Massage baby 5 months
Massage for a 5-month-old child is carried out at home independently or by a professional massage therapist if indicated Every baby will benefit from daily sessions. Such procedures can be performed by a mother or another family member within 15-20 minutes. In the event that an examination by an orthopedist and a neuropathologist revealed a child's health problems, a lag in physical development, low or high tone of skeletal muscles, the child is recommended to attend classes with a qualified specialist.

A massage from a professional will last 30-60 minutes. The course should include 10-12 procedures every other day. Massage for babies 5 months old is a powerful means of influencing physical development. It may very well be that during the course of therapeutic massage, the baby will catch up with his peers in muscle strength, mobility, and coordination of movements. If the child does not have health and developmental problems, then a massage course from a qualified specialist will be of a preventive nature. Home massage for a 5-month-old child without developmental disabilities is considered sufficient.
Massage technique for babies 5 months
During the entire procedure, the baby is in a lying position. The aim of the sessions is to foster manual skill, teaching to change the position of the body, including turning to the side, to the stomach, to the back. Also, the purpose of massage for a child of 5 months can be considered preparation for crawling. Your activities should be accompanied by rhythmic sound signals that play a role in the development of your baby's hearing. Performing movements, it is necessary to maintain the rhythm by counting out loud. By the time the session begins, your child should be awake. After the last feeding, 1.5-2 hours should pass. Contraindications to massage for a child of 5 months are considered to be an infectious disease, an increased body temperature, and incessant crying of the baby. Regardless of who exactly performs the massage for a 5 month old baby,a certain sequence of actions must be followed during the session. The first thing to do is to carry out hugging movements with your hands, moving your arms in different directions and crossing them on your chest. Next, the child is offered various toys. The kid should grab them and try to hold them in his hands. After that, the masseur proceeds to massage the legs. At this stage of the massage, the child is 5 months old using stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration techniques. After that, you need to perform several gymnastic exercises. Firstly, this is a "bicycle" exercise - passive movements of the legs with flexion at the knee and hip joints. Second, the sliding steps exercise. The therapist holds the child vertically above the table surface, facing him. The baby's feet lightly touch the surface. Further, the child's body is slightly tilted and pushed forward. The kid must make several movements that imitate walking. After exercise, the child is placed on his back again. The masseur helps him roll over onto his stomach over his right side, stimulating this movement with verbal commands. Further, during the massage, the back is worked out to the child for 5 months. All massage techniques can be used. Then the child turns on his back again, the masseur acts on the abdominal press, stroking the tummy clockwise, along the oblique abdominal muscles. This is followed by exercises for the abdominal muscles. The baby is supported by both handles set aside to the sides, accompanying the movement with words, they raise the upper half of the body from a supine position. The masseur helps him roll over onto his stomach over his right side, stimulating this movement with verbal commands. Further, during the massage, the back is worked out to the child for 5 months. All massage techniques can be used. Then the child turns on his back again, the masseur acts on the abdominal press, stroking the tummy clockwise, along the oblique abdominal muscles. This is followed by exercises for the abdominal muscles. The baby is supported by both handles set aside to the sides, accompanying the movement with words, they raise the upper half of the body from a supine position. The masseur helps him roll over onto his stomach over his right side, stimulating this movement with verbal commands. Further, during the massage, the back is worked out to the child for 5 months. All massage techniques can be used. Then the child turns on his back again, the masseur acts on the abdominal press, stroking the tummy clockwise, along the oblique abdominal muscles. This is followed by exercises for the abdominal muscles. The baby is supported by both handles set aside to the sides, accompanying the movement with words, they raise the upper half of the body from a supine position.the massage therapist acts on the abdominal press, stroking the tummy clockwise, along the oblique abdominal muscles. This is followed by exercises for the abdominal muscles. The baby is supported by both handles set aside to the sides, accompanying the movement with words, they raise the upper half of the body from a supine position.the massage therapist acts on the abdominal press, stroking the tummy clockwise, along the oblique abdominal muscles. This is followed by exercises for the abdominal muscles. The baby is supported by both handles set aside to the sides, accompanying the movement with words, they raise the upper half of the body from a supine position.

Massage for a 5-month-old child continues rubbing and reflex movements of the feet. Next, the masseur deals with the child's chest, focusing on the intercostal spaces and vibrational movements. The effects on the chest are extremely important as they improve breathing and help prevent inflammation of the lower respiratory tract. The massage for babies 5 months ends with passive and active movements in the arms and legs.
What should be combined with therapeutic and wellness massage
For the harmonious development of the baby, one massage may not be enough. At 5 months, it is necessary to continue daily water procedures in warm water in the evenings. A massage for a 5-month-old child should precede such a bath. You can add sea salt and herbal decoctions to the water. In the water, let the child move freely, stimulate his movements. Hardening a child is also possible at this age. Pour water from a jug on your baby after a bath. The water temperature in it for the first time should be one degree lower than in the bath. Then gradually reduce the temperature of the hardening water (up to 25-28 degrees). Daily walks, breastfeeding, communication with relatives, playing with educational toys - all this will benefit your baby. Remember that the most important thing for a child is your love and attention. Massaging your 5 month old baby strengthens your emotional bond.
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