Personality Psychopathy - Symptoms, Types, Treatment

Personality Psychopathy - Symptoms, Types, Treatment
Personality Psychopathy - Symptoms, Types, Treatment


Brief description of psychopathy

Sick child with psychopathy
Sick child with psychopathy

Psychopathy is a personality disorder characterized by rejection of social norms, increased aggressiveness, impulsivity, and inability to form attachments.

Psychopathy is manifested by the inadequacy of a person's emotional experiences, often he has a tendency to obsessive and depressive states.

Diagnosis of psychopathy

Psychopathy, or personality disorder, attracts attention in a person's manifestation of the discrepancy between his behavior and the social norms existing in society.

Psychopathy is diagnosed if the patient has three or more points from the following criteria:

  • Indifference, often heartless to other people's feelings.
  • Irresponsibility, disregard for social norms, rules and duties.
  • Inability to build and maintain relationships with people.
  • Lack of ability to withstand emerging setbacks, intense struggle to fulfill their needs and desires, possibly with the manifestation of signs of aggression, even including violence.
  • Lack of guilt, inability to analyze your life experience and take advantage of it, especially from the punishments received.
  • Constant conflict with society, which arises from a pronounced inclination to blame the surrounding people for everything, plausibly justifying their behavior.

When diagnosed, in addition to general criteria, the symptoms of psychopathy can manifest themselves in the following points in human behavior:

- disrespect for laws, their violation, leading to arrests;

- frequent lies, hypocrisy, deception of others for personal gain;

- inability to plan, impulsivity;

- severe irritability, aggressiveness, manifested in frequent fights;

- lack of a sense of security for yourself and the people around you, excessive riskiness;

- irresponsibility, inability to withstand the tense rhythm of work, to fulfill financial obligations;

- Causing moral or physical harm to other people without feeling guilty as a result, theft, etc.

Types of psychopathy

In practice, the following types of psychopathies are distinguished:

1. Asthenic type, when there is increased irritability and rapid exhaustion.

2. Excitable type, when there are outbursts of anger, inadequacy of emotional reactions.

3. Hysterical type, when impressionability, egocentrism and suggestibility are characteristic of a person.

4. Paranoid - with the manifestation of suspicion, high self-esteem, a tendency to impose super valuable ideas.

The types of psychopathy in each person are determined individually, based on his behavior.

Psychopathy: causes of occurrence

Psychopathy occurs when the volitional and emotional traits of a person are not developed correctly. It is believed that psychopathy is not a disease, but is due to a certain pathology of character caused by:

- congenital inferiority of the nervous system;

- birth trauma, head trauma;

- hereditary factors, alcoholism of the parents;

- serious illnesses in early childhood;

- encephalitis.

Personality psychopathy can be caused by trauma, moral conditions, and adverse environmental conditions in general.

Personality psychopathy develops with the wrong upbringing of children. This upbringing is divided into four options:

1. Overprotective, when parents pay increased attention to their child, constantly impose their opinion on him, do not allow him to show independence.

2. Hypothesis, when parents, on the contrary, show insufficient attention to their child, do not engage in his upbringing.

3. “The idol of the family”, when the family praises a child, fulfills all his whims, constantly protects him, does not teach him to work.

4. "Cinderella", when a child does not receive affection from his parents, he is beaten, mocked, opposed to other children.

Treating psychopathy

Psychopathy does not always need treatment.

Treating psychopathy
Treating psychopathy

In its prevention, the main importance is given to measures of social impact: upbringing in the family, at school, social adaptation, correct employment, which must correspond to the level of intelligence and the mental makeup of the individual.

The diagnosed personality psychopathy requires treatment, in which the methods of psychotherapeutic influence are applied: explanatory psychotherapy, hypnosis, autogenous training, family psychotherapy.

With the drug treatment of psychopathy, psychotropic drugs are prescribed, but very individually and taking into account personal characteristics and psychopathological reactions.

Individuals with symptoms of psychopathy of emotional instability are prescribed antidepressants, hysterical reactions - small doses of antipsychotics (triftazine, aminazine,), states of malice, aggressiveness - antipsychotics (haloperidol, tizercin), with pronounced deviations in behavior, sonapax and neuleptil work well.

Psychopathy with severe asthenic reactions requires prescribing stimulants (sydnocarb) or natural drugs such as ginseng, zamaniha, Chinese magnolia vine, eleutherococcus, leuzea, etc.

It should be understood that psychopathy is not a reason for self-medication! The selection of any drugs, doses and methods of their application should be dealt with only by a psychiatrist!

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The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
