Exercises for legs and buttocks
Long, straight, slender legs always arouse the admiration of others.

Beautiful legs have been and will be the most fascinating part of a woman's body. But by nature it is so provided that fat deposits are deposited on a woman's buttocks and thighs to a greater extent than on other parts of the body. Therefore, almost all women are concerned about the question, and what is needed to lose weight on their legs. The first is to revise the daily diet. Extra centimeters will help to remove special exercises for the legs and buttocks. If desired, in a short time, you can give smooth skin and tone your legs using simple methods.
What you need to lose weight legs
Losing your legs at home will be very effective when you combine a set of special exercises and a diet designed to lose weight specifically in the lower body. And to give elasticity to flabby skin, it is additionally necessary to carry out a course of wraps and massage. To reduce the volume of the lower body, it is enough to reduce the number of calories consumed per day by 30%. It is very useful to keep a diary to calculate their number. In the diary, you need to calculate the calorie content of the dishes from which the daily diet consisted. For the slender legs and buttocks, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of fat, consume a large amount of foods that help accelerate blood flow. To reduce leg swelling, you need to eat foods that contain a lot of potassium in the composition. Fermented milk products high in magnesium will help give your legs a bump.
Exercises for the legs and buttocks are best done in a fitness club or gym, where the trainer will select an individual set of exercises to correct problem areas. Weight loss of legs and buttocks is also promoted by water aerobics. Exercising in water increases the load on the muscles and burns a lot of calories. But if for some reason it is not possible to attend classes, then you can do simple exercises at home.
Slimming legs at home
For weight loss at home, you can do the well-known exercise "bicycle" right in bed right in bed. Regular squats will be an equally simple but effective way to lose weight on your legs and buttocks.
The following simple exercises for the legs and buttocks can also be easily done at home. To perform the first exercise, you need to sit on a chair, and clamp a rubber ball between your knees. You need to squeeze the ball with your knees as hard as you can and hold in this position for at least ten seconds, and then relax your legs. It is advisable to start the exercise with five to ten approaches, and then gradually increase the load to twenty approaches. The exercise is performed correctly if muscle soreness and tension are felt. This exercise helps to strengthen the inner thigh area. To strengthen the outer part of the thigh, you need to lie on the floor, on your right side, and prop your head with your hand. The left leg should be swung 90 degrees, while the leg should not be bent at the knee. Then roll over onto your left side and repeat the exercise. When performing this exercise, the lower press is also involved.
By doing the following exercise for your legs and buttocks regularly, you can get rid of cellulite as well as strengthen your thigh muscles. You need to sit on the floor and straighten your legs, and then move around, alternately bending your knees. First you need to move forward and then back in the same way. Hands should be bent at the elbows, keep your back straight and not slouch.
To perform the next exercise for losing weight on the legs and buttocks, you need to stand upright, put your legs a little wider than your shoulders, and lower your hands to your belt. From this position, you need to sit down as low as possible, while not tilting the body forward, and not throwing your knees to the sides. During the exercise, pull your stomach in, the muscles of the buttocks should be in tension. You need to squat smoothly, without jerking.

After that, get on all fours, put your hands shoulder-width apart, keep your back straight, pull your stomach in. Raise your left leg, bend up at the knee so that it forms a straight line with your back, and then lower it. Repeat with the right foot. You need to perform this exercise slowly in order to feel how all the muscles tense and relax.
For maximum effectiveness, all exercises for the legs and buttocks should be performed daily or at least five times a week. The number of repetitions and approaches can be adjusted depending on the state of health and physical fitness. It is advisable to perform each exercise 20 times in three approaches. Over time, as you gradually strengthen the muscles, the number of repetitions can be increased. It is very important to monitor your breathing during all exercises. Breathing should not be held, it should be calm and even.
How to lose weight on the legs and butt, but not create excessive muscle definition? Honey massage will help, only you need to do it regularly. A contrast shower will help enhance the effect.
Do not forget about an indispensable tool for combating excess fat on the legs and buttocks - an ordinary skipping rope. With regular exercise with a rope, the elasticity and tone of the muscles of the buttocks and thighs increases.
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