How to relieve the first symptoms of a cold

The first symptoms of a cold are probably familiar to everyone, without exception, in any case, they are well known to us, residents of temperate and northern latitudes. This is a headache, aches in muscles and joints, sore throat and sore throat, a general broken state. These signs unmistakably indicate that the body has undergone an infectious attack, and during the period of autumn-winter epidemics, this can confidently be considered the beginning of the disease. Are there remedies to stop the disease in the bud? There certainly is.
How susceptible the body is to colds depends on the state of its immune system. From this point of view, the onset of the disease means that the immune system has not coped with the protective function, as it turned out to be weakened. When a viral infection enters the body, the cells of the immune system produce interferon, a protein that suppresses the reproduction of viruses. Interferon, received from the outside at the first symptoms of a cold, allows you not to wait for its production by a weakened body, but to start an attack immediately.
Since in the overwhelming majority of cases seasonal colds are caused by adenovirus and rhinovirus infections that enter the body through the upper respiratory tract, it is most effective to use interferon at the site of the entrance gate of the infection - that is, in the form of nasal drops or treatment of the nasal cavity with ointment. One of these means is the drug Nazoferon, a medicine that, being used at the first sign of a cold, will prevent it from developing into a disease, or will significantly shorten the period of illness.
Antiviral agents, for example, Oxolin, have a similar effect, although they have a slightly different mechanism of action. This group of drugs does not contain interferon, their effect is directed directly against viruses, preventing them from multiplying. The period of active reproduction of the virus that has entered the body is approximately three days, and therefore antiviral drugs are most effective during this period. So, when the first symptoms of a cold appear, it is recommended to lubricate the nostrils from the inside with an antiviral ointment, oxolinic, bonaphtonic or interferon.
And, of course, it should be remembered that any disease, including colds, is easier to prevent than to cure. Therefore, the most effective preventive measures applied before the development of the first symptoms of a cold. All that allows you to strengthen the immune system serves as a measure of prevention of viral infection. Hardening, healthy nutrition with a full-fledged vitamin and mineral composition, sufficient rest, clothing for the weather - all this strengthens the body's defenses, which, in turn, will prevent cold viruses from entering the body.
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