Stevia - A Discovery For A Healthy And Diabetic Diet

Stevia - A Discovery For A Healthy And Diabetic Diet
Stevia - A Discovery For A Healthy And Diabetic Diet

Stevia - a discovery for a healthy and diabetic diet

Every 7 seconds in the world, someone dies of diabetes. The total number of sick people on the planet is approaching half a billion, and most of them are of working age, from 20 to 60 years old. Experts are already talking about a non-infectious epidemic of the 21st century, and pharmacists are tirelessly working to create effective drugs that lower blood glucose levels.

How glucose gets inside the cell
How glucose gets inside the cell


The role of glucose in the body

In a dream, the cells of the body are renewed - muscles, hair, skin. With the entry of glucose into the body, the production of insulin begins, which prevents regeneration. Thus, a piece of cake or a bunch of grapes eaten before bedtime disrupts the renewal process, because insulin suppresses them.

That is why it is recommended to eat carbohydrate foods in the morning, and replace sugar with natural sweeteners. One such substitute is Stevia, which is 40 times sweeter than sugar and much healthier than synthetic sweeteners.

How glucose gets inside the cell

Insulin plays the role of "transport" that delivers glucose to cells. It is also a "key" that opens access to the inside of the cell, helping glucose to penetrate the cell membranes. The process looks like this:

  1. After breakfast or lunch, your blood glucose levels rise.
  2. The pancreas begins to produce insulin.
  3. Insulin is carried throughout the body by the blood and acts as a key that opens cells and allows glucose to enter.
  4. When blood glucose levels drop, insulin production stops.

The described scheme corresponds to the processes in the body of a healthy person.

Insulin production process
Insulin production process


Alternative sources of sugar and their effects on the body

Sweeteners are synthetic and natural. Most of them do more harm than good and have a specific flavor. Those that are fully absorbed by the body contribute to weight gain. The rest have no energy value and contribute to the feeling of hunger. Let's dwell on popular sugar substitutes, their advantages and disadvantages.

Fructose, or fruit sugar

Contained in fruits, berries, bee honey. More than one and a half times sweeter than sucrose. It is widely used in the production of canned foods for diabetics. Unsafe for the figure, because it is quite high in calories. Patients with cardiovascular diseases should use fructose with caution and do not exceed a daily dose of 30-40 g.


Natural sweetener with pleasant taste and aroma. Contained in apples, apricots, rowan berries. Contains vitamins, is used as a choleretic agent, used in diabetic nutrition. It has a high energy value and is not recommended for those seeking to lose weight.


Natural sugar substitute. It is part of some types of toothpaste and gum. The degree of sweetness and energy value is close to beet sugar. If the recommended dose is exceeded, it causes intestinal disorders.


The basis of popular sugar substitutes such as "Sukrasit" and the like. It is 300 times sweeter than sucrose and contains no calories. It has a characteristic metallic flavor. Banned in the USA and Canada, as it can cause exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases and even cancer.


It is part of the tableted sweeteners. It dissolves well in water and is used to sweeten food during cooking. Unsafe for health and not recommended for children, the elderly, pregnant and lactating mothers.


It is of natural origin, devoid of an unpleasant aftertaste. It is part of complex sweeteners, and is also available in the form of powder and tablets. May cause allergies.

Acesulfame potassium

It is rapidly excreted from the body, used in the production of sweet soft drinks. Leads to overexcitation of the nervous system, is addictive. Not recommended for pregnant women and persons suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Comparative table of properties of alternative sources of sugar and Stevia

Alternative sugar sources



Acesulfame K (E950) low calorie content, completely excreted from the body risk of allergies, digestive disorders
Cyclamate (E952) low calorie content risk of kidney failure, banned in many countries
Aspartame (E951) availability, low calorie content allergy risk; provokes depression, increases appetite
Saccharin no causes cancer, banned in many countries
Xylitol (E967) natural origin bladder cancer risk
Sorbitol natural origin unpleasant taste, indigestion
Fructose natural origin, pleasant taste high calorie content, risk of obesity
Stevia extract

lowers blood sugar, restores liver function, prevents the development of caries, contains trace elements and vitamins necessary for the body, has no contraindications


Stevia - a new generation sweetener

LLC "Stevia Industry" presents a line of natural sugar substitutes based on Stevia extract - a plant bred in Paraguay. Effects obtained from the use of products:

  • normal blood glucose levels;
  • stimulation of the digestive tract and liver;
  • strengthening of blood vessels;
  • delivery of more than 400 bioactive compounds and minerals to the body;
  • decrease in the severity of allergic reactions;
  • slowing down the development of tumors.

Stevia-based sweeteners are useful for people with excess weight, skin diseases, various endocrine disorders, including diabetes. And also to everyone who strives for a healthy lifestyle.

Stevia - a new generation sweetener
Stevia - a new generation sweetener


Product range

  • Liquid extract in a convenient 40 ml bottle - for adding to tea, coffee, juices.
  • Dry extract - sachets, 0.8 g each.
  • Cooking mixes - to reduce the calorie content of baked goods and other dishes.
  • Chocolate mixes - for the preparation of tasty and low-calorie syrups, drinks, fillings and baked goods.
  • Chocolate bars are nutritious and delicious with antioxidant properties.

Also, the company produces highly refined raw materials intended for industrial use: Steviol REB-A, Steviazid, Rebaudiazid-A. You can read about the benefits of stevia in detail on the Main page (

The benefits of Stevia are obvious and beyond doubt. This natural sugar substitute is the best choice for diabetics and anyone looking to control blood glucose, lose weight and stay healthy for years to come.

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