Ultrasonic Liposuction

Ultrasonic Liposuction
Ultrasonic Liposuction

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Ultrasonic liposuction

Ultrasonic liposuction
Ultrasonic liposuction

Obesity is considered the biggest crime against beauty by modern standards. With general obesity, it's clear what to do: diet and exercise. But it so happens that fatty deposits are unevenly distributed, and on a generally lean body there are areas with excess fatty tissue. It is extremely difficult to get rid of them, since they are genetically determined. Diet will not help here, unless you bring yourself to extreme exhaustion, but we do not consider extremes. Do not help in such cases and sports, or help to a limited extent. In this case, ultrasonic liposuction can help qualitatively and quickly.

The method of ultrasonic liposuction is as follows. A thin probe is inserted into the area of the subcutaneous fat in a given area. With its help, fat cells, adipocytes, are exposed to ultrasound in the range of 1 Hz - 100 MHz, resulting in their destruction. This process, called cavitation (the word that gave the second name to the method), is accompanied by an increase in temperature in the affected area, due to which the fat from the destroyed adipocytes turns into a fat emulsion. This emulsion is then pumped out by inserting a cannula with a diameter of about 3 mm and creating a negative pressure in it.

Ultrasonic liposuction, like any other method, has its pros and cons. The disadvantages include the possibility of developing thermal damage to the skin and subcutaneous tissues. However, in general, this method is considered one of the safest, in any case, the complications after ultrasonic liposuction are much less, the recovery period is shorter, and does not require either compression underwear or pain medication. Hematomas do not form under the skin, since during cavitation the blood vessels practically do not suffer, in contrast to traditional liposuction, where mechanical action, in addition to adipocytes, invariably damages capillaries.

The work of a plastic surgeon is often compared to that of a sculptor. In part, this is exactly the case, because a plastic surgeon models a body, moreover, a living body, and therefore the responsibility is very high. Much in the success of the result depends on the qualifications of the doctor. Despite the fact that ultrasound liposuction is considered a safe and effective method, the choice of a doctor and clinic should be considered responsibly.

The duration of the effect of the procedure depends on the patient's lifestyle. The destroyed adipocytes are not restored, but the remaining fat cells are quite capable of enlarging and filling the space that has undergone the intervention. Therefore, to change the figure, ultrasonic liposuction alone is not enough, no matter how well and efficiently it is performed. It is also necessary to maintain the result with proper nutrition and physical activity.

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