Aroma Combing - Hair Therapy

Aroma Combing - Hair Therapy
Aroma Combing - Hair Therapy

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Aroma combing - hair therapy

Aroma combing - hair therapy
Aroma combing - hair therapy

Aroma combing is a traditional hair care method in Asia and the Middle East. He came to us recently, and has already managed to acquire a mass of supporters, becoming one of the most popular methods of not only care, but also recovery. It is often said that aroma combing is a therapy for hair, although it would be more accurate to say that it is a therapy for beauty in general, because it uses not only the direct effect of essential oils on the hair and scalp, but also the general effect of aromatherapy on the body.

Aroma combing is as follows: you need to take a wooden or bone comb, or even better a massage brush, and, evenly distributing a few drops of aromatic oil on its working surface, comb your hair in different directions for 5-10 minutes. This is perhaps one of the easiest and most affordable types of hair therapy, but there are several nuances to consider. It is fundamentally important that the comb is made of natural material, since the substances that make up the aroma oil can enter into a chemical reaction with metal or plastic, and what happens during the reaction will most likely not be beneficial for the skin and hair. Also, aromatic oil should be completely natural, without impurities.

The choice of aromatic oil should be approached responsibly. Each of them has its own unique properties, and although any oil, even sunflower oil, is suitable for combing and massaging the scalp, not every oil is suitable for aromatherapy. It is imperative to take into account the aroma, as the unsuitable, annoying and irritating smell of aromatic oil can cause headaches and even nausea. In addition, high concentrations of essential oils can be too harsh and even cause skin burns, so no more than five drops of oil can be used in one hair treatment session. It is better not to use perfume or colognes on the days when you perform aroma combing.

Aroma combing improves blood circulation of the skin, strengthens hair follicles, and therefore hair, get rid of dandruff and itching. This type of hair therapy also has some additional properties: it relieves stress, soothes, and helps eliminate insomnia. In people with migraines, attacks of the disease become more rare, and with regular use of such hair therapy, they may even go away. Correctly conducted aromatherapy helps to normalize metabolism and improve mood. Thus, as a result of aroma combing two to three times a week for at least one to two months, you can get well-groomed, strengthened hair and overall health of the body.

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