Are ointments effective for varicose veins?

What constitutes varicose veins is probably not necessary to explain. Everyone has seen swollen, wriggling veins on their legs at someone they know, or else at home - because the disease is so common that at the age of 40 it is almost the norm - more than 80% of all people in this age group suffer from varicose veins veins.
In order to understand whether the ointment is effective against varicose veins, you need to remember what happens to the vessels in this disease.
Varicose veins are caused by the weakness of the valve apparatus of the vessels, namely, the insufficiency of the connective tissue that makes up the veins and their valves. The responsibility for this lies with heredity - the weakness of the connective tissue has genetic causes. Under the influence of a certain lifestyle, contributing to the creation of stagnation in the blood vessels, the valves of the veins cease to cope with their function, and the outflow of blood from the veins occurs only partially. This is how the disease develops - varicose veins, or varicose veins. Most often, it develops on the legs, since the vessels of the legs are under great stress, yet another, alas, a frequent manifestation of varicose veins is hemorrhoids - varicose veins of the rectum, which is also caused by insufficiency of the valve apparatus of the veins and associated stagnation.
In this regard, it seems unlikely that an ointment for varicose veins, and in particular, an ointment for hemorrhoids, can help with this disease - after all, they cannot eliminate the pathology of the connective tissue, since it is known that genetic pathology is incurable. Also, drugs will not be able to completely eliminate stagnation - this can only be done by physical influence, for example, in the case of varicose veins on the legs, physiotherapy exercises and medical compression linen work perfectly. However, in medicine, there is such a thing as symptomatic therapy. This is a treatment, the purpose of which is to alleviate the patient's condition, to eliminate the painful symptoms of the disease. From this point of view, varicose veins ointment can be very effective.
The main symptom of varicose veins on the legs, in addition to visually distinguishable dilated veins, are discomfort in the legs - a feeling of heaviness and heat, especially at the end of the day, fatigue, pain. Ointment from varicose veins helps to cool, some substances that make up the ointment can strengthen the venous wall, although this will not be systemic, in addition, such ointments contain anticoagulants - substances that prevent blood clotting, and more fluid blood moves better through the vessels and is less prone to stagnation.
Practice shows that the complex therapy of varicose veins works best. Therefore, the optimal treatment for varicose veins of the legs is to change the lifestyle to a more mobile one, wear compression hosiery, and if leg pain and fatigue appear, use an ointment for varicose veins.
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