Hemorrhoids In Men - Symptoms, Treatment, Signs, Causes

Hemorrhoids In Men - Symptoms, Treatment, Signs, Causes
Hemorrhoids In Men - Symptoms, Treatment, Signs, Causes

Hemorrhoids in men

The content of the article:

  1. Causes of hemorrhoids in men and risk factors
  2. Forms of the disease
  3. Disease stages
  4. Symptoms of hemorrhoids in men
  5. Diagnostics
  6. Hemorrhoid treatment in men
  7. Possible complications and consequences
  8. Forecast
  9. Prevention

Hemorrhoids in men - varicose veins of the external hemorrhoidal plexus, leading to stagnation of blood in the cavernous bodies of the rectum. This, in turn, causes the expansion and change in the shape of the veins with the formation of nodes around the rectum, inflammation, thrombus formation.

According to various sources, the prevalence of pathology among the adult population is 20–80%. Hemorrhoids occur in both men and women, but men are more susceptible to it. The risk age group is 30-60 years.

Signs of hemorrhoids in men
Signs of hemorrhoids in men

Hemorrhoids may fall out of the anal canal during bowel movements

Causes of hemorrhoids in men and risk factors

The main causes of hemorrhoids in men include:

  • hereditary factor (congenital vascular weakness and / or their dysfunction);
  • persistent constipation;
  • prolonged diarrhea;
  • laxative drug abuse;
  • frequent use of enemas;
  • overweight, obesity;
  • poor diet (including alcohol abuse);
  • anal sex;
  • horseback riding, cycling and / or motorcycle riding;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

At risk are representatives of certain professions whose activities are associated with a static load, such as drivers, pilots, programmers, teachers, office workers, hairdressers, porters, security guards, etc.

Forms of the disease

Hemorrhoids are acute and chronic.

Depending on the localization of the nodes:

  • external (subcutaneous, external) - hemorrhoids are located outside the anus;
  • internal (submucous) - hemorrhoids are located inside the rectum;
  • mixed - hemorrhoids are located both inside the rectum and outside.

Disease stages

There are 4 stages of hemorrhoids:

  1. Swelling of hemorrhoids without falling out of the anal canal, recurrent bleeding, perianal itching.
  2. An increase in the nodes, their periodic loss during physical exertion, the dropped nodes are adjusted independently.
  3. Regular bleeding, frequent prolapse of hemorrhoids, which can only be adjusted manually.
  4. Hemorrhoids do not correct or fall out again immediately after reduction.
There are 4 stages of hemorrhoids
There are 4 stages of hemorrhoids

There are 4 stages of hemorrhoids

Symptoms of hemorrhoids in men

Hemorrhoids in men begin with recurrent discomfort in the anal area - burning, itching, painful sensations of varying intensity. Soreness usually accompanies the process of defecation, but in some cases it also occurs spontaneously. Unpleasant sensations are aggravated by coughing, running, jumping. During bowel movements, hemorrhoids (prolapse) may fall out of the anal canal, painful, bleeding fissures may form.

With the development of the pathological process, the nodes begin to fall out with less and less physical exertion, for example, when walking. Fallen hemorrhoids are often inflamed, and are also capable of being pinched and necrotic. The prolapse of hemorrhoids is accompanied by edema, a feeling of fullness in the rectum, a foreign body in the anus. The nodes are painful to palpation.

In the case of the external form of the disease, hemorrhoids are determined visually and palpated in the form of soft tumor-like formations outside the anus. With internal hemorrhoids, the nodes are not visible, the disease is manifested by rectal bleeding - scarlet blood is found on the surface of the feces, on toilet paper.

Bleeding from hemorrhoids can be of varying severity. Intense and frequent bleeding causes anemia.

Other signs of hemorrhoids in men include discharge from the anus of a watery or mucous nature, constipation, fecal incontinence, heaviness in the lower abdomen (especially during physical exertion). With insufficient hygienic care, eczema forms in the anal area due to constant skin irritation.

In the case of the addition of a bacterial infection, inflammatory processes develop in the perineum, which can be accompanied by an increase in body temperature, chills, and increased pain.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids in men - pain in the anus, bleeding after a bowel movement, heaviness in the lower abdomen
Symptoms of hemorrhoids in men - pain in the anus, bleeding after a bowel movement, heaviness in the lower abdomen

Symptoms of hemorrhoids in men - pain in the anus, bleeding after a bowel movement, heaviness in the lower abdomen

In chronic hemorrhoids in men, the clinical picture is similar, but less pronounced than in the acute form of the disease. The chronic form of hemorrhoids in men proceeds with alternating periods of exacerbations and remissions.


Diagnostics is carried out by a proctologist. The primary diagnosis is made on the basis of data obtained during an objective examination of the patient, as well as a digital rectal examination. In order to clarify the diagnosis with the internal form of hemorrhoids, sigmoidoscopy and anoscopy are performed. If the data obtained is insufficient, the colonoscopy method is used. In some cases, an X-ray examination of the colon with contrast is performed.

For bleeding from hemorrhoids, angiography may be required.

Differential diagnosis with rectal tumors, secondary syphilis, paraproctitis is required. The early stages of hemorrhoids are similar to some helminthiases.

Recto- and anoscopy is used to diagnose hemorrhoids
Recto- and anoscopy is used to diagnose hemorrhoids

Recto- and anoscopy is used to diagnose hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoid treatment in men

Treatment of hemorrhoids in men in the early stages is carried out by conservative methods.

Locally used anti-inflammatory, analgesic, if necessary, antibacterial drugs in the form of ointments, gels, rectal suppositories, microclysters.

In case of significant bleeding from hemorrhoids, hemostatic drugs are prescribed, in the case of thrombosis - thrombolytics or anticoagulants. If drug therapy is ineffective, the blood clots are removed surgically.

Conservative treatment can be supplemented with massage (point, rectal, cupping or hardware).

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In the later stages of the disease, drug therapy is extremely symptomatic. The main treatment is to remove the hemorrhoids. Currently, preference is given to minimally invasive methods:

  • sclerotherapy - a method in which a sclerosant is injected into the node - a drug under the action of which the walls of the affected veins stick together, the blood flow in them stops, and the node decreases in size, and then dies;
  • infrared coagulation - the hemorrhoid is destroyed by infrared radiation;
  • electrocoagulation - an electric current is applied to the hemorrhoids;
  • cryodestruction - destruction using ultra-low temperature provided by liquid nitrogen;
  • laser therapy - the hemorrhoid is destroyed by laser exposure;
  • ligation with latex rings - a fallen hemorrhoid is tied with a latex ring, which compresses the knot, disrupting and then stopping blood circulation in it, which leads to its destruction.

In the later stages of the disease, when minimally invasive methods of treating hemorrhoids in men are ineffective, hemorrhoids are surgically treated by hemorrhoidectomy - removal of hemorrhoids by bandaging them followed by excision.

Lifestyle modification is an important element of treatment. It is necessary to give up bad habits, regular (but not excessive) physical activity is shown, a diet with the exception of spicy, spicy dishes, fatty foods. The proportion of refined products should be reduced by increasing the content of fermented milk products and coarse fiber in the diet - fresh and thermally processed vegetables, cereals, whole grain flour products.

Possible complications and consequences

Hemorrhoids in men can have the following complications:

  • chronic constipation;
  • thrombosis of external hemorrhoids;
  • purulent inflammation of the anal area;
  • fistulas (purulent, fecal) of the rectum;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • sepsis.


With timely detection and treatment of hemorrhoids in men, it has a favorable prognosis.


In order to prevent the development of hemorrhoids in men, the following measures are recommended:

  • timely treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that cause chronic stool disorder;
  • balanced diet;
  • thorough toilet of the anal area after a bowel movement;
  • avoiding excessive physical exertion, especially lifting weights;
  • moderate but regular physical activity;
  • maintaining a normal body weight.

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Anna Aksenova
Anna Aksenova

Anna Aksenova Medical journalist About the author

Education: 2004-2007 "First Kiev Medical College" specialty "Laboratory Diagnostics".

The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
