Menopause is not a reason for frustration
"40+" is the most wonderful period in a woman's life, which can be described as follows: "Still a beauty, but far from stupid." At this age, you can get married, become a grandmother or a mother, take the chair of the head of an enterprise, learn a new profession, open your own business, etc.
How to regulate hormonal balance and continue to live a full and active life? Let's look at possible solutions to this problem together.

What is menopause?
After overcoming the 35-year milestone, hormonal changes begin in the body. The woman is preparing to get out of childbearing age. Naturally, this does not happen overnight.
The actual menopause is preceded by perimenopause. This is a kind of adaptation period that can last from 5 to 10 years. For most women, it goes unnoticed, since sex hormones, although in smaller quantities, continue to be synthesized. Accordingly, there are no pronounced clinical manifestations of perimenopause. But this continues only as long as the level of estrogen produced is not close to its critical minimum.

When the sex hormones reach the minimum concentration, women begin to feel changes in their bodies. Approximately 75% of women experience unusual "hot flashes" of heat, begin to sweat a lot at night, and suddenly begin to get tired of things that did not take all their strength before. These are the most common signs of menopause. At the same time, menstruation stops completely.
After 12 months have passed since the last natural menstrual bleeding, postmenopause begins. This is the completion of the next stage of hormonal changes.
However, menopause cannot be called an easy stage in a woman's life. The hormonal system begins to work in a different mode, not as efficiently as before. And if earlier fluctuations in the level of sex hormones were tolerated by the body relatively calmly, now it will manifest itself more painfully.
Awareness and acceptance of what is happening to the body will make it easier and easier to get through this difficult period. After all, we are talking about years when a woman can literally everything - to reveal her potential and fully realize herself at work, in society, family, etc. And a hormonal imbalance can seriously hinder this.

How to keep the situation under control?
To begin with, it is worth doing a hormonal status test. Upon reaching the age of 35, it is advisable to undergo this procedure once every 2-3 years. Regularly monitoring the level of sex hormones and being able to prevent future health problems is a better option than living in ignorance and turning into a nervous woman, constantly "sitting" on sedatives.
Physical education, trainings to improve self-esteem, good and proper nutrition will only make life easier. But you should forget about bad habits and, preferably, permanently.

If the attending physician decides that drug therapy is required to stabilize the hormonal background, there is no need to refuse. Although menopause is not considered a disease, sometimes drug correction can be the only way out of this situation. Moreover, experts do not always start with aggressive methods. Usually, drugs with a mild, but quite effective effect are prescribed first. For example, Mensa is a non-hormonal complex for eliminating the symptoms of menopause.
Know that today's menopause is radically different from the menopause of our grandmothers. Many modern women find this stage at their peak of career, when they are active and mobile. And by and large, menopause is not the “end of the world”, but a new stage in your life.
To alleviate the situation and make these years the best, you need to be careful about your health, change your lifestyle and take drugs appropriate for your age and condition.
What to choose - HRT or dietary supplements Mensa?
Hormone replacement therapy is a separate line of medical treatment for menopause. "Heavy artillery" in the form of hormones is prescribed only if there are serious indications (a woman's condition in which her working capacity and quality of life decrease to critical limits). In this case, HRT also has a number of contraindications, for example, neoplasms, diabetes mellitus, chronic diseases of the liver or bile, blood coagulation system, etc.

Mensa contains beta-alanine, soy isoflaphones (phytoestrogens), as well as a number of vitamins that affect the functioning of the endocrine system.
The Mensa complex cannot replace hormonal therapy for menopause, since it does not contain hormones. But it will help to quickly and effectively smooth out the negative symptoms of menopause, thereby regaining quality of life and self-confidence.
How quickly can you feel the effect of taking Mensa?
Thanks to the beta-alanine in Mensa, its effects can be felt half an hour after taking just one capsule. Therefore, Mensa can be taken before a responsible event, meeting or in another situation where self-control and well-being are important.
A noticeable and lasting positive result is observed after 5-7 days of taking the drug. And since the components of Mensa have a cumulative property, their effectiveness persists for a sufficiently long time.
How to take Mensa correctly?
The course of admission is 1 month, but if you wish, you can take Mensa constantly.
- A mild degree of climacteric syndrome requires taking 1 Mensa capsule per day.
- For moderate to severe degrees, take 1 capsule 2 times a day.
- To maintain the effect, 1 capsule per day is enough.
Take Mensa's drug and do not deny yourself the pleasure of fully living and enjoying life even at the "autumn" age!

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