Nasvay - Composition, Harm, Consequences

Nasvay - Composition, Harm, Consequences
Nasvay - Composition, Harm, Consequences


Nasvay came to the domestic market from Central Asia, where it was used traditionally. Nasvay distributors promise to get rid of tobacco addiction and dental problems. In practice, a completely different and rather dangerous picture emerges.

Nasvay is a nicotine-containing type of tobacco product
Nasvay is a nicotine-containing type of tobacco product

Composition and harm of nasvay

To begin with, do not delude yourself - the composition of the nasvay that is offered to us is fundamentally different from what is used in Asian countries. If the basis of the potion there is a plant of us, then we are offered low-quality tobacco and makhorka. In addition to them, nasvay includes plant ash, slaked lime and chicken droppings.

Use nasvay, putting a small amount of balls behind the lip. Today it is extremely popular among adolescents and poses a huge danger to their health. Contact with nasvay directly on the lips leads to the appearance of painful ulceration. If you swallow saliva with powder particles, then nausea, vomiting and dyspeptic symptoms occur.

There is a common myth that naswai reduces the need to smoke. In fact, tobacco in its composition acts exactly the same as tobacco in cigarettes. The difference lies solely in the fact that when smoking, the respiratory organs take the first blow, and the harm of nasvay manifests itself in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

According to another belief, I am able to relieve a person from toothache. In practice, there is an irritating effect, up to burns of mucous membranes, and all the same harm from nasvay to the human body.

It should also be remembered that there is no civilized and controlled production of nasvay. It is made by craftsmen, both with a dubious reputation and in dubious conditions. Therefore, you should not deceive yourself that if nasvay is not legally prohibited, then it is safe - it is obvious that it is not. In particular, laboratory studies of samples of this powder indicate an excess of heavy metals in the composition of the nasal by tens of times in comparison with the permissible norm. As this dangerous product is promoted to local markets and regular consumers appear, various narcotic substances are often added to the mixture.

Dangerous consequences of nasvay

The effect of the use of nasvay resembles mild opioid intoxication, characterized by profuse salivation, lack of muscle tone, darkening in the eyes, dizziness, tingling in the limbs and lasts from several minutes to 1 hour. Just like drugs, it produces a short-term stimulating effect, altered consciousness, withdrawal symptoms and the need for the next dose.

The consequence of nasvay is the development of persistent nicotine addiction. The lower content of nicotine in the dose of the mixture in comparison with a standard cigarette is in practice compensated by a change in its composition and an increase in the amount. It turned out that it is extremely dangerous to combine the use of nasvay and alcoholic beverages.

There is reliable statistics showing a direct relationship between the occurrence of cancer of the oral cavity, larynx, and other digestive organs and the use of nasvay. In particular, in Central Asia, out of 100 patients with corresponding pathologies, 80 used the miracle powder.

According to narcologists, the consequences of nasvay, given its availability on domestic markets and the absence of bans on consumption, pose a serious threat to the younger generation. The developing dependence on nasvay at the initial stages gives rise to imbalance, reduces the ability to concentrate, impairs memory, and later causes the same persistent destruction of the psyche, like any other types of chemical addiction.

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