5 Myths About Partner Childbirth

5 Myths About Partner Childbirth
5 Myths About Partner Childbirth

5 myths about partner childbirth

The moment a child is born is a significant event in a woman's life. It is not surprising that at such a time, expectant mothers want to see close people next to them who can sympathize and provide real help. For many decades, partner childbirth in our country has been impossible. Doctors took a strict and unequivocal position on this issue: no one, except professionals, including the relatives of a woman in labor, has a place next to her at the moment the baby is born. Over time, the attitude has changed, and today partner childbirth has become commonplace. However, they are still surrounded by many misconceptions.

Partner childbirth: common myths
Partner childbirth: common myths

Source: depositphotos.com

The presence of the husband interferes with the woman in labor

Usually women make a decision that well-known people will be present at childbirth: this allows them to count on the fact that the husband (mother, girlfriend, etc.) will behave correctly and will not complicate the situation of the woman in labor. In addition, the process of childbirth so absorbs a woman that it is generally problematic to prevent her at this moment.

There are situations when the expectant mother wants her husband to be present at childbirth, but is afraid to seem ugly to him at such a moment. The problem can be solved as follows: ask the man to stay with his wife while she is experiencing contractions, leave the delivery room for the time of attempts, and return to pick up the newborn. For many couples, this option is optimal.

The presence of a partner distracts and irritates the medical staff

Each couple decides to have a partner birth voluntarily. At the same time, a person who is going to be present in the delivery room must be instructed in detail in advance and have a clear idea of what he is going to see and what actions are expected of him. Of course, much depends on the characteristics of the character and emotional sensitivity of the partner. The birth is usually carried out by experienced doctors and midwives who are able to cope with possible complications.

Many young mothers who have gone through a partner birth note that the presence of loved ones not only did not complicate the work of doctors, but also helped her. When a woman in labor receives emotional support, she becomes less nervous, which eliminates many problems. One should not ignore the fact that often the presence of a husband, mother or girlfriend at childbirth is a kind of guarantee of the conscientious work of medical personnel.

Husband is forbidden to attend a caesarean section

This is not true. A partner birth with a caesarean section is quite possible. As a rule, the operation is performed under epidural anesthesia, the woman is conscious, and she cannot be denied the support of loved ones. It is not at all necessary for the partner to see the process of removing the baby. At this time, he can be behind the screen and get acquainted with the newborn when the incision on the mother's stomach is already sewn up.

One more point should be noted: according to modern concepts, it is advisable to transfer the newborn to the mother as soon as possible in order to make skin contact. If a caesarean section is performed under general anesthesia, this is not possible. In such a situation, the presence of the husband largely solves the problem: the baby can receive the first touch from his dad.

It is useful for a man to look at the suffering of a woman in labor

So say people who consider a man to be the culprit of the suffering of a woman in childbirth and want to make him repent in some sense. There is a completely inadequate opinion that the husband will later value his wife more.

In reality, this is not the case. Observing the suffering of a loved one is a huge stress, which does not bring any benefit and does not in any way improve the psychological climate in the family. If a man is not aware of the seriousness and importance of the events that occur during the period of gestation and childbirth, the presence at childbirth will not change anything. But for partners who are loving and attentive to each other, joint experiences strengthen mutual affection. This is a unique experience that helps a man to awaken his fatherly feelings and fully feel his responsibility for the newly emerged life.

After a partner childbirth, a man grows cold towards his wife

Sometimes a woman does not dare to have a partner childbirth for fear that her husband's feelings for her will weaken after too naturalistic pictures, which he will witness. In reality, a man is not allowed to observe the process of the birth of a baby in all physiological details. During attempts, he stands at the head of his wife, can support her, but does not see the moment the baby leaves the genital tract. So the "ugly" side of childbirth cannot cause cooling of marital feelings.

Choosing a partner birth is an extremely important moment in a family's life. When deciding on this step, the expectant mother should be guided by the following principles:

  • awareness of the choice of a partner. If a woman is not sure that such a sight will not cause exceptionally unpleasant emotions in a loved one, it is not worth going with him to a partner birth;
  • voluntary consent of the partner. You can not insist that he was present during childbirth against his will. The worst thing is to try to manipulate a man, accuse him of inattention to his problems (“if you don’t want to take part in childbirth, then you don’t love me”). This behavior is fraught with the destruction of family relationships;
  • compulsory joint training. Attending childbirth is not an event that might come as a surprise. Both spouses should receive all the necessary information in advance. The best option is to attend courses for future parents together;
  • doctor's consent. If a woman chooses a partner birth, she should choose in advance the medical institution in which her baby will be born, and warn the doctor leading the pregnancy.

The expectant mother needs to make sure that the package of documents collected for admission to the hospital includes those that are required for a person participating in a partner childbirth. In most medical institutions, apart from a passport, a woman's partner usually requires a certificate of the absence of syphilis, hepatitis and HIV, as well as the results of a smear test for staphylococcus (taken from the nasal mucosa) and fluorographic examination.

Participation in partner childbirth has emotional and social consequences. The choice of this type of delivery should be made with full responsibility and understanding of the seriousness of the situation. With the right attitude and proper preparation, an event can become one of the most joyful and impressive events in a family's life.

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Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

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