Massage for a baby at 2 months

Baby massage is becoming more and more popular as its benefits become more evident. Baby massage is used by parents to help improve the baby's sleep and motor skills. It also helps relieve colic and bloating in babies. Massaging a baby 2 months old can even help boost the immune system. This is a great way to increase parent-child contact and can easily be incorporated into your childcare routine.
Massage for a 2 month old baby: practical advice
At the age of two months, the baby begins to gradually raise and maintain the head in an upright position. At this age, massage can include both gentle stroking and rubbing, vibrating and kneading. During this massage, you can use various oils, the main thing is to make sure that they include natural ingredients and do not cause allergic reactions in the child.
Massage for newborns 2 months of age will help relieve colic and bloating, relax the intestines and muscles of the arms and legs, which are in good shape at this age, and the stroking movements of the mother's hands will have a soothing effect on his nervous system.
Since the skin of babies at this age is still quite thin and very delicate, rubbing must be carried out with great care, and if any rashes were found on the child's skin, for example, diathesis, rubbing will have to be completely abandoned.
Massaging a 2 month old baby can be done as a soothing effect before bedtime, gentle stroking will soothe an overexcited baby and promote fast sleep, healthy and sound sleep.
It is with stroking movements that a session of any massage for a 2-month-old child should begin and end, followed by a gentle rubbing of the baby's skin, which improves blood circulation, helps to relax muscles, and also has a positive effect on tendons and ligaments. Rubbing is carried out with the pads of the fingers in a spiral (describing circles with the fingers) and in a parallel direction, for the back region, vertical sawing movements can be used, and for the legs and arms, circular movements from the foot to the hip and from the wrist to the shoulder. This is followed by kneading movements, which will help improve blood circulation and lymph flow, have a positive effect on the muscles and will help nourish even the deepest tissues. Kneading is carried out with slightly pinching movements along the longitudinal muscles of the back, buttocks, legs and arms.
As a vibrating motion during massage for newborns 2 months of age, you can use gentle shaking and shaking, which will help calm the baby's nervous system, relax his muscles and contribute to a mild pain relieving effect.
Another important point when performing a massage for a 2-month-old child is constant verbal contact with the baby, in which he will catch the mother's voice and intonation, which will have a calming effect on the baby.
Exercises and stages of massage for babies 2 months
Your baby's feet are a good place to start massage as they are less sensitive than some other parts of their body. Using a little natural oil for massage, it is necessary to carry out gentle stroking movements with one hand after the other, which will stimulate blood circulation and strengthen the baby's ligaments and muscles. After the thighs, calf muscles and legs, it is necessary to stretch the child's feet, massage each of his toes, then rub each foot and tap them a little with your knuckles.

The second stage of massage for newborns 2 months of age is shaking hands. It is necessary to make sure that the child clasps the thumbs of the mother's hands with his hands and squeezes them into the fists, in turn, the mother with four free fingers should clasp his hands and spread the baby's arms in different directions and perform light vibration movements. Then, with your thumbs, you need to massage the baby's palms with small circular movements.
After the hands, you can proceed to the next stage of massage for a 2-month-old child - extension of the spine. To do this, laying the child on the side, you need to run one hand along his spine, and with the other hand hold his legs. In turn, the child will reflexively respond to this touch and flex and unbend the spine. Having finished with the spine, you can lightly massage the child's back and give him the opportunity to lie on his stomach for a while and rest (1-2 minutes). After the back, you need to go to the abdominal massage, which is carried out in a circular motion and stroking the oblique abdominal muscles (to prevent umbilical hernia), you can also massage the abdomen a little with your palm in a circle (clockwise) to stimulate the intestines. Then you need to walk on the baby's chest with circular stroking movements and shake it gently several times.
Having finished with the chest, you can proceed to the next stage of massage for a 2-month-old child - rocking the baby in the embryo position, for which you need to take the baby so that his chin lies on his chest, bent legs were pressed to his stomach, knees were slightly apart, and feet connected. Rocking the baby in this position is the last stage of massage for babies 2 months of age.
Having finished with the massage, you need to give the child the opportunity to crawl a little, for which you need to turn him over on his stomach, spread his legs in different directions so that the feet are connected and the knees are divorced (frog pose). Then it is necessary for the mother to put her palms to the feet of the child so that he can push off from them and in this way, like a caterpillar, move slightly forward, because the baby will reflexively unbend its legs.
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