3 Main Causes Of Male Infertility

3 Main Causes Of Male Infertility
3 Main Causes Of Male Infertility

3 main causes of male infertility

The inability to conceive a child is a misfortune for many Russian families. For a long time, it was believed that women are the main "culprits" of this kind of troubles. Modern doctors argue that this is not the case: about half of the failures in attempts to reproduce are associated with male infertility. This is not about potency problems. Exclusively the disorders of spermatogenesis and sperm excretion during normal sexual intercourse are considered. At the moment, experts name three types of causes of male infertility, which we will consider.

The secretory factor is one of the causes of male infertility
The secretory factor is one of the causes of male infertility

Source: depositphotos.com

Secretory factor

This is how pathologies are indicated, which are expressed in a decrease in the number, quality and mobility of spermatozoa. They can arise from:

  • hormonal disruptions. The most common spermatogenesis problems associated with diabetes mellitus or thyroid disorders. Obesity and the use of hormonal drugs also have a negative effect on the function of sperm production;
  • inflammatory and infectious diseases. For example, mumps (mumps) in childhood leads to male infertility. In addition, many sexually transmitted diseases provoke the development of chronic inflammatory processes in the prostate gland;
  • incorrect temperature regime in the scrotum. For the production of active sperm, a temperature of about 35 ° C must be maintained around the testicles. There are several diseases in which this condition is not met, for example, hernia and dropsy of the testicles, cryptorchidism (non-descent of one of the testicles into the scrotum), varicocele (enlargement of the veins of the scrotum). In addition, a violation of the temperature regime is facilitated by too frequent visits to the bath or sauna, excessive enthusiasm for strength training, or, conversely, a sedentary lifestyle;
  • unhealthy lifestyle. Both the quantity and quality of sperm are affected by the uncontrolled use of fast food, sweets or fatty foods. Alcohol and nicotine have a destructive effect. Men who work in hazardous industries (in hot workshops or in industries involving the use of radiation or toxic substances) also risk getting problems with spermatogenesis;
  • taking certain medications. Spermatogenesis is badly affected by treatment with anticonvulsants, as well as drugs used in oncology.

Improving overall health, quitting bad habits, and anti-inflammatory therapy will usually help improve sperm quality. Ailments such as testicular hernia and varicocele are treated with surgery. It usually takes 3 to 6 months to fully recover from surgery.

Immunological factor

About 10% of cases of infertility are explained by the fact that a man's body begins to secrete antibodies to his own sperm. It is not always possible to find the reasons for such a reaction. Under the action of antibodies, sperm agglutinate (stick together) and lose their ability to fertilize. The situation can be clarified using the so-called MAR test. If its result is more than 50%, we can talk about immunological infertility. It is usually impossible to eliminate sperm agglutination. With a test result of about 100%, conception is possible only with the help of an IVF procedure using donor sperm.

Obturation factor

This is the general name for cases of infertility associated with the occurrence of obstructions in the vas deferens. The reasons for their appearance may be:

  • congenital pathologies;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • genital trauma;
  • cysts;
  • tumors of various origins.
Genital trauma and tumors are possible causes of male infertility
Genital trauma and tumors are possible causes of male infertility

Source: depositphotos.com

In any of these cases, the issue is not the quality of the sperm, but the fact that it cannot move freely during sexual intercourse. Usually, you can remove the obstruction surgically and restore fertility.

The problem when a married couple wants but cannot have a child for a long time cannot be solved without a full examination of the man. This must be done at the initial stages of studying the state of a couple, since the diagnosis of male infertility is easier and faster than the study of violations of the most complex process of conception that occurs in a woman's body.

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Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

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