Exophthalmos - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis And Treatment

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Exophthalmos - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis And Treatment
Exophthalmos - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis And Treatment

Video: Exophthalmos - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis And Treatment

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Exophthalmos - causes, treatment
Exophthalmos - causes, treatment

Exophthalmos or protrusion of the eye in medicine means a phenomenon in which one or both eyeballs protrude forward, and often also shift to the side. This disease is provoked, first of all, by a significant increase in the volume of orbital tissues, which are caused by various factors. In the people, exophthalmos is more often called bulging eyes. This pathology occurs quite often among both sexes at almost any age.

Exophthalmos reasons

It should immediately be noted that the cause of exophthalmos is not a violation of the functions of the visual organs, as many believe. At the same time, the disease itself, left unattended, can provoke serious complications, which are often fraught with vision problems and even its complete loss. It is known that damage to the ocular tissue, which is characteristic of exophthalmos, is often caused by disturbances in the human immune system. In this case, as a rule, the adipose tissue of the orbit swells first, then the motor muscles. This phenomenon usually affects both eyes, although initially it may appear in only one.

Other common causes of exophthalmos include:

  • Inflammatory processes of the blood vessels of the eyes;
  • Inflammation of the lacrimal glands;
  • Inflammatory processes of the adipose tissue of the eyes;
  • Varicose veins of the orbital veins;
  • Orbital tumors;
  • Congenital glaucoma;
  • Paralysis of the outer muscles of the eye;
  • Various injuries that provoke hemorrhage for the eyeball.

All of the above causes of exophthalmos are local in nature.

However, this disease is often caused by such general factors as:

  • Inflammation in the sinuses
  • Hydrocephalus;
  • Lymphadenosis;
  • Diffuse toxic goiter;
  • Abnormalities in the development of the skull;
  • Certain blood disorders, etc.

Exophthalmos can manifest in different ways and have varying degrees of severity. In some people, it is practically invisible and is determined only after a special examination by a specialist. In others, the disease is pronounced, and one glance is enough to determine its presence by characteristic signs. In such serious situations, the disease can lead to the development of all kinds of complications.

For example, in addition to the displacement of the eyeball, there is often a violation of eye mobility, since exophthalmos is often accompanied by damage to the muscles responsible for it. Double vision and strabismus are also characteristic symptoms of this pathology. With a significant forward displacement of the eyeballs, contact between the upper and lower eyelids becomes almost impossible. Thus, the cornea of the eye with exophthalmos loses its natural protection without receiving the necessary moisture. This process gradually leads to deformation of the cornea and destruction of its structure, which is facilitated by inflammation.

The most dangerous complication of exophthalmos is compression of the optic nerve, which is provoked by the displacement of the apple and an increase in pressure in the eye cavity. After all, it is this nerve that leads the visual impulse to the brain. This condition causes impaired blood flow and can lead to nerve death and complete blindness.

Diagnosis and treatment of exophthalmos

To diagnose exophthalmos, exophthalmometry is most often used, a study in which the location of a person's eyeballs is studied. A special instrument used in this procedure compares the points of the corneal protrusions reflected in profile in the instrument mirrors. Typically, these measurements are taken while looking up and down to get a clear picture. If, as a result of this examination, a discrepancy of values of more than 20 mm is obtained, we can talk about the presence of such a disease as exophthalmos in a person.

A detailed examination, which is necessary to determine the shape and complexity of the exophthalmos, is usually carried out using magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography. Along with them, you should definitely check the level of thyroid hormones using laboratory tests. In addition, it is worth paying close attention to possible problems with the immune system, since the most common cause of the disease is endocrine ophthalmopathy.

Treatment of exophthalmos is impossible without identifying the diseases or problems that provoked it, since the elimination of pathology is directly related to getting rid of its causes. It should be noted that even if the disease was not caused by abnormalities in the eye area and abnormal processes in the orbit, the presence of an ophthalmologist is still desirable during treatment or surgical intervention.

Often this disease is the result of various inflammatory processes. In this case, as a rule, the treatment of exophthalmos involves, first of all, the use of various antibacterial and anti-inflammatory medicines. In severe cases, surgery may be required.

Symptoms and diagnosis of exophthalmos
Symptoms and diagnosis of exophthalmos

Also, the surgical method is suitable for the treatment of exophthalmos, which provoked damage to the cornea or compression of the optic nerve. In the first case, complete or partial stitching of the eyelids is used, which is of a temporary nature, which helps to strengthen the cornea with exophthalmos. Doctors in similar situations also recommend various ointments and gels to help restore corneal tissue.

When the optic nerve is squeezed, the most common use is the partial removal of the adipose tissue of the orbit to relieve pressure.

If exophthalmos is a consequence of the presence of a tumor in the orbit, the intervention of an oncologist is necessary, who can prescribe radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or a combination thereof. Often, in such cases, an operation to remove the tumor is necessary.

Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of the presence of this disease, you should immediately seek advice from an experienced ophthalmologist.

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The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
