9 symptoms that are dangerous to ignore
Everyone has mild ailments that he suffers "on his feet", trying not to seek medical help. Arguments are of the same type: “nonsense, it will pass by itself,” “I have too many important things to do,” “I don’t want to waste time with doctors,” etc. With good health, normal working capacity and lack of suspiciousness, dislike of complaints about problems quite natural. This is not the most correct, but very common type of behavior. Radical changes in attitudes towards diseases in people usually occur with age, when they get tired faster and can no longer tolerate them so easily.
The situation can be much more unpleasant for those who try to similarly ignore the signs of serious ailments. In such cases, inaction often leads a person to a hospital bed and causes various complications. Symptoms that are dangerous to ignore are discussed in this article.
Pain in the lower jaw and throat
Most believe that the approach of a heart attack makes itself felt by unpleasant sensations in the left side of the chest. This is not always the case. Severe, sharp pain in the shoulder, throat, or lower jaw area can be a sign of acute heart failure. The symptom appears suddenly, usually at the time of physical exertion.
The most reasonable thing in such a situation is to immediately stop work, lie down and urgently call a doctor. People around them should behave calmly, not to irritate the patient and not leave him alone until the arrival of doctors. It is extremely dangerous to neglect these rules, as well as refuse the proposed hospitalization. The situation of the victim can be very serious and even lead to the development of myocardial infarction.

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Lower back pain
“Tore off my back,” “overworked,” “turned the wrong way” … This is how we sometimes explain the painful sensations in the lumbar region, especially when they appear in the process of intensive homework or work in the country beds. For treatment, rubbing and anesthetic ointments are used to relieve pain.
Unfortunately, a significant percentage of these cases have nothing to do with overworked muscles or pinched nerves. Pain in the lumbar region may indicate the presence of various ailments (for example, an exacerbation of kidney stones). It is obvious that the use of external anesthetics in this situation is completely useless. In order not to aggravate the problem, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor and undergo the examination prescribed by him.

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Abdominal pain
There are many reasons for the appearance of discomfort in the abdomen. These can be problems with the kidneys, stomach and intestines, lungs, and in women - with the reproductive organs. Pain in the hypochondrium, passing to the back, is often the result of inflammatory processes in the pancreas. Malfunctions in the gallbladder are manifested by pain in the right side of the upper abdomen, and sometimes in the back.
Severe abdominal pain, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, chills, fever, is a very serious symptom that requires immediate medical attention.

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Calf pain
The pain in the lower legs is not only a concern for athletes. It appears when overworked, prolonged wearing of uncomfortable shoes. Regular pain in the calf muscles can also occur when venous blood flow is impaired. The immediate cause is usually a change in the state of the vessels themselves or a violation of the composition of the blood (increased content of coagulation factors). If you ignore this type of painful sensations, a person runs the risk of becoming a victim of thrombosis.

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Burning and tingling sensations in the limbs
A tingling and burning sensation in an arm or leg that has been in an uncomfortable position for a long time is familiar to everyone. If these sensations occur regularly and for no apparent reason, this may indicate damage to nerve fibers or impaired blood circulation. It is impossible to figure out the situation on your own in such a case. Only an experienced doctor can solve the problem.

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Muscle aches
Some patients complain of regularly occurring pulling, obsessive muscle pains. In the absence of treatment, the process also captures the skin, causing serious inconvenience to the person and significantly reducing the quality of life.
Fibromyalgia may be the cause of these manifestations. The disease affects mainly women. Patients need careful diagnosis and specific treatment.

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The causes of headaches are not only stress and overwork. Unpleasant sensations can be triggered by diseases of the spine, ENT organs, eyes, teeth, joints, brain, vascular pathologies, sharp fluctuations in blood pressure. Conditions are considered dangerous when the headache is accompanied by:
- nausea;
- painful sensitivity to bright light, loud sounds, and strong odors;
- dizziness;
- visual or auditory hallucinations;
- blanching of the skin;
- heavy sweating;
- speech disorders;
- violation of coordination of movements;
- loss of balance;
- feeling of numbness in the limbs.
In such a situation, the patient requires complete rest and urgent medical attention.

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Joint pain
Constant pain in the joints is usually the result of pathological changes in the cartilage tissues. Even 50-60 years ago, such ailments were considered the lot of the elderly. Unfortunately, joint diseases are rapidly growing younger, and doctors are increasingly forced to help patients of quite working age.
You cannot tolerate joint pain. It will intensify, inflammatory processes may begin, which are fraught with a significant limitation of mobility. Anesthesia with the help of local remedies will not lead to anything good either: the therapy of joint diseases should be comprehensive. Only a specialist can prescribe adequate treatment.

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Pain in the testicles
This purely male problem can be triggered by clamping of the vas deferens, inguinal hernia or varicose veins. The appearance of pain in the testicles is also possible due to the occurrence of neoplasms. It is impossible to diagnose and cure such ailments on your own. Delay in going to the doctor is fraught with the development of sexual dysfunction.

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There are no trifles when it comes to taking care of your own health. Any obsessive or acute pain sensation should be the reason for seeking qualified help.
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Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author
Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".
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