How to burn calories

Every day, a person receives energy from food, and then spends calories in normal activities. Walking in the park, cleaning the house, or just watching your favorite TV show on the couch all involve spending a certain amount of calories. Meanwhile, the issue of burning calories is one of the fundamental in the process of losing weight. How to burn calories for effective results?
How many calories to burn
The main rule in matters of weight loss is to expend more calories than comes from food. But how many calories do you need to burn to lose weight? According to studies, in order to lose 1 kilogram, you need to burn 7,700 kcal. Nutritionists recommend dropping no more than 2-4 kilograms per month so that losing weight does not have negative consequences for the body.
Thus, it turns out that you should lose weight by about 500 grams per week or spend 3850 kcal per week. To find out how many calories you can burn, this figure should be divided by seven. As a result, it turns out that a 550 calorie deficit will help reduce body weight by two kilograms per month. If you need to lose weight by four kilograms per month, then you will have to spend 1100 kcal per day.
The average daily calorie intake for women is 2,000 kcal, so in order to lose 4 kilograms, you will have to reduce the amount of calories from food by about 2 times. However, experts advise against doing this. According to nutritionists, dietary regulation should take place without drastic measures, so as not to harm the body. In addition, when deciding how much calories can be burned, individual characteristics must be taken into account. Fat people need to lose weight more intensely than those who just want to adjust their weight a little.
Knowing how to burn calories, you should also take care that the kilograms lost in the process of losing weight do not come back. However, this can only be done by completely changing your lifestyle. It is better to move towards the goal more slowly, consolidating the results obtained. You need to balance your diet, reduce the amount of calories consumed, and increase physical activity.
How many calories are burned
As already mentioned, going about everyday activities, a person spends energy. Any process in the body requires certain energy costs. It is useful to know how many calories are burned in order to thereby get rid of those extra pounds. For example, laughter helps to get rid of 50 kcal, singing helps to burn 20 kcal, washing windows for an hour burns 100 kcal, washing floors - 95 kcal, ironing - 160 kcal.
However, do not hope that you can lose weight by doing only the usual activities. The best answer to the question of how to burn calories is through active sports. The most energy-intensive sports:
- Swimming. One of the most useful sports, it has practically no contraindications. Swimming increases endurance, trains the muscles of the abdomen, arms, shoulder girdle, and improves posture. For an hour of swimming, up to 500-600 calories are spent;
- Run. Jogging, especially in the fresh air, is extremely beneficial for the body. The number of calories burned while running leaves 300 kcal per hour;
- A ride on the bicycle. The number of calories burned during cycling is 600 kcal;
- Skiing. In winter, you can lose calories while skiing. Cross-country skiing is a hardening and aerobic sport. When descending the mountain, 330 kcal per hour is spent, and when fast skiing on a flat track, up to 800 kcal.
Climbing stairs is also effective in solving the problem of how to burn calories. Even five minutes of walking up the stairs will effectively train your muscles. Walking up stairs has been shown to consume more energy than jogging. Climbing up the stairs, you can spend 600-800 kcal per hour, the descent burns much less - 200 kcal.
In addition to exercise, there are also foods that can help solve the problem of how to burn calories.
Calorie burners
It is not at all necessary to torment your body with various diets. To normalize your metabolism, you can eat natural foods that help speed up the burning of calories. Foods that are calorie burners:
Nuts, sesame seeds and bran. These foods are high in magnesium, which is a natural fat burner. Magnesium is used in the body at any stage of protein synthesis
- Apple vinegar. Improves the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates, speeds up metabolism, reduces appetite. It is enough to add a tablespoon of vinegar and a teaspoon of honey to a glass of boiled water, and then drink the resulting drink before eating;
- Citrus. These foods contain a lot of vitamin C and can also help you lose weight. In particular, lemon normalizes metabolic processes in the body, and oranges contain pectins that stimulate digestion. A little grapefruit after a meal will help you get rid of half of your calories. These foods burn calories like no others;
How many calories are burned when doing sports Sprouts of grain crops. Only 100 grams of seedlings can relieve a person from hunger for a long time. In addition, they are rich in B vitamins, prevent fat deposition and fluid retention in the body.
- Coffee and green tea. These drinks contain caffeine, which speeds up the burning of calories. A cup of coffee in the morning speeds up metabolism, and green tea is involved in the release of fatty acids from adipose tissue;
- Spices and herbs. Accelerate metabolism, digestion of food, contribute to the elimination of toxins from the body;
- Ginger root reduces appetite, improves blood circulation, speeds up metabolism;
- Cinnamon. Helps lower blood sugar levels, thereby reducing fat storage. It is enough to consume half a teaspoon of cinnamon per day;
- Raspberry. Contains enzymes that help break down fats. Just half a cup of raspberries will help you digest food.
This is not a complete list of calorie burners. When adding them to food, one should not forget that the most effective results can be achieved only by combining a balanced diet with physical activity. Only an integrated approach guarantees a lasting result in deciding how to burn calories.
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