Non-surgical liposuction

Non-surgical liposuction is a method of getting rid of fatty deposits without surgery.
Non-surgical liposuction is most often resorted to by those who, due to medical contraindications, cannot perform operations, who do not have the opportunity to provide themselves with a long recovery period.
Reviews of non-surgical liposuction indicate that this method helps even in cases where it is impossible to correct weight, change body shape with the help of physical activity, special diets.
A laser and ultrasound are used to correct body contours and break down subcutaneous fat.
How non-surgical laser liposuction works
Non-surgical laser liposuction removes local fat deposits on the abdomen, chin, cheeks, buttocks, arms, back, thighs, ankles.
Advantages of laser-assisted non-surgical liposuction:
- the integrity of the blood vessels is not violated;
- the formation of scars, bruises is excluded, stitches are not superimposed;
- collagen is produced under the action of the laser, and this additionally ensures the leveling of the skin surface;
- there is no long rehabilitation period, as is the case with the prompt removal of fatty deposits;
- minimal risk of complications after the procedure.
The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia, so painful and unpleasant sensations in most cases are completely excluded.
The results after laser liposuction are different for everyone. There are positive reviews about non-surgical liposuction, there are also negative ones. This is due to the fact that not everyone adheres to a diet, goes in for sports, and this must be done, since the duration of the effect of non-surgical liposuction depends on this. Those who, after the procedure, were able to change their lifestyle, speak of a lasting and noticeable result.
Immediately after the procedure, it is not recommended to take serious physical activity or lift weights.
How non-surgical ultrasound liposuction works
The method of non-surgical ultrasonic liposuction works due to the fact that under the action of ultrasound, fat cells are damaged, fat is liquefied and excreted through the circulatory, lymphatic systems, and the liver. In this case, the vessels, muscles, skin are not injured, since their cells are more durable than the cells of fat deposits.
Non-surgical ultrasonic liposuction is also called cavitation and is often performed in combination with general massage and lymphatic drainage - a procedure that triggers the lymph flow.

In order to reduce the burden on the liver, it is recommended to follow a gentle diet after ultrasonic liposuction.
Benefits of ultrasonic non-surgical liposuction
- the formation of scars, the appearance of hematomas is excluded, no sutures are applied;
- the procedure is quite painless when compared to an operation. During its implementation, you can use local anesthetics;
- ultrasonic liposuction can be carried out at any time of the year without fear of complications due to the negative influence of external climatic conditions;
- liposuction with ultrasound does not require special rehabilitation. The only thing is that immediately after the procedure, serious physical activity should be excluded.
Just as in the case of laser liposuction, how effective the procedure will be depends on the person's attitude to their body and health. Subject to diet, regular exercise, you can keep the result of ultrasonic liposuction for a long time.
In one procedure of non-surgical ultrasound liposuction, you can remove about 4 centimeters in a circle, which corresponds to 0.5 liters of fatty fluid.
Contraindications for non-surgical liposuction
The procedure should not be performed on pregnant women, lactating women, patients with cancer, type 1, 2 diabetes, suffering from varicose veins, people who wear pacemakers, defibrillators, as well as those whose skin is prone to the formation of keloid scars and scars, those who have violation of lymph flow, as well as those who have taken Accutane (a form of vitamin A) in the past 6 months.
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