
Overwork, not being a pathological condition, also does not apply to the norm. Fatigue is a normal state for the body - a natural process when the strength and energy available in the reserve are used up. Fatigue from overwork is easy to distinguish - it is easily removed, in order for fatigue to disappear, it is enough just to have a good rest. With fatigue, there is no general decrease in well-being and no unpleasant symptoms, except for fatigue, but fatigue can even be pleasant, especially when a person sees the result of the applied forces.
Overwork is another matter. Overwork means that energy is not just used up, but a parallel can be drawn: borrowed - that is, taken away from other life processes. That is why overwork, in addition to fatigue, has unpleasant consequences: headaches, sleep disturbances, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, and so on. Overwork is often classified as stress, more precisely, there is stress as a result of overwork.
Overwork can be acute (one-time) or chronic (long-term). Acute fatigue occurs as a result of any non-standard situation: moving, traveling, an important event in life, an accident. Severe fatigue can briefly weaken the immune system, deplete the body's defenses, and a person can pick up a respiratory viral infection at such a moment of vulnerability, for example. If a person has had chronic diseases before, then an exacerbation of a chronic disease will occur. However, for a healthy person, a one-time, or acute, overwork, even severe, will not have serious consequences. A healthy body has a large margin of safety, and at the first opportunity it will quickly restore the expended strength.

Chronic overwork is much more dangerous, albeit mild, but occurring regularly. Chronic overwork leads to a gradual depletion of the body's defenses, and this is nothing more than immunity. Under the influence of overwork, chronic fatigue syndrome develops - a condition bordering between illness and health, but this condition will not go away on its own unless vigorous measures are taken. Chronic overwork cannot be "cured" by a simple sleep, as sleep, as a rule, is of poor quality. Depression, loss of vitality, psycho-emotional instability or emptiness, heaviness, feeling of constant fatigue, even upon waking up in the morning - these are its main symptoms. Of course, treatment should begin with the removal of those factors that led to overwork, without which all measures will be unsuccessful,and sooner or later, somewhere in a thin place, a failure will occur, and the person will get sick.
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