Achilles Of The Stomach - Dictionary Of Medical Terms

Achilles Of The Stomach - Dictionary Of Medical Terms
Achilles Of The Stomach - Dictionary Of Medical Terms

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Achilia of the stomach

Achilia of the stomach (achylia gastrica; a- - negative part + Greek chylos - juice; synonym: apepsia) - pathological condition; characterized by the absence of release of free hydrochloric acid and enzymes by the gastric mucosa.

There are the following types of stomach achilia:

  • Histamine-resistant - preserved when secretion is stimulated by histamine;
  • Idiopathic (istor.; idiopathica) - occurs due to congenital functional weakness of the glandular apparatus of the stomach;
  • Organic (organica) - due to irreversible damage to the gastric glands; observed against the background of atrophic gastritis (primary organic gastric achilia), as well as with intoxication, neoplasms and other diseases (secondary organic gastric achilia);
  • Functional (functionalis) - temporary achilia of the stomach; develops without organic lesions of the glandular apparatus of the stomach; most often due to reflex inhibition of gastric secretion.

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