Modern Dental Clinic

Modern Dental Clinic
Modern Dental Clinic

Modern dental clinic

Looking for a modern dental clinic in Dolgoprudny? Contact Genyuk Dental Clinic. Our specialized center has modern technical equipment, which allows for procedures of varying complexity. In addition, we cooperate with dentists of the highest category, thanks to which we are ready to guarantee the excellent quality of all medical services. Flexible pricing policy has made dental treatment affordable for citizens.


A few words about the professional approach

To begin with, dentists need to determine the condition of the bone tissue, as well as the gums and oral cavity in general. For this, various diagnostic methods are used: from visual examination to fluoroscopy. An individual approach to the patient is extremely important here. The dentist takes into account the human physiology, which allows him to decide on further treatment.

Qualified medical personnel can prevent the development of a wide variety of oral diseases:

  • stomatitis (including acute aphthous form);
  • gingivitis;
  • pulpitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • traumatic dystopia;
  • carious process and so on.

Professional diagnostics allows you to show how severely damaged bone tissue is, and whether it can be restored. Otherwise, the dentist decides on the complete extraction of the tooth and its replacement with an implant. If the roots are completely healthy, then the medical officer can clean and fill the canals (thus pulpitis is treated) and build up the tooth, as well as install a crown.

In especially severe cases, a turnkey implantation is performed, including:

  • removal of a tooth;
  • gum treatment (elimination of hyperemia, edema and other symptoms);
  • installation of the pin.

This technology is considered quite expensive, but it allows you to get a snow-white smile and a healthy oral cavity. It is important to note that modern metal-ceramic implants differ little from real teeth. In addition, they are characterized by excellent hardness and can last for many years.

The service of dental treatment on credit deserves a separate mention. Not everyone can afford a one-time payment of the entire amount, so Genyuk Dental Clinic offers flexible calculation options. The amount for treatment and prosthetics is divided into parts and paid off in up to 2 years, thanks to which professional dental services have become available for most patients.

Painless treatment

Unpleasant sensations stop so many people suffering from diseases of the oral cavity. Unfortunately, most citizens associate dentists with terrible pain caused by nerve removal and other procedures. However, this is a thing of the past.

The staff of the Genyuk Dental Clinic actively uses modern methods of anesthesia in their work. Prosthetics and complex treatment are carried out under anesthesia, and in the most severe cases, specialists resort to putting the patient to sleep. Thanks to this, it became possible to painlessly carry out even the most complex operations (for example, to remove teeth with dissection of the gums and subsequent installation of a pin).

Professional care and oral hygiene

This aspect deserves special mention. No matter how high-quality dental services are, deformation of the teeth can occur without proper care, as well as a relapse of the above diseases.

Genyuk Dental Clinic staff will advise patients on comprehensive oral hygiene. This is not only about regular cleaning, but also about rinsing with special products and periodic visits to the dentist.


Promotions and discounts

Genyuk Dental Clinic operates according to modern standards and offers its patients impressive opportunities. For example, we regularly hold promotions that allow you to significantly save on professional dental treatment, as well as cleaning and whitening.

The employees of our clinic have extensive experience, which allows us to guarantee high quality dental services. You can get more information from qualified consultants.

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