity of the cardiovascular system. Includes foods, the use of which has a beneficial effect on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, spares the kidneys, increases urine output (i.e., the amount of urine).
Table characteristics (diet) 10
Significantly limited salt and water, foods rich in cholesterol. The amount of plant fiber in food decreases, as well as products that cause flatulence (gas formation in the intestines).
Products that excite the cardiovascular and nervous systems, irritate the liver, kidneys are excluded, i.e. extractive substances.
Diet menu 10 is enriched with magnesium salts, potassium, vitamins.
Recommended chemical composition of diet number 10
- Proteins: 80-90, of which about 60% of animal proteins, 40% of vegetable proteins.
- Fats: 70 g. Vegetable fats - 30%, animals - 70%.
- Carbohydrates: no more than 350-400g.
- Table salt: no more than 5-7 g. Of this amount, 3-4 g is given to the patient for salting food, the remaining 2-3 g are used in the cooking process.
- Liquid. The total amount of free fluid consumed by the patient should not exceed 1.2 liters. This should also include soups, compotes, jelly, etc.
The total energy value of diet 10 is not more than 2300-2600 kcal.
Cooking food with diet number 10
Meat and fish dishes should be steamed or boiled in water. In a stable state, baking or light frying is possible later.
All dishes are prepared without the use of salt.
Salt is included in ready-made dishes: bread, roll, etc.
Dishes included in the diet menu 10
1. Bread and bakery products. Salt-free wheat bread with bran (yesterday's), white crackers, non-tasty dietary cookies are allowed.
2. Cereal, vegetable, dairy or vegetarian soups.
3. Meat. You can use lean beef, veal, chicken, turkey meat, boiled rabbit for cooking. After cooking, you can lightly fry or bake.
4. Fish. The menu of diet 10 includes low-fat varieties of fish (pike perch, hake, cod) in boiled form.

5. Vegetables. Can be used for cooking carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, beets, cauliflower, potatoes. Any vegetables can be eaten boiled. Baked potatoes are recommended. Tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, carrots are allowed to be eaten raw. Limit the use of peas, beans, cabbage due to the possibility of increased gas formation.
It should be noted that a number of vegetables contain a significant amount of liquid, which should be taken into account in the daily amount of water consumed.
6. Pasta and cereals. Porridge made from any cereals, cooked in milk, is allowed. Any pasta, but preferably from durum wheat, without salt.
7. Milk and dairy products. With good tolerance, you can include kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cottage cheese in the diet. It is also recommended to prepare dishes from dairy products: casseroles, cheesecakes, etc. Fatty dairy products (sour cream, cream) must be taken into account in the menu when calculating the amount of animal fats consumed!
8. Eggs. No more than 3 pieces per week. Mainly used for cooking. With an increased level of cholesterol, yolk in the diet is highly discouraged.
9. Sweet food. In terms of pure sugar, no more than 100 g per day. It can be honey, marmalade, marshmallows, etc. It is worth considering that many fruits and dried fruits contain significant amounts of fruit sugars. Therefore, on the day of consumption of such products as raisins, dried apricots, grapes, sweet apples, bananas, etc., the amount of sweet is reduced.
10. Sauces. It is allowed to prepare low-fat vegetable and fruit sauces using parsley, dill, bay leaves. The sauces should be mild.
Diet exception foods 10
Strong tea and coffee, alcohol, cocoa, chocolate.
Saturated meat, fish, mushroom broths. Spicy and spicy dishes. Foods containing a large amount of cholesterol: caviar, animal fat, brains, offal. Pickles, pickles are strictly prohibited. Limit gas-producing foods like legumes, radishes and radishes, sodas, and more.
Based on all of the above, you can make an approximate diet menu 10 for a week.
Sample Diet Menu 10
1 day.
Breakfast: - curd pudding 150 g;
- semolina porridge 150g;
- tea 200g.
Second breakfast: - fresh apples 100 g.
Lunch: - pearl barley soup with vegetables on water 150g;
- boiled or lightly baked meat with boiled carrots - 55g + 150g;
- apple compote 200ml.
Afternoon snack: - apples 100g;
- rosehip compote 200ml.
Dinner: - mashed potatoes with boiled fish 150g + 85g;
- pilaf with fruit 90g;
- tea with milk 200ml.
Late dinner: - kefir 200ml.
Throughout the day, you can eat no more than 250 g of wheat bread, sugar 50 g, butter 20 g.
It is advisable to simultaneously draw up an approximate diet menu 10 for a week. This will allow you to adjust it and make it more varied.
Types of diet 10
Diet 10 is used for cardiovascular diseases. There are 3 main types of it. This separation is necessary to further improve the effect of dietary therapy.
- Diet 10 A. It is used in the treatment of chronic heart failure 2b and 3 degrees. When compiling a diet, table salt and liquid are sharply limited, and the total calorie content of food is also reduced.
- Diet 10 B. Used for myocardial infarction. Eliminates foods that cause flatulence in the intestines, salt, and restricts fluid. Includes 3 stages, depending on the severity of the heart attack.
- Diet 10 V. It is used in the treatment of atherosclerosis. In characterizing this subtype of the diet, it is necessary to emphasize the following: the protein content remains the same, the percentage of animal and vegetable fats decreases in favor of the latter, and simple carbohydrates are limited. The diet is enriched with dietary fiber, foods containing polyunsaturated fatty acids.
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