Treatment of bile stasis
Bile stasis (cholestasis) is a common pathology that conservative medicine treats for a long time and is not always effective. Stagnation of bile causes indigestion, pain in the right hypochondrium, periodic nausea and bitterness in the mouth. It is imperative to treat this pathology, since thick stagnant bile, among other things, can cause the formation of stones in the gallbladder. In this case, you will need not conservative treatment, but surgical intervention, in which the gallbladder is completely removed. All troubles can be prevented if bile stagnation is eliminated in time. For this, a safe and effective method of treatment should be chosen.

Treatment of bile stagnation using traditional medicine
As a rule, gastroenterologists treat bile stasis according to the same scheme for almost all patients. If a person has bile obstruction, then doctors, without hesitation, prescribe choleretic medications and give standard recommendations regarding the diet. As a result, this approach in most cases does not give the desired result. Practice shows that neither choleretic drugs nor the well-known tubage (the procedure is contraindicated in the presence of stones) do not help to get rid of bile stagnation once and for all. In individual cases, the therapeutic effect can be noted, but most often it is temporary, because these funds cannot affect the causes of the violation of the outflow of bile.
This is the main mistake of traditional medicine, which perceives all patients in the same way and adheres to the same treatment regimens from year to year, despite the fact that research and production companies do not stand still and develop new methods of therapy.

It's time for awareness
Patients should understand that bile duct obstruction does not just happen. There are many provoking factors, and for a successful treatment in each specific case, you need to influence the true cause. And the reasons can be not only unhealthy diet, but also working conditions (sedentary work), nervous diseases and chronic stress, which directly affects the tone of the biliary tract. That is why there is no one recipe for everyone and the effect on the stagnation of bile should be different in each case.
Effective treatment without medication
Achievements of science and highly developed technologies today make it possible to find and apply effective treatments. One of the latest scientific developments is the innovative tool "Vesikur-Fizomed", which was created by Russian physicists. Since in each case it is very difficult to find the cause of cholestasis and to act on it, scientists have created a remedy that acts at the cellular level and activates the hidden mechanisms of self-healing. Thus, regardless of the cause, the body heals itself and repairs damaged structures.

We are used to relying not on ourselves, but on doctors, so it is difficult for us to immediately realize such treatment. But in fact, there is no magic in this device, since a self-regulating biological system is laid in each of us by nature. The "Vesicur-Fizomed" apparatus only helps the body to launch these hidden mechanisms for self-healing. And today no scientist doubts such a unique ability of our organism.
Important! The absence of any side effects is a significant advantage of this type of treatment.
The therapeutic effect of the Vesikur-Fizomed device is based on the company's unique patented technology, which uses paraffin-containing materials. Being in the zone of projection of the liver and gallbladder, paraffin-containing components activate the processes of cellular metabolism in the tissues of the organ, improve trophism and microcirculation of blood in the capillary network. As a result of the device, the functional ability of the liver and gallbladder is normalized, the composition of bile and its movement along the ducts are improved. As a result of the complex effect, not only all unpleasant symptoms are eliminated, but also the reason that caused the violation of the flow of bile. Most often, due to malnutrition or chronic stress, the motility of the gallbladder is disturbed, which creates conditions for stagnation of bile. All these troubles go away when using "Vesikur-Fizomed".
Thus, in order to get rid of cholestasis, it is not necessary to take medications, which, in fact, do not eliminate the cause and at the same time have many side effects. Clinical trials have shown that "Vesicur-Fizomed" gives a positive therapeutic result in 85% of cases, and according to statistics, this is more than the percentage of drug treatment results. The only condition for a successful cure is strict adherence to the manufacturer's recommendations for use.
Review of the gastroenterologist Olga Alexandrovna Manoshkina on the effectiveness of treatment with Vesikur-Fizomed:
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